28 research outputs found

    Epidemiological and economic efects on implementation of continuous vaccination of pigs against classical swine fever in the Republic of Serbia

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    virusnog porekla, čije pojavljivanje ima izuzetno veliki zdravstveni, socijalni i ekonomski uticaj. U mnogim delovima sveta, veliki napori i sredstva se ulažu u sprečavanje pojavljivanje bolesti i smanjenja ekonomskih troškova izazvanih KKS a sve u cilju njenog potpunog iskorenjivanja. Bolest se pojavljuje u većem broju zemalja Azije, centralne i južne Amerike, delovima Afrike i Evrope. Uspeh u iskorenjivanju postignut je u većem broju država, uključujući Severnu Ameriku, Australaziju i Severnu Evropu, gde se status zemalja slobodnih od KKS održava bez primene vakcinacije. U Zapadnoj Evropi, ostvarena je progresivna eradikacija u toku poslednje dve dekade 20. veka uz zabranu vakcinacije u zemljama članicama EU od 1990. godine. Međutim, periodično je dolazilo do unošenja virusa KKS u populaciju domaćih svinja preko divljih svinja ili uvozom domaćih svinja iz inostranstva. Pojava KKS u zemljama koje ne primenjuju preventivnu vakcinaciju ili su slobodne od bolesti može dovesti do velikih epizootija jer je celokupna populacija domaćih svinja veoma prijemčiva na virus. Zbog toga je kontinuirano vršenje aktivnog i pasivnog nadzora nad KKS od fundamentalnog značaja za sprečavanje pojave i širenja ove zaraze jer doprinosi da se eventualno izbijanje bolesti otkrije na vreme kao i da se brzo uspostave kontrolne mere u cilju sprečavanja daljeg širenja virusa KKS. Za efikasno sprovođenje potpunog iskorenjivanja KKS, pored definisanja principa kontrole KKS, kratkoročnih, srednjoročnih i dugoročnih prioritetnih aktivnosti, obezbeđivanja odgovarajućeg pravnog okvira, dijaloga i podele odgovornosti između najvažnijih institucija, službi i poslovnih subjekata, potrebno je osigurati odgovarajuće finansijske, kadrovske i druge resurse, kao i kontinuiranu edukaciju i jačanje kapaciteta nadležnih službi. U ispitivanjima su opisani epizootiološki i ekonomski aspekti Programa kontrole KKS uz primenu vakcinacije koji se sprovodio od 2006. do 2012. godine, pravni okvir i strateške mere koju državna veterinarska administracija i operativne veterinarske službe sprovode u cilju kontrole i potpunog iskorenjivanja KKS u Srbiji, kao i efekti primene tih mera...Classical swine fever (Pestis suum clasica, Hog cholera, Schweinepest, CSF) is a highly contagious viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boar, which has huge health, social and economic impact worldwide. In many parts of the world, significant efforts and resources were employed in order to prevent outbreaks and reduce losses and costs, with overall objective to eradicate it. Outbreaks of CSF are notified in many contries in Asia, central and southern part of Americas, some areas in Africa and Europe. Some countries has experienced success in eradication, namely in North America, Australasia and North Europe, and in keeping the country’s status as free of CSF without vaccination. In Western Europe, progressive eradication without vacciantion is achieved in last two decades of 20th century, with total ban of vaccination declared from 1990. However, some perodical epizodes of introduction of CSF virus from wild boar to domestic pig population, or by import of live pigs, were reported. Emerging cases of CSF, particularly in countries where vaccination is not in place or in countires declared the status as free from the disease, can cause large epizootics, since the naive pig population is very susceptible to the virus. Therefore, the continuous active and pasive surveillance is of utmost importance for prevention of spreading the diseases which will improve capacities for timely detection of possible outbreaks and effective implementation of relevant control measures to prevent further spreading of disease. For effective imlementetion of total elimination of CSF, beside clear definition of main control principles, short-term, and long-term priority activities, adequate legal framework, and effective dialogue for sharing responsibilities among main interested parites, it is necessary to ensure financial, human and other resources, as well as continuous education and capacity building of competent authorities. In this investigation, economical and epidemiological aspects of CSF eradication program with vaccination policy implemented from 2006 to 2012, were described, with the current legal base and strategic actvities carried out by the state veterinary administration and field veterinary services with the aim to control and totaly eradicate CSF in Serbia, with effects of implementation such measures..

