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    Razvoj dugoročnih odnosa podrazumijeva stalnu interakciju između poduzeća i potrošača. U radu se analizira proces odlučivanja o kupnji usluga mobilnih operatera, od spoznaje potrebe do poslijekupovnog ponašanja. Tržište mobilnih operatera u Republici Hrvatskoj u potpunosti je aktivno i dinamično. S razvojem tehnologije i pojavom pametnih mobitela iz godine u godinu raste i broj korisnika ovih uređaja. Mobilni operatori su prinuđeni da stimuliraju svoje korisnike na različite načine - inovativnim uslugama, različitim paketima usluga po mjeri korisnika, nižim cijenama i raznim drugim pogodnostima. Razvoj mobilnih tehnologija i sve veća upotreba pametnih mobitela stavila je u prvi plan mobilne operatere kao važne faktore širenja ove tehnologije na tržištu. Praćenje kupovnih odluka kupaca potiče veću mobilnost na tržištu. Da bi bili konkurentni, pružatelji usluga mobilne telefonije trebaju pružiti uslugu u skladu s potrebama i stavovima korisnika.The development of long-term relationships implies constant interaction between companies and consumers. The paper analyzes the process of decision making on the purchase of mobile service providers, from the knowledge of the need to post-secondary behavior. The mobile operator market in the Republic of Croatia is fully active and dynamic. With the development of technology and the emergence of smart phones year by year, the number of users of these devices is growing. Mobile operators have been forced to stimulate their users in a variety of ways - innovative services, different user service packages, lower prices, and various other benefits. The development of mobile technologies and the increasing use of smartphones has put mobile operators in the forefront as important factors in spreading this technology in the market. Monitoring customer purchasing decisions encourages greater market mobility. In order to be competitive, mobile phone service providers should provide the service according to the needs and attitudes of users


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    Razvoj dugoročnih odnosa podrazumijeva stalnu interakciju između poduzeća i potrošača. U radu se analizira proces odlučivanja o kupnji usluga mobilnih operatera, od spoznaje potrebe do poslijekupovnog ponašanja. Tržište mobilnih operatera u Republici Hrvatskoj u potpunosti je aktivno i dinamično. S razvojem tehnologije i pojavom pametnih mobitela iz godine u godinu raste i broj korisnika ovih uređaja. Mobilni operatori su prinuđeni da stimuliraju svoje korisnike na različite načine - inovativnim uslugama, različitim paketima usluga po mjeri korisnika, nižim cijenama i raznim drugim pogodnostima. Razvoj mobilnih tehnologija i sve veća upotreba pametnih mobitela stavila je u prvi plan mobilne operatere kao važne faktore širenja ove tehnologije na tržištu. Praćenje kupovnih odluka kupaca potiče veću mobilnost na tržištu. Da bi bili konkurentni, pružatelji usluga mobilne telefonije trebaju pružiti uslugu u skladu s potrebama i stavovima korisnika.The development of long-term relationships implies constant interaction between companies and consumers. The paper analyzes the process of decision making on the purchase of mobile service providers, from the knowledge of the need to post-secondary behavior. The mobile operator market in the Republic of Croatia is fully active and dynamic. With the development of technology and the emergence of smart phones year by year, the number of users of these devices is growing. Mobile operators have been forced to stimulate their users in a variety of ways - innovative services, different user service packages, lower prices, and various other benefits. The development of mobile technologies and the increasing use of smartphones has put mobile operators in the forefront as important factors in spreading this technology in the market. Monitoring customer purchasing decisions encourages greater market mobility. In order to be competitive, mobile phone service providers should provide the service according to the needs and attitudes of users