12 research outputs found

    Initial characterization of the human central proteome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>On the basis of large proteomics datasets measured from seven human cell lines we consider their intersection as an approximation of the human central proteome, which is the set of proteins ubiquitously expressed in all human cells. Composition and properties of the central proteome are investigated through bioinformatics analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We experimentally identify a central proteome comprising 1,124 proteins that are ubiquitously and abundantly expressed in human cells using state of the art mass spectrometry and protein identification bioinformatics. The main represented functions are proteostasis, primary metabolism and proliferation. We further characterize the central proteome considering gene structures, conservation, interaction networks, pathways, drug targets, and coordination of biological processes. Among other new findings, we show that the central proteome is encoded by exon-rich genes, indicating an increased regulatory flexibility through alternative splicing to adapt to multiple environments, and that the protein interaction network linking the central proteome is very efficient for synchronizing translation with other biological processes. Surprisingly, at least 10% of the central proteome has no or very limited functional annotation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data and analysis provide a new and deeper description of the human central proteome compared to previous results thereby extending and complementing our knowledge of commonly expressed human proteins. All the data are made publicly available to help other researchers who, for instance, need to compare or link focused datasets to a common background.</p

    Portfolio management of mixed-species forests

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    We propose to test the portfolio selection theory on the historical data of tree species’ productivities obtained from the French National Forest Inventory (IFN). We determine the optimal timber productivity-vulnerability arrangements out of the combinations of tree species and map the optimal compositions per administrative department in France. We also estimate the survivals of optimal portfolios using the species’ probabilities of presence. Our results show that greater weights in the optimal portfolios correspond to higher probabilities of presence

    Chemical proteomic profiles of the BCR-ABL inhibitors imatinib, nilotinib, and dasatinib reveal novel kinase and nonkinase targets

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    The BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib represents the current frontline therapy in chronic myeloid leukemia. Because many patients develop imatinib resistance, 2 second-generation drugs, nilotinib and dasatinib, displaying increased potency against BCR-ABL were developed. To predict potential side effects and novel medical uses, we generated comprehensive drug-protein interaction profiles by chemical proteomics for all 3 drugs. Our studies yielded 4 major findings: (1) The interaction profiles of the 3 drugs displayed strong differences and only a small overlap covering the ABL kinases. (2) Dasatinib bound in excess of 30 Tyr and Ser/Thr kinases, including major regulators of the immune system, suggesting that dasatinib might have a particular impact on immune function. (3) Despite the high specificity of nilotinib, the receptor tyrosine kinase DDR1 was identified and validated as an additional major target. (4) The oxidoreductase NQO2 was bound and inhibited by imatinib and nilotinib at physiologically relevant drug concentrations, representing the first nonkinase target of these drugs

    Functional Dissection of the TBK1 Molecular Network

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    TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) and inducible IkB-kinase (IKK-i) are central regulators of type-I interferon induction. They are associated with three adaptor proteins called TANK, Sintbad (or TBKBP1) and NAP1 (or TBKBP2, AZI2) whose functional relationship to TBK1 and IKK-i is poorly understood. We performed a systematic affinity purification–mass spectrometry approach to derive a comprehensive TBK1/IKK-i molecular network. The most salient feature of the network is the mutual exclusive interaction of the adaptors with the kinases, suggesting distinct alternative complexes. Immunofluorescence data indicated that the individual adaptors reside in different subcellular locations. TANK, Sintbad and NAP1 competed for binding of TBK1. The binding site for all three adaptors was mapped to the C-terminal coiled-coil 2 region of TBK1. Point mutants that affect binding of individual adaptors were used to reconstitute TBK1/IKK-i-deficient cells and dissect the functional relevance of the individual kinase-adaptor edges within the network. Using a microarray-derived gene expression signature of TBK1 in response virus infection or poly(I:C) stimulation, we found that TBK1 activation was strictly dependen

    Affinity Purification Strategies for Proteomic Analysis of Transcription Factor Complexes

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    Affinity purification (AP) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) has been successful in elucidating protein molecular networks of mammalian cells. These approaches have dramatically increased the knowledge of the interconnectivity present among proteins and highlighted biological functions within different protein complexes. Despite significant technical improvements reached in the past years, it is still challenging to identify the interaction networks and the subsequent associated functions of nuclear proteins such as transcription factors (TFs). A straightforward and robust methodology is therefore required to obtain unbiased and reproducible interaction data. Here we present a new approach for TF AP-MS, exemplified with the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPalpha). Utilizing the advantages of a double tag and three different MS strategies, we conducted a total of six independent AP-MS strategies to analyze the protein–protein interactions of C/EBPalpha. The resultant data were combined to produce a cohesive C/EBPalpha interactome. Our study describes a new methodology that robustly identifies specific molecular complexes associated with transcription factors. Moreover, it emphasizes the existence of TFs as protein complexes essential for cellular biological functions and not as single, static entities

    Interactome of Two Diverse RNA Granules Links mRNA Localization to Translational Repression in Neurons

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    Transport of RNAs to dendrites occurs in neuronal RNA granules, which allows local synthesis of specific proteins at active synapses on demand, thereby contributing to learning and memory. To gain insight into the machinery controlling dendritic mRNA localization and translation, we established a stringent protocol to biochemically purify RNA granules from rat brain. Here, we identified a specific set of interactors for two RNA-binding proteins that are known components of neuronal RNA granules, Barentsz and Staufen2. First, neuronal RNA granules are much more heterogeneous than previously anticipated, sharing only a third of the identified proteins. Second, dendritically localized mRNAs, e.g., Arc and CaMKIIα, associate selectively with distinct RNA granules. Third, our work identifies a series of factors with known roles in RNA localization, translational control, and RNA quality control that are likely to keep localized transcripts in a translationally repressed state, often in distinct types of RNPs