    Isolation and identification of Brucella suis biotype 2 from epididymal puncture performed on a boar affected with brucellosis

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    The causal agent of swine brucellosis is Brucella suis. Within the scope of the kinds of Brucella suis, there are five biotypes, but only biotypes 1, 2 and 3 lead to swine infections. Human infections with Brucella suis biotype 2 are rarely registered. Swine brucellosis is widespread all over the world. It has been noted that the incidence of swine population infected with Brucella suis in Western Europe has been increasing during the recent years. The goal of this project was to isolate, identify and typify the causal agent from epididymal puncture performed on a boar with conditions suspicious of brucellosis, using standard microbiological methods. The results of the research show that Brucella suis biotype 2 can be successfully isolated and identified from a sample obtained by means of epididymal puncture of live animals. Therefore, epididymal puncture gives us a certain, reliable and important sample derived from a live animal for a direct diagnostic of boar brucellosis. The above mentioned first isolate of Brucella suis biotype 2 epididymal puncture, has been marked as K-1

    Antigena srodnost gram negativnih bakterija sa pojavom cross reaktivnosti u serološkim reakcijama

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    Serology diagnosis, the demonstration of a seroconversion to an antigen of the infecting organism, has been used as an additional or alternative procedure to culture isolation for diagnosis of infectious diseases. Serological tests indirectly detect infectious diseases in animals. The identification is based on the detection on specific antibodies against antigens of certain causative agents. Reactions in vivo and in vitro of antibodies and antigens are highly specific. The smallest unit of a complex antigen that is capable of binding to an antibody is known as an antigenic determinant or epitope. Bacterial antigens could possess identical or similar epitopes, which are the cause of serological cross-reactivity. Possible cross-reaction between related antigens can limit the serological test's specificity. .Kao dopunske ili alternativne metode klasičnoj izolaciji i determinaciji infektivnih agenasa koriste se i različiti serološki testovi. U ispitujućim uzorcima krvnih seruma određuje se prisustvo specifičnih antitela protiv antigena određenih uzročnika. Specifičnost reakcije in vivo i in vitro zavisi od determinantnih grupa (epitopa) na molekulima antigena i odgovarajućih aktivnih mesta na molekulima antitela. Zbog prisustva hemijski identičnih ili sličnih struktura polisaharidne ili polipeptidne prirode u omotačima bakterija i flagelama postoje srodni antigeni između više vrsta bakterija. Ovi srodni antigeni kod različitih vrsta nazivaju se heterofilni antigeni i odgovorni su za veći broj unakrsnih - cross reakcija u serološkim testovima. Poznavanje antigene srodnosti bakterija je neophodno za izvođenje visoko specifičnih seroloških testova i preciznu dijagnozu određenih infektivnih oboljenja životinja

