66 research outputs found

    Sensores IGstat para controle da irrigação: construção, aferição e sistema de controle.

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    Resumo - Sensores de água no solo são importes ferramentas para o manejo da irrigação e em outras aplicações. Para isso, há dois parâmetros relevantes, a umidade (q) e o potencial matricial da água no solo (y). Para a medida da umidade do solo há um grande número de sensores comerciais cobrindo toda a faixa de medida, de solo seco a saturado, diferentes tipos e condições de solo. Já os sensores de y são mais limitados em termos de faixa de operação, custo, manutenção e disponibilidade comercial. Este documento apresenta o modo de funcionamento, construção e de medida do sensor IGstat, desenvolvido e patenteado pela Embrapa, para utilização no controle da irrigação por limiar de y. O sensor IGstat é formado por uma cápsula porosa de alta pressão de borbulhamento (PB), um núcleo de partículas de microesferas de vidro e duas mangueiras para entrada e saída do ar. Foi estabelecida uma relação experimental entre o diâmetro médio das microesferas de vidro e a pressão de borbulhamento (PB) a qual facilita a construção dos sensores IGstat em diferentes faixas de PB. Essas faixas de medição são usadas para acionar a irrigação quando o solo atinge valores específicos de limiares para cada cultura. A relação experimental entre o diâmetro médio das microesferas de vidro e a pressão de borbulhamento foi estabelecida em PB = 338,46 -0,817 diâmetro . Para a aferição da PB dos sensores foi desenvolvida uma plataforma pneumática para testes e aferição, possibilitando a medida de conjuntos de 10 sensores por vez de forma totalmente automática. O trabalho apresenta a plataforma de aferição desenvolvida, bem como o procedimento estabelecido para a aferição dos sensores, e uma avaliação do desempenho de sensores com diferentes PBs utilizando um equipamento simples e de baixo custo para o acionamento da irrigação pela resposta do sensor IGstat

    Hsp90 orchestrates transcriptional regulation by Hsf1 and cell wall remodelling by MAPK signalling during thermal adaptation in a pathogenic yeast

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    Acknowledgments We thank Rebecca Shapiro for creating CaLC1819, CaLC1855 and CaLC1875, Gillian Milne for help with EM, Aaron Mitchell for generously providing the transposon insertion mutant library, Jesus Pla for generously providing the hog1 hst7 mutant, and Cathy Collins for technical assistance.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Analisis Hidrolika Bangunan Krib Permeabel pada Saluran Tanah (Uji Model Laboratorium)

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    One of the structures to protect river bank erosion is groyne. Groyne can serve and control water flow, reducing flow velocity and scour of river bank. The purposes of this study is to analyze the changes in the river bed elevation (morphology) and the depth of scour in the upstream groyne caused by the permeable groyne installed at the river meanders. The experiment was conducted at Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory, Sriwijaya University. The study tested the hydraulics models, a trapezoidal channel, meanders angle of 90˚, five permeable groynes at meanders, and the water flowing in the channels was clear water. The observations were carried out with a flow rate was 63,32 Lt / min, three variations of permeable groynes angle were 45˚, 90˚ and 135˚ to the upstream within 1 hour, 2,5 hours and 4 hours for each angle variations . The results of this study showed that the flow velocity of meanders was decreasing to the end of the meanders, and the changes of channel only occurred at the riverbed. Maximum riverbed changes (Bt / Bo) for permeable groyne angle of 45˚, 90˚ and 135 ˚ were 1,376 cm, 1,346 cm dan 1,452 cm. The maximum depth of scour (ds/y) for permeable groyne angle of 45˚, 90˚ and 135˚ were 1,05 cm, 0,95 cm dan 1,17 cm. Thus, permeable groyne with angle of 90 proved to be the best with the smallest riverbed changes (Bt /Bo) was 1,346 cm and the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0,9384, and also the smallest scour depth (ds/y) was 0,95 cm and the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0,8317 compared to other groyne permeable angles

    FungalRV: adhesin prediction and immunoinformatics portal for human fungal pathogens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The availability of sequence data of human pathogenic fungi generates opportunities to develop Bioinformatics tools and resources for vaccine development towards benefitting at-risk patients.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>We have developed a fungal adhesin predictor and an immunoinformatics database with predicted adhesins. Based on literature search and domain analysis, we prepared a positive dataset comprising adhesin protein sequences from human fungal pathogens <it>Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Coccidioides immitis, Coccidioides posadasii, Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Pneumocystis carinii, Pneumocystis jirovecii and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis</it>. The negative dataset consisted of proteins with high probability to function intracellularly. We have used 3945 compositional properties including frequencies of mono, doublet, triplet, and multiplets of amino acids and hydrophobic properties as input features of protein sequences to Support Vector Machine. Best classifiers were identified through an exhaustive search of 588 parameters and meeting the criteria of best Mathews Correlation Coefficient and lowest coefficient of variation among the 3 fold cross validation datasets. The "FungalRV adhesin predictor" was built on three models whose average Mathews Correlation Coefficient was in the range 0.89-0.90 and its coefficient of variation across three fold cross validation datasets in the range 1.2% - 2.74% at threshold score of 0. We obtained an overall MCC value of 0.8702 considering all 8 pathogens, namely, <it>C. albicans, C. glabrata, A. fumigatus, B. dermatitidis, C. immitis, C. posadasii, H. capsulatum </it>and <it>P. brasiliensis </it>thus showing high sensitivity and specificity at a threshold of 0.511. In case of <it>P. brasiliensis </it>the algorithm achieved a sensitivity of 66.67%. A total of 307 fungal adhesins and adhesin like proteins were predicted from the entire proteomes of eight human pathogenic fungal species. The immunoinformatics analysis data on these proteins were organized for easy user interface analysis. A Web interface was developed for analysis by users. The predicted adhesin sequences were processed through 18 immunoinformatics algorithms and these data have been organized into MySQL backend. A user friendly interface has been developed for experimental researchers for retrieving information from the database.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>FungalRV webserver facilitating the discovery process for novel human pathogenic fungal adhesin vaccine has been developed.</p

