9 research outputs found

    Bridging probability and calculus: the case of continuous distributions and integrals at the secondary-tertiary transition

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on two mathematical topics, namely continuous probability distributions (CPD) and integral calculus (IC). These two sectors that are linked by the formula P(a<=X<=b)=int_a^b f(x)dx are quite compartmented in teaching classes in France. The main objective is to study whether French students can mobilize the sector of IC to solve tasks in CPD and vice versa at the transition from high school to higher education. Applying the theoretical framework of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD), we describe a reference epistemological model (REM) and use it to elaborate a questionnaire in order to test the capacity of students to bridge CPD and IC at the onset of university. The analysis of the data essentially confirms the compartmentalisation of CPD and IC

    Compartmentalisation of mathematical sectors: the case of continuous probability distributions and integrals

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    International audienceThis paper investigates the phenomenon of compartmentalisation of knowledge in the teaching and learning of continuous probability distributions and integral calculus at the secondary-tertiary transition in France. Using the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD), and in particular the key notion of praxeology, we investigate in which sense those two sectors may be described as compartmentalised in current textbooks. We then study, by means of a questionnaire, the educational effects of the compartmentalisation: do students’ difficulties in completing ”bridging tasks” (tasks that require to relate the two sectors) reflect the partial disconnections revealed by the praxeological analyses? The key notion of ostensive, combined with the role played by the technology in the sense of ATD, is used to interpret the data. Altogether, this study sheds light on the deficit of cognitive flexibility required to change mathematical sectors, which is understood as a result of deficient praxeologies developed within the institutions

    New Approach to Accelerated Image Annotation by Leveraging Virtual Reality and Cloud Computing

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    International audienceThree-dimensional imaging is at the core of medical imaging and is becoming a standard in biological research. As a result, there is an increasing need to visualize, analyze and interact with data in a natural three-dimensional context. By combining stereoscopy and motion tracking, commercial virtual reality (VR) headsets provide a solution to this critical visualization challenge by allowing users to view volumetric image stacks in a highly intuitive fashion. While optimizing the visualization and interaction process in VR remains an active topic, one of the most pressing issue is how to utilize VR for annotation and analysis of data. Annotating data is often a required step for training machine learning algorithms. For example, enhancing the ability to annotate complex three-dimensional data in biological research as newly acquired data may come in limited quantities. Similarly, medical data annotation is often time-consuming and requires expert knowledge to identify structures of interest correctly. Moreover, simultaneous data analysis and visualization in VR is computationally demanding. Here, we introduce a new procedure to visualize, interact, annotate and analyze data by combining VR with cloud computing. VR is leveraged to provide natural interactions with volumetric representations of experimental imaging data. In parallel, cloud computing performs costly computations to accelerate the data annotation with minimal input required from the user. We demonstrate multiple proof-of-concept applications of our approach on volumetric fluorescent microscopy images of mouse neurons and tumor or organ annotations in medical images

    Microsatellite instability detection in breast cancer using drop-off droplet digital PCR

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    International audienceThe use of conventional methods (immunohistochemistry, pentaplex PCR) for detecting microsatellite instability (MSI), a predictive biomarker of immunotherapy efficacy, is debated for cancers with low MSI prevalence, such as breast cancer (BC). We developed two multiplex drop-off droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) assays targeting four microsatellites, initially identified from public BC whole-genome sequencing dataset. Performances of the assays were investigated and 352 tumor DNA and 28 circulating cell-free DNA from BC patients, with unknown MSI status were blindly screened. Cross-validation of ddPCR MSI status with other MSI detection methods was performed. We then monitored circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) dynamics before and during pembrolizumab immunotherapy in one patient with MSI-high (MSI-H) metastatic BC. The assays showed high analytical specificity and sensitivity (limit of detection = 0.16%). Among N = 380 samples, seven (1.8%) were found as MSI-H by ddPCR with six of them confirmed by next-generation sequencing (NGS). Specificity was 100% in N = 133 microsatellite stable BC submitted to NGS. In the patient with MSI-H metastatic BC, ctDNA monitoring revealed an early decrease of microsatellite mutant allelic frequencies during immunotherapy. These results demonstrated MSI detection by ddPCR, a non-invasive, fast and cost-effective approach, allowing for large pre-screening of BC patients who may benefit from immunotherapy

    Male breast cancer: No evidence for mosaic BRCA1 promoter methylation involvement

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    Breast cancers (BC) are rare in men and are often caused by constitutional predisposing factors. In women, mosaic BRCA1 promoter methylations (MBPM) are frequent events, detected in 4–8% of healthy subjects. This constitutional epimutation increases risk of early-onset and triple-negative BC. However, the role of MBPM in male BC predisposition has never been assessed. We screened 40 blood samples from men affected by BC, and performed extensive tumour analysis on MBPM-positive patients. We detected two patients carrying MBPM. Surprisingly, tumour analysis revealed that neither of these two male BCs were caused by the constitutional BRCA1 epimutations carried by the patients