    Trihineloza u Srbiji i mogućnost unapređenja kontrolnih mera

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    Background. Trichinellosis is zoonotic disease caused by parasites of the genus Trichinella, which have a cosmopolitan distribution. In the Balkan region, including Serbia, trichinellosis is endemic. Although trichinellosis shows a decreasing incidence in Serbia, this disease remains a serious problem for human health and animal husbandry. Scope and Approach. To prevent and control Trichinella spp. infections in domestic and sylvatic animals, risk analysis for these zoonotic parasites should be conducted. In Serbia, a limited number of Trichinella have been identified to the species level so far. An institutional, multi-sectoral surveillance system, supported by an adequate legal framework for the detection, surveillance, prevention, control and reporting of this infection in animals and humans, harmonized with the EU legislation, is a priority. Key Findings and Conclusions. One of the main goals of the Serbian veterinary and public health services should be progressive improvement of animal rearing practices, food safety, and hunters' and consumers' education through the "One-health" approach.Uvod. Trihineloza je zoonotska bolest uzrokovana parazitima roda Trichinella koji imaju kosmopolitsku rasprostranjenost. U regionu Balkana, uključujući Srbiju, trihineloza je endemska. Iako trihineloza pokazuje trend smanjenja učestalosti u Srbiji, ova bolest ostaje ozbiljan problem za zdravlje ljudi i stočarstvo. Cilj i pristup. Za sprečavanje i kontrolu infekcije domaćih i silvatičnih životinja trihinelama, treba sprovesti analizu rizika za ove zoonotske parazite. U Srbiji je do sada identifikovan ograničeni broj trihinela na nivou vrste. U tom smislu, priorit je institucionalni, multisektorski sistem nadzora, podržan odgovarajućim pravnim okvirom za otkrivanje, nadzor, prevenciju, kontrolu i izveštavanje o ovoj infekciji kod životinja i ljudi, usklađen sa zakonodavstvom EU. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva veterinarske i zdravstvene službe trebalo bi biti progresivno unapređenje prakse uzgoja životinja, bezbednost hrane i obrazovanja lovaca i potrošača kroz pristup "One-Health"

    Ekonomska evaluacija modela programa za praćenje i eradikaciju trihineloze

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    Introduction. Trichinellosis is a cosmopolitan anthropozoonosis, and is a group of systemic diseases caused by larval forms of Trichinella. This is one of the oldest and most controversial parasitic zoonoses that has been in the forefront of veterinary, medical and biological research for many years. Parasites from the genus Trichinella were diagnosed in more than one hundred species of domestic and wild mammals and birds. The aim of this study was economic evaluation of a program for monitoring and controlling Trichinella in pigs. Materials and Methods. A systematic pest rodent control program deemed suitable for monitoring and controlling Trichinella in pigs was implemented in a representative test zone. The results of the pest rodent control program were analyzed using cost-benefit analysis to determine if a similar program would be suitable for a larger land area. Results and Conclusions. Prior to pest control, the incidence of Trichinella in pigs living in the test zone increased annually, while after systematic pest rodent control, the incidence of Trichinella-positive pigs decreased. These results, as well as relevant economic indicators, enabled us to design two mathematical models describing the control and monitoring of Trichinella in a larger land area. In this area, Srem Region, Serbia, a suitable Trichinella control program in pigs is clearly justified because the profit to cost ratio was positive for both models.Uvod. Trihineloza je kosmopolitska antropozoonoza, koja se ubraja u grupu sistemskih bolesti, a prouzrokovana je larvenim oblicima valjkastog crva Trichinella species. Ona je jedna od najstarijih i najupornijih parazitskih zoonoza koja se već duži niz godina nalazi u žiži interesovanja veterinarskih, medicinskih i bioloških naučno-istraživačkih radnika. Paraziti iz roda Trichinella dijagnostikovani su u više od sto vrsta domaćih i divljih sisara i ptica. Postavljeni cilj ovog istraživanja je procena efikasnosti programa za prac'enje i iskorenjivanje trihineloze pomoću analize dobiti i troškova. Materijal i metode. Procena efikasnosti programa za prac'enje i iskorenjivanje trihineloze urađena je kroz analizu dobiti i troškova U jednom naseljenom mestu izvedena je kontrolisana sistemska deratizacija. Rezultati i zaključak. Pre deratizacije pojava trihineloze u naseljenom mestu imala je pravolinijsku uzlaznu tendenciju, dok je nakon sistematske deratizacije tendencija pojave pozitivnih slučajeva bila negativna. Rezultati dobijeni na ovaj način, kao i relevantni ekonomski pokazatelji, omoguc'ili su NAM da dizajniramo dva programska modela za kontrolu, prac'enje i iskorenjivanje ove parazitoze na ovom području. Na osnovu analize dobiti i troškova dizajniranih modela utvrđena je opravdanost programa, jer je koeficijent odnosa dobiti i troškova bio pozitivan za oba modela

