163 research outputs found

    Spectroelectrochemistry: A Survey of In-Situ Spectroscopic Techniques

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    In this technical paper a summary of the available in situ spectroelectrochemical methods, their basic principles, their typical applications, and their limitations is given. With respect to the names of the methods and usual abbreviations, the paper follows the literature as far as possible, but tries to point out inconsistencies. An introductory section gives a summary of the basic equations and introduces the IUPAC recommendations for quantities and symbols

    Characterization of Siloxane-poly(methyl methacrylate) Hybrid Films Obtained on a Tinplate Substrate Modified by the Addition of Organic and Inorganic Acids

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    Tinplate is used to food packaging and other types of packages. The corrosion resistance of the tinplate has been study due the necessity of an alternative to high environmental impact of chromatization process. Therefore protective coatings as hybrid films base elaborations with different acids are studied to improve the barrier effect against corrosion. The objective of this work is characterize hybrid films deposited on a tinplate from a sol made up of the alkoxide precursors 3-(trimethoxysilylpropyl) methacrylate (TMSM), tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) together with one of three acids (acetic, hydrochloric or nitric acid) and to verify their action against the corrosion of the substrate. The films were obtained by a dip-coating process and cured for 3 hours at 160 °C. The film hydrophobicity was determined by contact angle measurements, and the morphology was evaluated by SEM. FTIR measurements were performed to characterize the chemical structures of the films. The electrochemical behavior of the coatings was evaluated by techniques open circuit potential monitoring (OCP), potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results demonstrate that the siloxane-PMMA films improve the protective properties of the tinplate, with the films obtained by acetic acid addition exhibiting the greatest improvement

    Untersuchungen über die transpassive Auflösung des Chroms als Chromat

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    Des phases intermédiaires, ayant une anisotropie uniaxiale, sont caractérisées par les parties réelles et imaginaires des intégrales [MATH] Ces résultats sont obtenus par application stricte de la théorie de continuum de Maxwell pour le cas d'une frontière de phase perturbée utilisant des conditions intégrales de limite. Pour la détermination complète de ces quantités, quatre valeurs expérimentales sont nécessaires. Celles-ci sont les réflectivités ƊR/R et les différences de phase Ɗφ qu'on peut obtenir à l'aide de la spectroscopie de réflexion avec de la lumière polarisée parallèlement et perpendiculairement. La méthode mathématique des transformations de type "Kramers-Kronig" et la détermination expérimentale de Ɗφ par interférométrie sont décrites. L'application de la méthode "Kramers-Kronig" est démontrée pour le cas des couches d'oxyde de platine sur Pt et pour l'adsorption de rhodamine B sur Pt et Ag. Pour le cas du système oxyde de platine sur Pt la componente tangentielle [MATH] et la componente normale [MATH] de [MATH] sont déterminées en plus. Dans le cas de couches organiques adsorbées, les intégrales sont discutées en tenant compte de l'orientation des molécules organiques sur la surface.It follows from a derivation of Fresnel's reflection coefficients using integral boundary conditions that within the framework of the Maxwell continuum theory four quantities can be determined for an interface with uniaxial anisotropy. These quantities are the real and imaginary parts of the integrals [MATH] ([MATH] = tangential component, [MATH] normal component of the dielectric constant tensor, [MATH] dielectric constant of the reference state). To determine these quantities four experimental values are necessary. These values can be obtained by the additional determination of the phase change Ɗφ in reflection spectroscopy with parallel and perpendicular polarized light. The Kramers-Kronig transformation method and the possible measurement of Ɗφ by interferometry are described. Examples for the Kramers-Kronig transformation method are the determination of the phase change during reflection Ɗφ for platinum oxide layers on Pt and for rhodamin B adsorption layers on Pt and Ag. From ƊR/R and Ɗφ the integrals are calculated. In the case of platinum oxide on Pt additionally the tangential and normal component of [MATH] are derived. In the case of the organic adsorption layers the integrals are discussed with regard to the orientation of the organic molecules on the surface

    Die Wiederaufarbeitung von Batterien

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    Les structures et les propriétés optiques de monocouches organiques adsorbées sur une électrode de platine ont été étudiées par réflectivité différentielle. Nous observons des effets électrochromiques pour des monocouches de p-amino-nitrobenzène, de p-diméthylamino-nitrosobenzène et de p-diméthylamino-nitrostilbène. Les mesures donnent des informations sur l'orientation des molécules adsorbées sur l'électrode. Les effets électrochromiques peuvent être employés pour calculer le champ électrique dans la couche double. Finalement, les spectres de l'anthracène adsorbé sur une électrode de platine sont présentés.The structures and properties of organic monolayers adsorbed on a polished platinum electrode were studied with the help of modulation reflectance spectroscopy. The monolayers of p-amino-nitrobenzene, p-dimethylamino-nitrosobenzene, and p-dimethylamino-nitrostilbene show electrochromic effects what allows the determination of the orientation of the adsorbed molecules and finally the calculation of the double layer field strength. In addition to that, the MR spectrum of anthracene adsorbed on a platinum electrode was also detected