211 research outputs found

    On the identification of Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides in “wiikites” from Karelia

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    Purpose. With respect to the nature of Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides, which are included in the mineral associations that have historically gone by the now outdated name of “wiikites”, there is no unanimity of opinion. The main difficulty in identifying them is associated with the complexity of their chemical composition, their metamict structure and the substantial changes in their initial mineral form due to the effects of natural weathering. The aim of this work is the development of methodology to identify Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides corresponding to the mineral formulas AB2O6 and A2B2O7. Methods. The methodology developed in the work includes two experimental approaches: 1) electron probe microanalysis of phases revealed through use of the SEM-BSE method. Based on the resulting data, a hypothesis about the nature of the Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides in a number of wiikite samples is proposed. 2) XRD analysis of those phases that are formed in the course of thermal annealing of samples from 200 to 1000°C. Based on the resulting data here, the previous hypotheses are either accepted or rejected for each sample. Findings. Using this methodology, three “wiikite” samples were analyzed (the experimental codes were Wk-2, Wk-3 and Wk-7). The Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides in two of these wiikites (Wk-2 and Wk-3) were preliminarily determined to be hydroxyyttropyrochlore and hydroxycalciobetafite, respectively. In the third sample (Wk-7), the Ti-Ta-Nb-oxide was classified as polycrase. The results of XRD phase analysis of the annealed samples were compatible with the primary hypotheses that hydroxycalciobetafite and polycrase were the initial minerals in “wiikites” 3 and 7, respectively. Originality. The paper considers the issue of the chemical conditions necessary for the recovery of the original Ti-Ta-Nb-oxide during recrystallization of the metamict structures. This is a problem that has not been substantively addressed in the literature. Also for the first time experimentally proved the existence of the polycrase in “wiikites”. Practical implications. Completed work expands our knowledge of the mineral composition of the granitic pegmatites of the Baltic shield and the possibility of their use both for research purposes and for needs of national economy.Мета. Розробка методології ідентифікації Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидів складного хімічного складу з метаміктною структурою, що відповідають мінеральним формулами АВ2О6 та А2В2О7. Методика. Для розробки методології ідентифікації у роботі використано два експериментальних підходи: 1) рентген-спектральний мікроаналіз фаз, виявлених методом скануючої електронної мікроскопії зразків у назад відображених електронах. На основі отриманих результатів висунута гіпотеза щодо природи Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидів. 2) рентген-дифракційний аналіз фаз, що утворюються в процесі термічного відпалу зразків від 200 до 1000°С. На основі отриманих результатів для кожного зразка первинна гіпотеза приймалася або відкидалася. Результати. З використанням даної методики були вивчені три зразки “віікітів” (шифри зразків: Wk-2, Wk-3 і Wk-7). Наявність Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидів попередньо визначено e двох зразках (Wk-2 і Wk-3) відповідно, як гідроксііттропірохлор та гідроксікальціобетафіт. У третьому зразку (Wk-7) Ti-Ta-Nb діагностований як полікраз. Результати рентген-дифракційного аналізу відпалених зразків підтвердили гіпотези про те, що початковими мінералами у Wk-3 і Wk-7 були гідроксікальціобетафіт і полікраз відповідно. Наукова новизна. Визначено хімічні умови, необхідні для утворення початкового Тi-Ta-Nb під час рекристалізації метаміктної структури, що раніше не розглядалось у відповідній тематичній науковій літературі. Вперше експериментально виявлено присутність у “віікітах” полікраза. Практична значимість. Отримані результати розширюють й доповнюють знання щодо мінерального складу гранітних пегматитів Балтійського щита та надають можливість їх використання в дослідницьких цілях і потребах народного господарства.Цель. Разработка методологии идентификации Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидов сложного химического состава с метамиктной структурой, соответствующих минеральным формулам АВ2О6 и А2В2О7. Методика. Для разработки методологии идентификации в работе использовано два экспериментальных подхода: 1) рентген-спектральный микроанализ фаз, выявленных методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии образцов в обратно отраженных электронах. На основе полученных результатов выдвинута гипотеза о природе Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидов. 2) рентген-дифракционный анализ фаз, образующихся в процессе термического отжига образцов от 200 до 1000°С. На основе полученных результатов для каждого образца первоначальная гипотеза принималась или отвергалась. Результаты. С использованием данной методики были изучены три образца “виикитов” (шифры образцов: Wk-2, Wk-3 и Wk-7). Наличие Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидов предварительно определено в двух образцах (Wk-2 и Wk-3) соответственно, как гидроксииттропирохлор и гидроксикальциобетафит. В третьем образце (Wk-7) Ti-Ta-Nb диагностирован как поликраз. Результаты рентген-дифракционного анализа отожженных образцов подтвердили гипотезы о том, что первоначальными минералами в Wk-3 и Wk-7 были гидроксикальциобетафит и поликраз соответственно. Научная новизна. Определены химические условия, необходимые для образования первоначального Тi-Ta-Nb во время рекристаллизации метамиктной структуры, что ранее не рассматривалось в соответствующих тематических научных литературе. Впервые экспериментально выявлено присутствие в “виикитах” поликраза. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты расширяют и дополняют знания о минеральном составе гранитных пегматитов Балтийского щита и дают возможности их использования в исследовательских целях и нуждах народного хозяйства.The study was conducted using equipment of the Center of X-ray Diffraction Studies and the Center for Microscopy and Microanalysis of the Research Park at Saint Petersburg State University, as well as the analytical laboratory of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel in Saint Petersburg

