19 research outputs found

    Equine Tendinopathy Therapy Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    The application of animal mesenchymal stem cells has been actively studied in veterinary medicine over the past decade. In horses, the use of stem cells is mainly aimed at the treatment and maintenance of the musculoskeletal system. This review summarizes the currently published data on the therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cells in equine tendon injuries. Tendon lesions are the most common cause of horse limp. It has been demonstrated that the use of mesenchymal stem cells compared with traditional methods of treatment can significantly reduce the re-injury. Currently, there are a large number of stem cell application protocol versions. Many researchers have obtained positive clinical results in using a combination of mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich blood plasma. Studies have demonstrated the safety of using allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells as an alternative to autologous. This review shows that the application of mesenchymal stem cells for horse tendon regeneration is a perspective area in veterinary medicine

    Measles in the city. Main particularities of the epidemic process in different strategies for prevention and control of the situation in modern conditions

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    Departmentul de epidemiologie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină din Ural, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Departmentul de limbi străine, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină din Ural, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Centrul metodologic ştiinţific pentru infecţii asociate asistenţei medicale din Ural şi Siberia, Institutul de Cercetare în Infecţii Virale din Ekaterinburg al Rospotrebnadzor, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, UMMC-Health LTD, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Departamentul de Supraveghere Epidemiologică, Directoratul Rospotrebnadzor în regiunea Sverdlovsk, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Catedra de epidemiologie,Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat. Introducere. Rujeola ramâne a fi actuală în legătură cu înregistrarea în condiţiile actuale a erupţiilor în diferite teritorii. Scopul cercetării a fost de a caracteriza procesul epidemic în rujeolă pe modelul unui oraş mare industrial, în condiţiile aplicării diferitor strategii de vaccinare, pentru a adopta noi decizii administrative privind controlul infecţiiei la etapa eliminării acesteia. Material şi metode. Cercetarea se bazează pe datele rapoartelor statistice privind morbiditatea prin rujeolă în oraşul Ekaterinburg, perioada anilor 1950-2016. Manifestările procesului epidemic au fost studiate cu referire la şase perioade: perioada prevaccinală (1950-1961), perioada de vaccinare selectivă (1962-1965), vaccinarea planificată a copiilor cu vârsta de până la 8 ani (1966-1972), vaccinarea copiilor cu vârsta de până la 14 ani (1973-1986), introducerea revaccinării planificate a copiilor (1987-2001) şi perioada de vaccinoprofilaxie planificată la etapa de eliminare a infecţiei (2002-2016). Rezultate. În perioada prevaccinală, morbiditatea medie anuală prin rujeolă a constituit 1381,7±162,90/0000. Creşterea sezonieră a morbidităţii a fost înregistrată în perioada decembriemai, cu predominarea copiilor în structura grupurilor de vârstă. În perioada de imunizare selectivă, a avut loc o uşoară scădere a morbidităţii, până la 1082,8±189,10/0000. Dinamica anuală şi distribuţia pe grupele de vârstă a cazurilor de rujeolă a fost similară perioadei prevaccinală. În perioada vaccinării de rutină a copiilor cu vârsta de până la 8 ani, s-a determinat o scădere semnificativă a morbidităţii prin rujeolă până la nivelul de 219,8±110,80/0000, observat în toate grupele de vârstă, cu excepţia copiilor în vârstă de 10-14 ani şi a adulţilor. Manifestările sezoniere ale procesului epidemic sunt similare cu