    Fine‐needle aspiration as an alternative to core needle biopsy for tumour molecular profiling in precision oncology: prospective comparative study of next‐generation sequencing in cancer patients included in the SHIVA02 trial

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    High‐throughput molecular profiling of solid tumours using core needle biopsies (CNB) allows the identification of actionable molecular alterations, with around 70% success rate. Although several studies have demonstrated the utility of small biopsy specimens for molecular testing, there remains debate as to the sensitivity of the less invasive fine‐needle aspiration (FNA) compared to CNB to detect molecular alterations. We aimed to prospectively evaluate the potential of FNA to detect such alterations in various tumour types as compared to CNB in cancer patients included in the SHIVA02 trial. An in‐house amplicon‐based targeted sequencing panel (Illumina TSCA 99.3 kb panel covering 87 genes) was used to identify pathogenic variants and gene copy number variations (CNV) in concomitant CNB and FNA samples obtained from 61 patients enrolled in the SHIVA02 trial (NCT03084757). The main tumour types analysed were breast (38%), colon (15%), pancreas (11%), followed by cervix and stomach (7% each). We report 123 molecular alterations (85 variants, 23 amplifications and 15 homozygous deletions) among which 98 (80%) were concordant between CNB and FNA. The remaining discordances were mainly related to deletions status, yet undetected alterations were not exclusively specific to FNA. Comparative analysis of molecular alterations in CNB and FNA showed high concordance in terms of variants as well as CNVs identified. We conclude FNA could therefore be used in routine diagnostics workflow and clinical trials for tumour molecular profiling with the advantages of being minimally invasive and preserve tissue material needed for diagnostic, prognostic or theranostic purposes

    Human papilloma virus integration sites and genomic signatures in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    International audienceA prevalence of around 26% of human papillomavirus (HPV) in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) has been previously reported. HPV induced oncogenesis mainly involving E6 and E7 viral oncoproteins. In some cases, HPV viral DNA has been detected to integrate with the host genome and possibly contributes to carcinogenesis by affecting the gene expression. We retrospectively assessed HPV integration sites and signatures in 80 HPV positive patients with HNSCC, by using a double capture-HPV method followed by next-generation Sequencing. We detected HPV16 in 90% of the analyzed cohort and confirmed five previously described mechanistic signatures of HPV integration [episomal (EPI), integrated in a truncated form revealing two HPV-chromosomal junctions colinear (2J-COL) or nonlinear (2J-NL), multiple hybrid junctions clustering in a single chromosomal region (MJ-CL) or scattered over different chromosomal regions (MJ-SC) of the human genome]. Our results suggested that HPV remained episomal in 38.8% of the cases or was integrated/mixed in the remaining 61.2% of patients with HNSCC. We showed a lack of association of HPV genomic signatures to tumour and patient characteristics, as well as patient survival. Similar to other HPV associated cancers, low HPV copy number was associated with worse prognosis. We identified 267 HPV-human junctions scattered on most chromosomes. Remarkably, we observed four recurrent integration regions: PDL1/PDL2/PLGRKT (8.2%), MYC/PVT1 (6.1%), MACROD2 (4.1%) and KLF5/KLF12 regions (4.1%). We detected the overexpression of PDL1 and MYC upon integration by gene expression analysis. In conclusion, we identified recurrent targeting of several cancer genes such as PDL1 and MYC upon HPV integration, suggesting a role of altered gene expression by HPV integration during HNSCC carcinogenesis

    Diagnosis and management of children and adult craniopharyngiomas: a French Endocrine Society/French Society for Paediatric Endocrinology &amp; Diabetes Consensus Statement

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    International audienceCraniopharyngiomas are rare hypothalamic-pituitary tumors found in young children, adolescents and adults, and their multidisciplinary management required, calls for consistent practices for practicioners, patients and families. The French Endocrine Society and French Society for Pediatric Endocrinology &amp; Diabetes enlisted and coordinated adult and paediatric endocrinologists, neurosurgeons, pathologists, radiotherapists as well as psychologists, dieticians and a patient association, to draft a reference document on this severe disease.The management of craniopharyngiomas remains complex due to their aggressive nature, invasive behavior, and propensity for recurrence, requiring a sequential and measured therapeutic approach and follow-up in expert centers. Although patient survival rates are high, the consequences of both the tumor and its treatment can lead to serious comorbidities and impaired quality of life, particularly in those patients with lesional hypothalamic syndrome. Recent advances have allowed the two described tumor types - papillary and adamantinomatous - to be associated with distinct molecular signatures, specific pathophysiological mechanisms and ipso facto, distinct therapeutic approaches, including innovative medications for hyperphagia, that will continue to evolve. This consensus statement covers all stages in the management of patients with craniopharyngioma, from diagnosis to therapeutic strategies including the long-term follow-up