    Portrait of Candida albicans Adherence Regulators

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    Cell-substrate adherence is a fundamental property of microorganisms that enables them to exist in biofilms. Our study focuses on adherence of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans to one substrate, silicone, that is relevant to device-associated infection. We conducted a mutant screen with a quantitative flow-cell assay to identify thirty transcription factors that are required for adherence. We then combined nanoString gene expression profiling with functional analysis to elucidate relationships among these transcription factors, with two major goals: to extend our understanding of transcription factors previously known to govern adherence or biofilm formation, and to gain insight into the many transcription factors we identified that were relatively uncharacterized, particularly in the context of adherence or cell surface biogenesis. With regard to the first goal, we have discovered a role for biofilm regulator Bcr1 in adherence, and found that biofilm regulator Ace2 is a major functional target of chromatin remodeling factor Snf5. In addition, Bcr1 and Ace2 share several target genes, pointing to a new connection between them. With regard to the second goal, our findings reveal existence of a large regulatory network that connects eleven adherence regulators, the zinc-response regulator Zap1, and approximately one quarter of the predicted cell surface protein genes in this organism. This limited yet sensitive glimpse of mutant gene expression changes had thus defined one of the broadest cell surface regulatory networks in C. albicans

    SREB, a GATA Transcription Factor That Directs Disparate Fates in Blastomyces dermatitidis Including Morphogenesis and Siderophore Biosynthesis

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    Blastomyces dermatitidis belongs to a group of human pathogenic fungi that exhibit thermal dimorphism. At 22°C, these fungi grow as mold that produce conidia or infectious particles, whereas at 37°C they convert to budding yeast. The ability to switch between these forms is essential for virulence in mammals and may enable these organisms to survive in the soil. To identify genes that regulate this phase transition, we used Agrobacterium tumefaciens to mutagenize B. dermatitidis conidia and screened transformants for defects in morphogenesis. We found that the GATA transcription factor SREB governs multiple fates in B. dermatitidis: phase transition from yeast to mold, cell growth at 22°C, and biosynthesis of siderophores under iron-replete conditions. Insertional and null mutants fail to convert to mold, do not accumulate significant biomass at 22°C, and are unable to suppress siderophore biosynthesis under iron-replete conditions. The defect in morphogenesis in the SREB mutant was independent of exogenous iron concentration, suggesting that SREB promotes the phase transition by altering the expression of genes that are unrelated to siderophore biosynthesis. Using bioinformatic and gene expression analyses, we identified candidate genes with upstream GATA sites whose expression is altered in the null mutant that may be direct or indirect targets of SREB and promote the phase transition. We conclude that SREB functions as a transcription factor that promotes morphogenesis and regulates siderophore biosynthesis. To our knowledge, this is the first gene identified that promotes the conversion from yeast to mold in the dimorphic fungi, and may shed light on environmental persistence of these pathogens

    Les maladies à caractère professionnel chez les salariés des travaux publics et de la grande distribution

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    A work-related illness (MCP) is defined as any symptom or pathology considered in connection with work by the occupational physician and not having been the subject of a professional illness remedy.Une maladie à caractère professionnel (MCP) est définie comme tout symptôme ou pathologie considéré en lien avec le travail par le médecin du travail et n'ayant pas fait l'objet d'une réparation en maladie professionnelle. L'objectif de ce travail est d'illustrer à partir de deux exemples, les travaux publics et la grande distribution alimentaire, l'utilisation du dispositif de surveillance des MCP pour décrire les pathologies signalées et leurs déterminants chez les salariés afin d'adapter au mieux les mesures de contrôle. Méthodes Ce programme s'appuie sur un réseau de médecins du travail volontaires qui signalent pendant des périodes définies annuellement, toutes les MCP observées durant leurs consultations et les agents d'exposition susceptibles d'y être associés. Les caractéristiques socioprofessionnelles de tous les salariés venus en visite médicale lors de ces périodes sont également recueillies. Le repérage des salariés des travaux publics et de la grande distribution a été effectué à partir du secteur d'activité des entreprises les employant. Résultats Les 8035 salariés des travaux publics vus entre 2007 et 2012 (dont 94 % d'hommes) et les 22 888 salariés de la grande distribution vus entre 2007 et 2014 (dont 65 % de femmes), représentent respectivement 2,0 et 3,5 % de l'ensemble des salariés vus dans le cadre du programme MCP. Comparé à la population ne travaillant pas dans le secteur étudié, le taux de signalement de MCP est supérieur chez les hommes des travaux publics (7,6 % versus 5,6 %) et chez les femmes de la grande distribution (8,8 % versus 6,8 %) tout comme la prévalence des troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) chez les hommes des travaux publics (5,1 % versus 3,3 %) et chez les femmes de la grande distribution (6,0 % versus 3,4 %). La prévalence des troubles de l'audition est également doublée chez les hommes salariés des travaux publics (1,1 % versus 0,5 %). Conclusions Ce travail illustre comment le programme MCP permet de déterminer les populations à risque de MCP, d'identifier leurs spécificités et de contribuer ainsi à orienter les actions de prévention des professionnels de santé au travail