perioadele anterioare. În perioada vaccinării de rutină a copiilor cu vârsta de până la 14 ani, a fost înregistrată o scădere suplimentară a morbidităţii până la 89,9±39,10/0000. Introducerea celei de-a doua vaccinări la copiii cu vârsta de 6 ani înainte de şcoală a permis atingerea nivelului sporadic de morbiditate şi modificarea parametrilor de manifestare ale procesul epidemic, caracteristic în perioadele anterioare. Cu toate acestea, în anul 2016 au fost raportate erupţii de rujeolă, în care au fost afectate 72 de persoane. Erupţia a fost cauzată de importul şi răspândirea virusului rujeolic al genotipului D8 în instituţiile medicale, înregistrat în rândul copiilor nevaccinaţi şi al adulţilor. Concluzie. La etapa actuală, pentru a controla procesul epidemic în rujeolă, este necesar de a redefini criteriile de evaluare a siguranţei epidemiologice a teritoriului în ceea ce priveşte extinderea indicaţiilor pentru screeningul pacienţilor cu erupţii cutanate, la prezenţa anticorpilor împotriva rujeolei, controlul strict al imunizării la timp a contingentului decretat (copiii cu vârsta de 1 an şi 6 ani) şi introducerea revaccinării planice a persoanelor cu vârsta sub 50 de ani, la fiecare 10 ani.Abstract. Introduction. Measles infection is still relevant in connection with the registration of the outbreaks of this disease in different territories. The purpose of the research was to characterize the epidemic process of measles in a large industrial city in terms of different strategies for its vaccination, in order to adopt new administrative decisions on infection control at the stage of its elimination. Material and methods. The research is based on data of statistical reports on the incidence of measles in Yekaterinburg from 1950 to 2016. The manifestations of the epidemic process were analyzed for six periods: the period before vaccination (1950-1961), the period of selective immunization (1962-1965), routine vaccination of children up to 8 years (1966-1972), routine vaccination of children up to 14 years (1973-1986), the introduction of mass revaccination of children (1987-2001) and the period of the generalized vaccination at the stage of elimination of the infection (2002-2016). Results. In the period before vaccination the mean annual incidence was 1381.7±162.90/0000, the seasonal rise of incidence was in December-May, children prevailed in the structure of the age groups. In the period of selective immunization there was a slight decline in the incidence to 1082.8±189.10/0000, the dynamics within the year and the age distribution of cases was similar to the period before vaccination. During vaccination of children up to 8 years there was significant decrease in morbidity to the level of 219.8±110.80/0000, which was observed in almost all age groups except for children aged 10-14 years and adults. Seasonal manifestations of the epidemic process were similar to the previous periods. During vaccination of children up to 14 years there was a further decrease in the incidence to 89.9±39.10/0000, but in some years, the outbreaks of the infection were reported. The introduction of the second vaccination to children aged 6 years before school allowed to achieve the sporadic incidence and to change the basic parameters describing the epidemic process in all previous periods. However, against this background, a measles outbreak was reported in 2016 when 72 people were affected. The outbreak was caused by introduction and spread of measles virus of genotype D8 mainly in the medical settings among unvaccinated children and adults. Conclusion. At the present stage, in order to control the epidemic process of measles, it is necessary to redefine the criteria for the evaluation of epidemiological safety of the territory in terms of expansion of indications for screening for antibodies to measles among patients with exanthema, strict control of timeliness of immunization of the decreed population (children aged 1 year and 6 years) and the introduction of routine revaccination of persons under the age of 50 years every 10 years


