919 research outputs found

    Application of Image Processing Programs in Color Analysis of Wood Photodegradation

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    In general, polymer photodegradation is an important aspect of polymer science that is of great interest to chemistry, materials science, biology, and physics students who engage in this field of research. Wood consists of three main polymers, which makes it a good candidate for such photodegradation studies. Aside from structural changes based on chemical analysis, color change assessment can also be employed to check any extent of degradation on wood without the need for sophisticated analytical equipment. This study presents the application of two image processing programs in color analysis of wood photodegradation: ImageJ and Colormath library, which are Java-based and Python-based software, respectively. Images of unexposed and UV-exposed wood samples were taken using a smartphone as an affordable digital camera. RGB channel values from these images were analyzed and quantified by ImageJ software. These values were converted to the corresponding CIEL*a*b* parameters using the Colormath library to calculate the color change, ΔE. For the 3-hour exposed sample, ?E is equal to 4.29. This value indicates appreciable color change, according to the criteria from literature. Regardless of the exposure time, the wood samples become darker as indicated by the negative value in the change in lightness L

    Polyparameter linear free energy relationship for wood char–water sorption coefficients of organic sorbates

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of John Wiley & Sons for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34 (2015): 1464-1471, doi:10.1002/etc.2951.Black carbons (BCs), including soots, chars, activated carbons, and engineered nanocarbons, have different surface properties, but we do not know to what extent these affect their sorbent properties. To evaluate this for an environmentally ubiquitous form of BC, biomass char, we probed the surface of a well-studied wood char using 14 sorbates exhibiting diverse functional groups and then fit the data with a polyparameter linear free energy relationship (ppLFER) to assess the importance of the various possible sorbate-char surface interactions. Sorption from water to water-wet char evolved with the sorbate's degree of surface saturation and depended on only a few sorbate parameters: log Kd(L/kg) = [(4.03 ± 0.14) + (-0.15 ± 0.04) log ai)] V + [(-0.28 ± 0.04) log ai)] S + (-5.20 ± 0.21) B where ai is the aqueous saturation of the sorbate i, V is McGowan’s characteristic volume, S reflects polarity, and B represents the electron-donation basicity. As generally observed for activated carbon, the sorbate’s size encouraged sorption from water to the char, while its electron donation/proton acceptance discouraged sorption from water. However, the magnitude and saturation dependence differed significantly from what has been seen for activated carbons, presumably reflecting the unique surface chemistries of these two BC materials and suggesting BC-specific sorption coefficients will yield more accurate assessments of contaminant mobility and bioavailability and evaluation of a site's response to remediation.This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering, Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity under Contract No. W912HQ-10-C-0005 awarded as part of the SERDP program.2016-05-1

    Communication: Improving the density functional theoryU description of CeO 2 by including the contribution of the O 2p electrons

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    Density functional theory (DFT) based approaches within the local-density approximation or generalized gradient approximation frameworks fail to predict the correct electron localization in strongly correlated systems due to the lack of cancellation of the Coulomb self-interaction. This problem might be circumvented either by using hybrid functionals or by introducing a Hubbard-like term to account for the on site interactions. This latter DFTU approach is less expensive and therefore more practical for extensive calculations in solid-state computational simulations. By and large, the U term only affects the metal electrons, in our case the Ce 4f ones. In the present work, we report a systematic analysis of the effect of adding such a U term also to the oxygen 2p electrons. We find that using a set of U f 5 eV and U p 5eV effective terms leads to improved description of the lattice parameters, band gaps, and formation and reduction energies of CeO

    Sex pheromone signal and stability covary with fitness

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    If sexual signals are costly, covariance between signal expression and fitness is expected. Signal–fitness covariance is important, because it can contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation in signals that are under natural or sexual selection. Chemical signals, such as female sex pheromones in moths, have traditionally been assumed to be species-recognition signals, but their relationship with fitness is unclear. Here, we test whether chemical, conspecific mate finding signals covary with fitness in the moth Heliothis subflexa. Additionally, as moth signals are synthesized de novo every night, the maintenance of the signal can be costly. Therefore, we also hypothesized that fitness covaries with signal stability (i.e. lack of temporal intra-individual variation). We measured among- and within-individual variation in pheromone characteristics as well as fecundity, fertility and lifespan in two independent groups that differed in the time in between two pheromone samples. In both groups, we found fitness to be correlated with pheromone amount, composition and stability, supporting both our hypotheses. This study is, to our knowledge, the first to report a correlation between fitness and sex pheromone composition in moths, supporting evidence of condition-dependence and highlighting how signal–fitness covariance may contribute to heritable variation in chemical signals both among and within individuals

    Kicked Bose-Hubbard systems and kicked tops -- destruction and stimulation of tunneling

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    In a two-mode approximation, Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in a double-well potential can be described by a many particle Hamiltonian of Bose-Hubbard type. We focus on such a BEC whose interatomic interaction strength is modulated periodically by δ\delta-kicks which represents a realization of a kicked top. In the (classical) mean-field approximation it provides a rich mixed phase space dynamics with regular and chaotic regions. By increasing the kick-strength a bifurcation leads to the appearance of self-trapping states localized on regular islands. This self-trapping is also found for the many particle system, however in general suppressed by coherent many particle tunneling oscillations. The tunneling time can be calculated from the quasi-energy splitting of the corresponding Floquet states. By varying the kick-strength these quasi-energy levels undergo both avoided and even actual crossings. Therefore stimulation or complete destruction of tunneling can be observed for this many particle system

    Tunneling in a cavity

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    The mechanism of coherent destruction of tunneling found by Grossmann et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 516 (1991)] is studied from the viewpoint of quantum optics by considering the photon statistics of a single mode cavity field which is strongly coupled to a two-level tunneling system (TS). As a function of the interaction time between TS and cavity the photon statistics displays the tunneling dynamics. In the semi-classical limit of high photon occupation number nn, coherent destruction of tunneling is exhibited in a slowing down of an amplitude modulation for certain parameter ratios of the field. The phenomenon is explained as arising from interference between displaced number states in phase space which survives the large nn limit due to identical n−1/2n^{-1/2} scaling between orbit width and displacement.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 2 PS-figures, appears in The Physical Review

    Chemical evolution using SPH cosmological simulations. I: implementation, tests and first results

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    We develop a model to implement metal enrichment in a cosmological context based on the hydrodynamical AP3MSPH code described by Tissera, Lambas and Abadi (1997).The star formation model is based on the Schmidt law and has been modified in order to describe the transformation of gas into stars in more detail. The enrichment of the interstellar medium due to supernovae I and II explosions is taken into account by assuming a Salpeter Initial Mass Function and different nucleosynthesis models.The different chemical elements are mixed within the gaseous medium according to the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics technique. We present tests of the code that assess the effects of resolution and model parameters on the results. scenario and we present results of the analysis of the star formation and chemical properties of the interstellar medium and stellar population of the simulated galactic objects. We show that these systems reproduce abundance ratios for primary and secondary elements of the interstellar medium, and the correlation between the (O/H) abundance and the gas fraction of galaxies. The numerical simulations performed provide a detailed description of the chemical properties of galactic objects formed in hierarchical clustering scenarios and proved to be useful tools to deepen our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution.Comment: 36 pages, 9 Postscript figures. Final version (few changes),Acepted MNRA
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