153 research outputs found

    Lithium Ionization by a Strong Laser Field

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    We study ab initio computations of the interaction of Lithium with a strong laser field. Numerical solutions of the time-dependent fully-correlated three-particle Schroedinger equation restricted to the one-dimensional soft-core approximation are presented. Our results show a clear transition from non-sequential to sequential double ionization for increasing intensities. Non sequential double ionization is found to be sensitive to the spin configuration of the ionized pair. This asymmetry, also found in experiments of photoionization of Li with synchrotron radiation, shows the evidence of the influence of the exclusion principle in the underlying rescattering mechanism

    Attosecond x-ray transient absorption in condensed-matter: a core-state-resolved Bloch model

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    Attosecond transient absorption is an ultrafast technique that has opened the possibility to study electron dynamics in condensed matter systems at its natural timescale. The extension to the x-ray regime permits one to use this powerful technique in combination with the characteristic element specificity of x-ray spectroscopy. At these timescales, the coherent effects of the electron transport are essential and have a relevant signature on the absorption spectrum. Typically, the complex light-driven dynamics requires a theoretical modeling for shedding light on the time-dependent changes in the spectrum. Here we construct a semiconductor Bloch equation model for resolving the light-induced and core-electron dynamics simultaneously, which enables to easily disentangle the interband and intraband contributions. By using the Bloch model, we demonstrate a universal feature on attosecond x-ray transient absorption spectra that emerges from the light-induced coherent intraband dynamics. This feature is linked to previous studies of light-induced Fano resonances in atomic systemsThis project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 702565 as well as from Comunidad de Madrid through the TALENTO program with ref. 2017-T1/IND-5432. LP acknowledges support from Junta de Castilla y León (Project SA046U16) and MINECO (FIS2016-75652-P). JB acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (SEV- 2015-0522) Fundació Cellex Barcelona and the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya, the European Research Council for ERC Advanced Grant TRANSFORMER (788218), MINECO for Plan Nacional FIS2017-89536-P; AGAUR for 2017 SGR 1639 and Laserlab-Europe (EU-H2020 654148

    Auger-induced charge migration

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    Novel perspectives of controlling molecular systems have recently arisen from the possibility of generating attosecond pulses in the ultraviolet regime and tailoring electron dynamics in its natural time scale. The cornerstone mechanism is the so-called charge migration, he production of a coherent charge transfer with subfemtosecond oscillations across a molecule. Typically, charge migration is induced by the ionization of valence molecular orbitals. However, recent technological developments allow the generation of attosecond pulses in the x-ray regime. In this case, the absorption of photons creates core-hole states. In light elements, core-hole states mainly decay by Auger processes that, driven by electron correlations, involve valence orbitals. We theoretically demonstrate in a fluoroacetylene molecule a double-hole charge migration triggered by attosecond core-electron photoionization, followed by Auger electron relaxations. This opens a new route for inducing with x rays charge transfer processes in the subfemtosecond time scaleThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 702565, from Comunidad de Madrid through the TALENTO program with Reference No. 2017-T1/IND-5432, and from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences through Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. We acknowledge support from Junta de Castilla y León (Project No. SA046U16) and MINECO (Grant No. FIS2016- 75652-P). C.H.-G. acknowledges support from a 2017 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundatio

    Relativistic Doppler effect: universal spectra and zeptosecond pulses

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    We report on a numerical observation of the train of zeptosecond pulses produced by reflection of a relativistically intense femtosecond laser pulse from the oscillating boundary of an overdense plasma because of the Doppler effect. These pulses promise to become a unique experimental and technological tool since their length is of the order of the Bohr radius and the intensity is extremely high 1019\propto 10^{19} W/cm2^2. We present the physical mechanism, analytical theory, and direct particle-in-cell simulations. We show that the harmonic spectrum is universal: the intensity of nnth harmonic scales as 1/np1/n^{p} for n<4γ2n < 4\gamma^2, where γ\gamma is the largest γ\gamma--factor of the electron fluid boundary, p=3p=3 and p=5/2p=5/2 for the broadband and quasimonochromatic laser pulses respectively.Comment: 4 figure

    Valley in the efficiency of the high-order harmonic yield at ultra-high laser intensities