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    The article considers the problems of innovative crisis management on the exampleof the hotel complex, operating in the Republic of Khakassia (Eastern Siberia), thespecific data of the economic activity of theenterprise, analyzed the ways out of thecrisis based on an innovative approach.В статье рассмотрены проблемы инновационного антикризисного менеджмента на примере гостиничного комплекса, работающего вреспублике Хакасия (ВосточнаяСибирь), приведены конкретные данные хозяйственной деятельности предприятия, проанализированы пути выхода из кризиса на основе инновационного подхода


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    The article describes the methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of economic activities of businesses, taking into account the environmental aspect, presented the problem and the factors affecting the economic interest in the environmental performance of the enterprise.В статье рассмотрены методические подходы к оценке эффективности экономической деятельности хозяйствующего субъекта с учетом экологического аспекта, представлены проблемы и факторы, влияющие на экономический интерес к природоохранной деятельности предприятия

    Zoological researches in Botanical Garden of PetrSU

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    In recent years, the Botanical Garden of Petrozavodsk State University has been paying great attention to zoological research. To date, there have been data on the nesting of some species of birds for 4 years, the study of the fauna of reservoirs, the studies of the necrophilous fauna, the registration of quarantine insects, the study of communities of soil nematodes are carried out annually


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    Cerebral stroke is a multifactorial polygenic disease, predisposition to stroke is determined by the allelic variants of genes that determine the risk of development the disease. The aim: to study the role of the polymorphisms rs1333049 (chromosome 9p 21.3) and rs619203 (chromosome 6q22) in development of stroke in patients with cardiovascular pathology. The study involved 152 patients (92 men, 60 women), including 124 patients with ischemic stroke and 28 people with hemorrhagic stroke and 497 healthy individuals (334 men, 163 women) formed the control group. All patients underwent standard neurological clinical and instrumental examination and molecular genetic testing. The statistical analysis consisted of a standard algorithm of statistical procedures. The results showed a statistically significant predominance of СС genotype polymorphism rs1333049 chromosome 9p 21.3 and GG genotype polymorphism rs619203 chromosome 6q22 among patients with ischemic stroke in comparison with the control group.Церебральный инсульт – это мультифакторное полигенное заболевание, предрасположенность к которому определяется аллельными вариантами генов, детерминирующими риск развития болезни при взаимодействии с определенными внешними факторами Цель: изучить роль полиморфных аллельных вариантов rs1333049 (хромосома 9p 21.3) и rs619203 (хромосома 6q22) в развитии инсульта у больных с сердечно-сосудистой патологией. В исследовании приняли участие 152 пациента (92 мужчины, 60 женщин) с острым нарушением мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК), из них 124 пациента с ишемическим инсультом и 28 человек с геморрагическим инсультом и 497 здоровых лиц (334 мужчины, 163 женщины), составивших контрольную группу. Всем пациентам проведено стандартное неврологическое клинико-инструментальное обследование и молекулярно-генетическое исследование. Статистическая обработка материала включала стандартный алгоритм статистических процедур. Установлено статистически значимое преобладание генотипов СС полиморфного аллельного варианта rs1333049 хромосомы 9p21.3 и GG полиморфного аллельного варианта rs619203 хромосомы 6q22 у пациентов с ишемическим инсультом по сравнению с контрольной группой

    Изменчивость морфометрических показателей красноокрашенных сортов амаранта с высоким содержанием биологически активных веществ в условиях открытого грунта Московской области

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    The study of variability of morphological features in red-colored varieties of amaranth and their correlations at different stages in the conditions of the Moscow region makes it possible to identify features that affect productivity, amount of amaranthine and other biologically active substances. After analyzing vegetative characteristics, the varietal features of amaranth plants were proved to have a smaller impact on ‘root length’, ‘plant height’ and ‘number of leaves’ characteristics than the cultivation conditions, especially at the initial stages (ISB (Influence share of the weather conditions) from 22 to 58 %). It follows from the phenotypic variability analysis that the genotypic component values varied significantly only at the last stages (Cvg > 35 %). The maximum values of phenotypic variability were marked in all varieties at the stage of active growth considering the ‘root length’ (Cve = 32...47 %) and the ‘number of leaves’ (Cve = 48...85 %). The generative characteristics seemed to be significantly influenced by the varietal factor (ISA (Influence share of varietal characteristics) = 40...88 %) starting from the third stage. The genotypic component of all varieties was high considering the inflorescence weight (Cvg = 75...86 %). In signs of general productivity, it was studied that the leaves (93...112 g/plant) contributed the most for amaranth forms, which mass in all varieties largely depended on weather conditions (ISB > 55 %). The interrelation of the leaves productivity was noted high with all the vegetative characteristics on phase III–V (r = 0.71...0.92) and with ‘inflorescence mass’ on phase V–VI.Изучение изменчивости морфологических признаков красноокрашенных сортов амаранта и их корреляционных взаимосвязей на разных стадиях онтогенеза в условиях Московской области позволило определить особенности, влияющие на формирование продуктивности, получение максимального количества амарантина и других биологически активных веществ. Анализ вегетативных признаков выявил, что сортовые особенности растений амаранта оказывают меньшее влияние на длину корня, высоту растений и число листьев, чем условия выращивания, особенно на начальных стадиях (ДВв от 22 до 58 %). Исследование фенотипической изменчивости показало, что значения генотипической составляющей изменчивости варьировали на последних стадиях созревания (Сvg > 35 %). На начальных стадиях высокой изменчивостью отличились вегетативные признаки: длина корня (Cvе = 32...47 %) и число листьев (Сvе = 48...85 %)—в зависимости от условий года. В репродуктивный период развития у всех генеративных признаков фактор сорта был наиболее существенным начиная со стадии цветения (ДВА = 40...88 %). Значения признака—массы соцветий—варьировали в зависимости от влияния генотипической составляющей изменчивости всех сортов (Cvg = 75...86 %).Из анализа признаков общей продуктивности растений следует, что основной вклад у сортов амаранта вносят листья (93...112 г/ растение), масса которых зависит от погодных условий (ДВВ > 55 %). Высокими корреляциями были отмечены взаимосвязи общей продуктивности листьев со всеми вегетативными признаками на III–V фазе (r = 0,71...0,92) и массой соцветия на V–VI фазах созревани