    Germination of pine seed in weightlessness (investigation in Kosmos 782)

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    An investigation was made of the orientation of aboveground and underground organs of pine plants grown from seed in weightlessness. Orientation was found to be caused by the position of the seeds relative to the substrate surface. Normal growth was manifest only for the plants grown from seed oriented with embryo toward the substrate. Differences were noted between experiment and control as to the quantitative content of nucleoli in the meristematic cells of the rootlets and the shape of cells in the cotyledonous leaflets. No complete agreement was found between data obtained in weightlessness and when gravity was compensated (clinostat treatment with horizontal rotation)

    Pine seed germination under weightlessness (a study of the Kosmos 782 satellite)

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    Orientation of the above and underground organs of pine plants, grown from seeds under weightlessness, was found to be determined by seed position on the substrate. Normal plant growth was observed only if the seed embryos were oriented toward the substrate. Some differences were noted between the experimental and control plants concerning the amount of nucleoli in the root meristematic cells and the cell shape in cotyledonous leaves. No complete similarity was found in experimental results obtained with plants under weightlessness and under compensated gravity. The seeds were obtained from Pinus silvestris, considered to be particularly suitable for this experiment

    Materials of the final reports on the joint Soviet-American experiment on the Kosmos-936 biosatellite

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    Biological experiments onboard the Kosmos-936 investigated the effect of weightlessness on the basic components of cells, the genetic structure and energy apparatus. Genetic studies were made on the Drosophila melanogaster. Experiments were made on higher vegetation and fungi as well. The results indicate that weightlessness cannot be the principal barrier for normal development. An experiment with ectopic osteogenesis in weightlessness was carried out. Measurements were made of cosmic radiation inside and outside the biosatellite

    Reduction of Movement in Neurological Diseases: Effects on Neural Stem Cells Characteristics.

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    Both astronauts and patients affected by chronic movement-limiting pathologies face impairment in muscle and/or brain performance. Increased patient survival expectations and the expected longer stays in space by astronauts may result in prolonged motor deprivation and consequent pathological effects. Severe movement limitation can influence not only the motor and metabolic systems but also the nervous system, altering neurogenesis and the interaction between motoneurons and muscle cells. Little information is yet available about the effect of prolonged muscle disuse on neural stem cells characteristics. Our in vitro study aims to fill this gap by focusing on the biological and molecular properties of neural stem cells (NSCs). Our analysis shows that NSCs derived from the SVZ of HU mice had shown a reduced proliferation capability and an altered cell cycle. Furthermore, NSCs obtained from HU animals present an incomplete differentiation/maturation. The overall results support the existence of a link between reduction of exercise and muscle disuse and metabolism in the brain and thus represent valuable new information that could clarify how circumstances such as the absence of load and the lack of movement that occurs in people with some neurological diseases, may affect the properties of NSCs and contribute to the negative manifestations of these conditions

    Re-establishing apoptosis competence in bone associated cancers via communicative reprogramming induced through notch signaling inhibition

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    Notch and its ligands on adjacent cells are key mediators of cellular communication during developmental choice in embryonic and adult tissues. This communication is frequently altered in the pathological interaction between cancer cells and healthy cells of the microenvironment due to the aberrant expression of tumor derived Notch receptors or ligands, that results in homotypic or heterotypic Notch signaling activation in tumor cells or surrounding stromal cells. A deadly consequence of this pathological communication is pharmacological resistance that results in patient\u2019s relapse. We will provide a survey of the role of Notch signaling in the bone marrow (BM), a microenvironment with a very high capacity to support several types of cancer, including primary cancers such as osteosarcoma or multiple myeloma and bone metastases from carcinomas. Moreover, in the BM niche several hematological malignancies maintain a reservoir of cancer stem cells, characterized by higher intrinsic drug resistance. Cell\u2013cell communication in BM-tumor interaction triggers signaling pathways by direct contact and paracrine communication through soluble growth factors or extracellular vesicles, which can deliver specific molecules such as mRNAs, miRNAs, proteins, metabolites, etc. enabling tumor cells to reprogram the healthy cells of the microenvironment inducing them to support tumor growth. In this review we will explore how the dysregulated Notch activity contributes to tumor-mediated reprogramming of the BM niche and drug resistance, strengthening the rationale of a Notch-directed therapy to re-establish apoptosis competence in cancer