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    We study the process of high-order harmonic generation using laser pulses with non-adiabatic turn-on and intensities well above saturation. As a main point, we report the existence of a valley structure in the efficiency of single-atom high-order harmonic generation with increasing laser intensities. Consequently, after an initial decrease, the high-frequency radiation yield is shown to increase for higher intensities, returning to a level similar to the case below saturation. Such behavior contradicts the general belief of a progressive degradation of the harmonic emission at ultrahigh intensities, based on the experience with pulses with smoother turn-on. We shall show that this behavior corresponds to the emergence of a new pathway for high-order harmonic generation, which takes place during the pulse turn-on. Our study combines trajectory analysis, wavelet techniques and the numerical integration of 3-Dimensional Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation. The increase in efficiency raises the possibility of employing ultrahigh intensities to generate high-frequency radiation beyond the water window.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the Consolider Program SAUUL ( CSD2007-00013) and research project FIS2009-09522, from Junta de Castilla y León through the Program for Groups of Excellence (GR27) and from the EC’s Seventh Framework Programme ( LASERLAB-EUROPE, grant agreement n 228334)

    Theory of high harmonic generation in relativistic laser interaction with overdense plasma

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    High harmonic generation due to the interaction of a short ultra relativistic laser pulse with overdense plasma is studied analytically and numerically. On the basis of the ultra relativistic similarity theory we show that the high harmonic spectrum is universal, i.e. it does not depend on the interaction details. The spectrum includes the power law part Inn8/3I_n\propto n^{-8/3} for n<8αγmax3n<\sqrt{8\alpha}\gamma_{\max}^3, followed by exponential decay. Here γmax\gamma_{\max} is the largest relativistic γ\gamma-factor of the plasma surface and α\alpha is the second derivative of the surface velocity at this moment. The high harmonic cutoff at γmax3\propto \gamma_{\max}^3 is parametrically larger than the 4γmax24 \gamma_{\max}^2 predicted by the ``oscillating mirror'' model based on the Doppler effect. The cornerstone of our theory is the new physical phenomenon: spikes in the relativistic γ\gamma-factor of the plasma surface. These spikes define the high harmonic spectrum and lead to attosecond pulses in the reflected radiation.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Key Figures on the Alt Empordà 2020

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    Demografia; Salut; Economia; TerritoriDemografía; Salud; Economía; TerritorioDemographics; Health; Economy; TerritoryL’objectiu d’aquest document és proporcionar un conjunt de visualitzacions intuïtives, clares i concises sobre alguns dels indicadors disponibles de l’Alt Empordà amb la intenció d’aportar una mirada estratègica de l’estat actual de la comarca.El objetivo de este documento es proporcionar un conjunto de visualizaciones intuitivas, claras y concisas sobre algunos de los indicadores disponibles del Alt Empordà con la intención de aportar una visión estratégica del estado actual de la comarca.The objective of this document is to provide a series of intuitive, clear and concise visualisations of some of the available figures on the Alt Empordà to provide a strategic view of the current state of the region

    Key Figures on the Alt Empordà 2021

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    Demografia; Salut; Economia; TerritoriDemografía; Salud; Economía; TerritorioDemographics; Health; Economy; TerritoryIndicadores Clave del Alt Empordà 2021 presenta una selección de datos estadísticos sobre el Alt Empordà y la demarcación de Girona. Estos datos se enmarcan en el ámbito municipal en todos aquellos casos en que ha sido posible pero en muchos otros no se ha podido obtener información detallada, por lo que las cifras son de ámbito comarcal o provincial. Este documento quiere aportar una visión general que facilite conocer el estado del territorio en el momento de la publicación: las tendencias recientes, incluyendo datos demográficos, sociodemográficos, de salud, economía, territorio y sus recursos.Key Figures on the Alt Empordà 2021 presents a selection of statistics on the Alt Empordà and the area of Girona. Whenever possible, these data are defined within the municipal scope, but in many cases it has not been possible to obtain sufficiently detailed information, so the figures are regional or provincial. This document aims to provide a general view to help know the state of the area at the time of publication: recent trends, including data on demographics, socio-demographics, health, economy, the territory and its resources