    Infekcije goveda izazvane Salmonella vrstama

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    Salmonellosis is an important zoonosis manifested in very different clinical picture including enteritis, septicemia, abortion, and combination of disease syndromes. Only 10 to 12 serovars of the Salmonella spp. are capable to causing disease in cattle including Salmonella dublin, S.typhimurium and S. bovismorbificans. In contrast to most other Salmonella serovars, S.dublin shows a high degree of host specificity for cattle. Infection of cattle with S.dublin may be inapparent with carrier state and disease tends to become endemic on certain farms. .Salmoneloza je važna zoonoza sa veoma različitom kliničkom slikom koja manifestuje enteritisom, septikemijom, abortusima i kombinovanim simptomima bolesti. Samo 10 do 12 serovarijeteta Salmonella spp. dovodi do infekcije goveda uključujući Salmonella dublin, S.typhimurium and S. bovismorbificans.

    Q fever - Epizootiological enigma

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    Oboljenje o kome prvi podaci datiraju od pre 80 godina i dalje predstavlja značajan epizootiološki ali i epidemiološki problem pa slobodno može da se kaže da ovom oboljenju sasvim pristaje naziv sumnjiva, tj. nepoznata groznica (Query fever). Balkanski grip, kako su ovo oboljenje nazvali nemački vojnici tokom Drugog svetskog rata, često zna da iznenadi epizootiološku i epidemiološku službu u regionu. Po pravilu, prvi slučajevi obolevanja ljudi uslove reakciju epiziootiološke službe. Međutim, svojim karakteristikama Q-groznica zbunjuje kompleksnim načinima održavanja u prirodi, prenošenjem na životinje i ljude i svakako stavlja veterinarsku odnosno epizootiološku službu u nezavidan položaj. Danas se smatra da je u enzootskim podru'jima, nemoguća eradikacija ovog oboljenja. Većinom opšte mere profilakse u veterinarskoj medicini, kao rezultat imaju smanjivanje incidencije kod životinja i ljudi, a primena inaktivisanih vakcina u novije vreme omogućava i kontrolu Q-groznice. Ipak, mere koje su predviđene da se sprovode tokom epizootije (i epidemije), većim delom predstavljaju skup opštih zoohigijenskih principa, a manjim delom se odnose na ciljane aktivnosti. Istovremeno, nepoznavanje epizootioloških karakteristika Q-groznice dovodi do zabune i često predstavlja problem u sagledavanju i proceni uspeha sprovedenih mera. Jedan od osnovnih uslova za borbu protiv Q-groznice jeste definisanje lokacija u regionu Balkana u kojima je prevalencija visoka uz postojanje značajnog rizika od povećane incidencije obolevanja ljudi i životinja. Sumirajući rezultate koji su dobijeni analizom pojavljivanja Q-groznice u R. Srbiji, kao i koristeći iskustva susednih regiona (zemalja), načini suzbijanja i kontrole ovog infektivnog oboljenja koje je značajna zoonoza mogli bi da se učine uspešnijim ili barem razumljivijim.The disease from which the first records date from 80 years ago and continues to be a significant epizootiologic or epidemiological problem, so we can be free to say that this disease is quite doubtful, so that the name fits. unknown fever (Query fever). Balkan grip, as this disease called by German soldiers during the Second World War, was often known to surprise epidemiological service in the region. As a rule, the first cases of people morbidity terms the reaction of epizootiological service. However, with their characteristics, Q fever confuses with complex ways of maintaining in nature, transferring on animals and people, and certainly puts the veterinary or epizootilogical service in unenviable position. Today, it is considered that in enzootic areas, eradication of this disease is impossible. Most of the general measures of prophylaxis in veterinary medicine, as a result have reduction of incidence in animals and humans, and the use of inactivated vaccines in recent times can be used to control Q fever. However, measures foreseen to be implemented during the epizooties (epidemics), largely represent a set of general zoohygienic principles, and partly are related to the targeted activities. At the same time, lack of epizootic characteristics of Q fever, lead to confusion and often is a problem in analyzing and assessing of implemented measures success. One of the basic conditions for the battle against Q fever is to define the location in the Balkan region, where is high prevalence and substantial risk of increased incidence of morbidity humans and animals. Summarizing the results obtained by analyzing occurrence of Q fever in the Republic of Serbia, as well using the experience of neighboring regions (countries) in ways to battle and control this infectious disease, which is an important zoonotic disease, could be more successful or at least comprehensible

