196 research outputs found

    Elaboração de um folder impresso de práticas corporais em saúde mental

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    O estudo consiste na elaboração de um folder de práticas corporais para pacientes em situação de alta de uma unidade de internação psiquiátrica de um hospital geral universitário. As práticas envolvem a realização de exercícios físicos e meditação / mindfulness. A prática de atividades físicas e a meditação / mindfulness podem auxiliar na melhora de importantes componentes da saúde corporal, como no ganho de força muscular e resistência física, no controle do peso corporal, na regulação da ansiedade e aumento da disposição para atividades diárias, proporcionando maior qualidade de vida a estas pessoas. A elaboração deste folder pode auxiliar a adoção de condutas padrão e viabilizar e uniformizar a prescrição de treinos para os pacientes que possuem indicação para continuar realizando práticas corporais após a internação. Uma metodologia específica para a elaboração de produtos foi aplicada, avaliando a consistência do produto quanto a seus objetivos, estrutura (apresentação) e relevância. Foram consultados profissionais de saúde para a etapa de qualificação do material. Este produto será disponibilizado impresso para os pacientes da referida unidade.The study consists in the elaboration of a body practices folder for patients discharged from a psychiatric inpatient unit of a general university hospital. The practices involve physical exercise and meditation / mindfulness. The practice of physical activities and meditation / mindfulness can help to improve important components of body health, such as gaining muscle strength and physical endurance, controlling body weight, regulating anxiety and increasing the willingness for daily activities, providing better quality of life for these people. The elaboration of this folder can help the adoption of standard conducts and facilitate and standardize the training prescription for patients who are indicated to continue performing bodily practices after hospitalization. A specific methodology for the elaboration of products was applied, evaluating the consistency of the product in terms of its objectives, structure (presentation) and relevance. Health professionals were consulted for the material qualification stage. This product will be made available printed for the patients of that unit

    A story of the Nitra school

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    Improving spanning trees by upgrading nodes

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    Controlling quantum effects in enhanced strong-field ionisation with machine-learning techniques

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    We study non-classical pathways and quantum interference in enhanced ionisation of diatomic molecules in strong laser fields using machine learning techniques. Quantum interference provides a bridge, which facilitates intramolecular population transfer. Its frequency is higher than that of the field, intrinsic to the system and depends on several factors, for instance the state of the initial wavepacket or the internuclear separation. Using dimensionality reduction techniques, namely t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) and principal component analysis (PCA), we investigate the effect of multiple parameters at once and find optimal conditions for enhanced ionisation in static fields, and controlled ionisation release for two-colour driving fields. This controlled ionisation manifests itself as a step-like behaviour in the time-dependent autocorrelation function. We explain the features encountered with phase-space arguments, and also establish a hierarchy of parameters for controlling ionisation via phase-space Wigner quasiprobability flows, such as specific coherent superpositions of states, electron localisation and internuclear-distance ranges.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figure

    A pre-clinical validation plan to evaluate analytical sensitivities of molecular diagnostics such as BD MAX MDR-TB, Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra and FluoroType MTB

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    Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) and antibiotic resistances are imperative to initiate effective treatment and to stop transmission of the disease. A new generation of more sensitive, automated molecular TB diagnostic tests has been recently launched giving microbiologists more choice between several assays with the potential to detect resistance markers for rifampicin and isoniazid. In this study, we determined analytical sensitivities as 95% limits of detection (LoD(95)) for Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra (XP-Ultra) and BD-MAX MDR-TB (BD-MAX) as two representatives of the new test generation, in comparison to the conventional FluoroType MTB (FT-MTB). Test matrices used were physiological saline solution, human and a mucin-based artificial sputum (MUCAS) each spiked with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in declining culture- and qPCR-controlled concentrations. With BD-MAX, XP-Ultra, and FTMTB, we measured LoD(95)(TB) values of 2.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 0.9-23.3), 3.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 1.288.9), and 52.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 16.7-664.4) in human sputum;of 6.3 cfu/ml (CI95%: 2.931.8), 1.5 cfu/ml (CI95%: 0.7-5.0), and 30.4 cfu/ml (CI95%: 17.4-60.7) in MUCAS;and of 2.3 cfu/ml (CI95%: 1.1-12.0), 11.5 cfu/ml (CI95%: 5.6-47.3), and 129.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 82.8-273.8) in saline solution, respectively. LoD(95) of resistance markers were 9 to 48 times higher compared to LoD(95)(TB). BD-MAX and XP-Ultra have an equal and significantly increased analytical sensitivity compared to conventional tests. MUCAS resembled human sputum, while both yielded significantly different results than normal saline. MUCAS proved to be suitable for quality control of PCR assays for TB diagnostics