    Expression Pattern and Biological Significance of the lncRNA ST3GAL6-AS1 in Multiple Myeloma

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    The biological impact of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in multiple myeloma (MM) is becoming an important aspect of investigation, which may contribute to the understanding of the complex pathobiology of the disease whilst also providing novel potential therapeutic targets. Herein, we investigated the expression pattern and the biological significance of the lncRNA ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3 sialyltransferase 6 antisense RNA 1 (ST3GAL6-AS1) in MM. We documented a high ST3GAL6-AS1 expression level in MM compared to normal plasma cells (PCs) or other hematological malignancies. Transcriptome analyses of MM PCs from patients included in the CoMMpass database indicated a potential involvement of ST3GAL6-AS1 in MAPK signaling and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathways. ST3GAL6-AS1 silencing by LNA-gapmeR antisense oligonucleotides inhibits cell proliferation and triggers apoptosis in MM cell line. Notably, ST3GAL6-AS1 silencing in vitro displayed the down-regulation of the MAPK pathway and protein ubiquitination. These data suggest that ST3GAL6-AS1 deregulation may play a pathogenetic role in MM by affecting both proliferation pathways and circuits fundamental for PC survival. However, ST3GAL6-AS1 expression levels seem not to be significantly associated with clinical outcome and its targeting appears to exert antagonistic effects with proteasome inhibitors used in MM. These findings strongly urge the need for further studies investigating the relevance of ST3GAL6-AS1 in MM

    Expression pattern and biological significance of the lncRNA ST3GAL6-AS1 in multiple myeloma

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    The biological impact of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in multiple myeloma (MM) is becoming an important aspect of investigation, which may contribute to the understanding of the complex pathobiology of the disease whilst also providing novel potential therapeutic targets. Herein, we investigated the expression pattern and the biological significance of the lncRNA ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3 sialyltransferase 6 antisense RNA 1 (ST3GAL6-AS1) in MM. We documented a high ST3GAL6-AS1 expression level in MM compared to normal plasma cells (PCs) or other hematological malignancies. Transcriptome analyses of MM PCs from patients included in the CoMMpass database indicated a potential involvement of ST3GAL6-AS1 in MAPK signaling and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathways. ST3GAL6-AS1 silencing by LNA-gapmeR antisense oligonucleotides inhibits cell proliferation and triggers apoptosis in MM cell line. Notably, ST3GAL6-AS1 silencing in vitro displayed the down-regulation of the MAPK pathway and protein ubiquitination. These data suggest that ST3GAL6-AS1 deregulation may play a pathogenetic role in MM by affecting both proliferation pathways and circuits fundamental for PC survival. However, ST3GAL6-AS1 expression levels seem not to be significantly associated with clinical outcome and its targeting appears to exert antagonistic effects with proteasome inhibitors used in MM. These findings strongly urge the need for further studies investigating the relevance of ST3GAL6-AS1 in MM

    The implementation of trans-disciplinary principle in the content of higher school students humanitarian training

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.This article is focuses on the scientifically-methodical substantiation of conditions of trans-disciplinary principle realization in the higher school students’ humanitarian training. The article presents the theoretical ideas of trans-disciplinary as a methodology of general cultural norms, values, universals, invariants of the scientific picture of the world, organized form of communication in many disciplines; discloses the potentialities of the implementation of trans-disciplinary principle in the content of higher school students’ humanitarian training; proposes the technology of transdisciplinary principle implementation; defines the educational software of this process. Materials of the article are intended for the teachers of socialhumanitarian disciplines and disciplines of professional cycles, the universities’ methodists, the organizers of the educational process, attendants of qualification improvement system and teachers’ retraining courses

    Cognitive simulation as integrated innovative technology in teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines

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    © 2017 Authors. Currently, teachers are searching for innovative educational technologies that enhance the effectiveness of educational activities. The purpose of the paper is the development and approbation of cognitive simulation technology in teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines. Based on the integration of sources of innovation, the authors developed the technology of cognitive simulation aimed at the formation of a structured system of knowledge for social and humanitarian disciplines' subject area. Various forms of cognitive map methods used in the learning process (analysis, synthesis, projection, and simulation) allow developing the analytical and predictive abilities of students, and strengthening their educational motivation. The technology use is proposed for the first time for all socio-humanitarian disciplines in the process of vocational training, which contributes to the formation of inter-subject communications , spatial understanding of events, and transformations of reality. The empirical study carried out by the authors on the implementation of this technology in the educational process (the students of 3 universities, totaling 315 people participated in the study) confirmed the productivity of the technology and the possibility of its adaptation to various disciplines of social and humanitarian sphere