    Veterinarski informacioni menadžment sistem (VIMS) u procesu prijavljivanja i menadžmenta zaraznih bolesti

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    A prerequisite to the development of an efficient animal health, food safety and traceability management system in the animal food production chain is the implementation of an integrated veterinary informational management system (VIMS) capable for the capture, storage, analysis and retrieval of data and providing the opportunity for the cumulative gathering of the knowledge and capability for its competent interpretation. Such a system will enable collecting appropriate data, including quality management and inspection controls, from all establishments and commodities in the 'from farm to fork' food production chain (farms, holdings, slaughterhouses, laboratories, traders etc.) in a structured, predefined format, and facilitate competent analyses and reporting of such data, as well as the improvement of the existing programs and strategies. The role of information system in animal disease diagnosis, surveillance and notification, control of national and international trade of commodities, food safety management, investigation of diseases, predictive microbiology and quantitative risk assessment is of great importance for the quality of veterinary service. Integral part of the VIMS is animal disease notification system designed according to and in compliance with international requirements, standards and recommendation and able to exchange relevant information with similar information systems. The aim of this contribution is to describe national animal disease notification system which is in place in Serbia as a part of VIMS.Preduslov za uspostavljanje efikasnog sistema menadžmenta zdravstvene zaštite životinja, bezbednosti hrane i sledljivosti u lancu proizvodnje hrane je uvođenje integrisanog veterinarskog informacionog menadžment sistema (VIMS) razvijenog na takav način da omogući prikupljanje, čuvanje, analizu i povlačenje podataka i obezbedi kumulativno skupljanje saznanja i njihovu stručnu interpretaciju. Takav sistem će omogućiti prikupljanje podataka, uključujući one iz upravljanja kvalitetom i u okviru inspekcijskih kontrola, od svih objekata u sistemu proizvodnje hrane 'od farme do viljuške' (farme, gazdinstva, klanice, laboratorije, lica koja se bave prometom i dr.) u strukturirano, unapred definisanom obliku, i obezbediti kompetentnu analizu takvih podataka kao i unapređenje postojećih programa i strategija. Uloga informacionih sistema u dijagnostici, nadzoru i prijavljivanju zaraznih bolesti, kontroli unutrašnjeg i međunarodnog prometa, upravljanju bezbednošću hrane, istraživanju žarišta zaraznih bolesti, prediktivnoj mikrobiologiji i kvantitativnoj analizi rizika je od izuzetnog značaja za kvalitet veterinarske službe. Sastavni deo VIMS-a je sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti dizajniran prema i u saglasnosti sa međunarodnim zahtevima, standardima i preporukama i osposobljen da vrši razmenu određenih podatka sa sličnim informacionim sistemima. Cilj ovog rada je da se opiše nacionalni sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti koji je u Srbiji u primeni kao deo VIMS-a

    Sezonska dinamika prisustva culicoides spp u Srbiji u periodu 2015-2016. godine

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    Genus Culicoides spp. includes small insects 0.5-2 mm in length, usually grey or black and at first glance very similar to mosquitoes. They are strictly hematophagous, feeding by attacking hosts outdoors and indoors (although they are less susceptible to the stationing like Aedes mosquitoes do). The sting is very painful at the injection site and often followed by hypersensibilisation with the consequent formation of allergic dermatitis. In addition, the insects carry and transmit a multitude of diseases, often of a zoonotic character, and therefore are of great epidemiological importance. In our country, continuous monitoring of Culicolides spp. has been carried out and seasonal dynamics of their appearance in the period 2015-2016 is presented in this article. During October 2015, the presence of Culicolides spp. was confirmed in 10.00% of samples; in November, their presence was not established, whereas in December, 2.35% of samples proved positive for the presence of Culicolides spp. During 2016, from January to March, no Culicolides spp. were found in any of the examined samples. During April, their prevalence was 9.63%, in May - 6.74%, in June - 3.70%, in July - 15.78%, in August - 18.07%, in September - 27.27%, and in October - 45.65%. In Serbia, the dominant Culicoides spp. species are Obsoletus complex and Pulicaris complex established in 57.21% and 33.37% of samples, respectively. Other species are present in lesser extent. In Obsoletus complex, the dominant species was Culicoides obsoletus/scoticus. The percentage of Culicoides obsoletus /scoticus males in samples was 25.52%. Non-pigmented (young) females were present in 66.06% of samples; females who took blood in 7.55% and 0.87% were gravid females. In Pulicaris complex, the dominant species was Culicoides pulicaris. Males of Culicoides pulicaris were found in 19.23% of samples, non-pigmented (young) females in 70.96%, females who took blood in 9.08% while 0.73% were gravid females.Rod Culicoides spp. su mali insekti veličine 0,5-2 mm, većinom sivkaste ili crne boje i na prvi pogled veoma slični komarcima. Oni su striktne hematofage. Ubod je veoma bolan, a mesta uboda su često hipersenzibilisana uz posledično nastajanje alergijskih dermatitisa. Uz to oni prenose mnoštvo oboljenja često zoonotskog karaktera tako da su od izuzetnog epidemiološkog značaja. U našoj zemlji se vrši stalni monitoring Culicolides-a i ovde dajemo prikaz sezonske dinamike njihovog pojavljivanja u periodu 2015-2016.godine. Tokom 2015. godine u oktobru je njihovo prisustvo ustanovljeno u 10.,00% uzoraka, u novembru ih nije bilo, a tokom decembra su bili prisutni u 2,35%. Tokom 2016. godine tokom januara, februara i marta nisu nađeni ni u jednom prispelom uzorku. Tokom aprila meseca njihova prevalencija je iznosila 9,63%, u maju je bila 6,74%, u junu 3,70%, u julu 15,78%, u avgustu 18,07%, u septembru 27,27% i u oktobru 45,65%. U Srbiji su dominantne vrste Culicoides spp. iz Obsoletus kompleksa i ustanovljeni su u 57,21%. Culicoides spp. iz Pulicaris kompleksa ustanovljeni su 33,37% dok su ostale vrste manje zastupljene. Kod Culicoides spp. iz Obsoletus kompleksa dominantna vrsta je bila Culicoides obsoletus/scoticus. Mužjaci su nađeni u 25,52%, nepigmentisane (mlade) ženke u 66,06%, ženke koje su uzele krv u 7,55%, a 0,87% su bile gravidne ženke. Kod Culicoides spp. iz Pulicaris kompleksa dominantna vrsta je bila Culicoides pulicaris. Mužjaci su nađeni u 19,23%, nepigmentisane (mlade) ženke u 70,96%, ženke koje su uzele krv u 9,08%, a 0,73% su bile gravidne ženke

    Trichinella infection in Serbia from 2011 to 2020: a success story in the field of One Health

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    In Serbia, modern pork production systems with implemented control measures, including the detection of Trichinella larvae in meat (ISO18743), have eliminated farmed pork from pigs slaughtered at abattoirs as a source of trichinellosis. Epidemiological data from 2011 to 2020 indicate that the number of human cases and the number of infected domestic pigs has decreased significantly. Over the years, pork was the most frequent source of human infection. Cases generally occurred in small family outbreaks, and the infection was linked to consumption of raw or undercooked pork from backyard pigs. In most of the outbreaks, T. spiralis was the aetiological agent of infection, but in 2016, a large outbreak was caused by consumption of uninspected wild boar meat containing T. britovi larvae. To achieve safe pork, it is important that consumers of pork from animals raised in backyard smallholdings and of wild game meat are properly educated about the risks associated with consumption of untested meat. Laboratories conducting Trichinella testing should have a functional quality assurance system to ensure competency of analysts and that accurate and repeatable results are achieved. Regular participation in proficiency testing is needed