183 research outputs found

    Mercadante in Paris (1835-36): The Critical View

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    Saverio Mercadante and France (1823-1836)

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    This thesis explores the impact of Mercadante’s operas in France during the 1820s and 1830s. The study covers a period from the French premiere of Elisa e Claudio in Paris (1823) up to the period immediately preceding the worldpremiere of Il giuramento (Milan, La Scala, 11 March 1837), which is traditionally regarded as the first of Mercadante’s ‘reform’ operas and the watershed of his mature style. Modern music historians and early biographers have suggested that Mercadante’s encounter with French operatic conventions was the trigger for his ‘reform’ impulse, which the composer himself acknowledged in one of his most famous letters. As a contribution to discussion of Mercadante’s stylistic developments, I examine a number of case studies which probe the French reception of his early output. Chapter 1 provides a historical survey of French critical assessments of Mercadante in the nineteenth century, revealed in the ongoing discourse of the time regarding Italian opera in France. Chapter 2 explores the critical reception of Elisa e Claudio, staged at the Théâtre Italien in 1823. Chapter 3 studies the process of transfer that brought about the transformation of Elisa e Claudio into the pasticcio Les Noces de Gamache, produced for the Théâtre de l’Odéon by the composer Luc Guénée in 1825. Chapter 4 reconstructs Mercadante’s sojourn in Paris and the genesis of I briganti during the 1835-36 season at the Théâtre Italien. Chapter 5 frames the Italian performances of I briganti and the related revision process in the context of Mercadante’s French experience. In focusing on the intertwined responses of Franco-Italian music criticism, this study of Mercadante’s early operas shows the value of the study of pan-European criticism and of cultural transfer as a larger framework within which to locate studies of Mercadante’s developments in style and aesthetics

    Traduzione dell'opera "Une vie de boy" di Ferdinand Oyono. Il problema dell'identità nel mondo coloniale

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    "Une vie de boy" di Ferdinand Oyono, pubblicato nel 1956, è uno dei primi romanzi africani. Il testo si compone di una cornice narrativa che contiene la narrazione del ritrovamento del diario dell'indigeno Toundi, suddiviso in due quaderni, che compone la seconda parte del romanzo. Attraverso l'adozione della forma del diario, Toundi narra la sua tragica esperienza di vita come boy in una colonia francese del Cameroun. L'indigeno, che ingenuamente ammira i Bianchi tanto da abbandonare la propria famiglia e cultura per assimilarsi a essi e costruirsi una nuova identità, ben presto individua i comportamenti ipocriti dei colonizzatori. Toundi diventa pertanto diviene un testimone scomodo e gli viene negata dal mondo dei colonizzatori qualsiasi processo di assimilazione. Questi ultimi lo condanneranno infatti a un lento cammino verso la morte. Il romanzo è molto interessante dal punto di vista linguistico in quanto presenta i problemi tipici della traduzione dei testi postcoloniali: presenza di varie lingue, di numerosi realia, di proverbi e modi di dire lontani dalla cultura europea. Nella traduzione dell'opera è stato necessario adottare un approccio culturale per far sentire l'alterità del testo, vagliando di volta in volta la possibilità di straniare o addomesticare la resa in italiano

    TRMM On Orbit Attitude Control System Performance

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    This paper presents an overview of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Attitude Control System (ACS) along with detailed in-flight performance results for each operational mode. The TRMM spacecraft is an Earth-pointed, zero momentum bias satellite launched on November 27, 1997 from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. TRMM is a joint mission between NASA and the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) of Japan designed to monitor and study tropical rainfall and the associated release of energy. Launched to provide a validation for poorly known rainfall data sets generated by global climate models, TRMM has demonstrated its utility by reducing uncertainties in global rainfall measurements by a factor of two. The ACS is comprised of Attitude Control Electronics (ACE), an Earth Sensor Assembly (ESA), Digital Sun Sensors (DSS), Inertial Reference Units (IRU), Three Axis Magnetometers (TAM), Coarse Sun Sensors (CSS), Magnetic Torquer Bars (MTB), Reaction Wheel Assemblies (RWA), Engine Valve Drivers (EVD) and thrusters. While in Mission Mode, the ESA provides roll and pitch axis attitude error measurements and the DSS provide yaw updates twice per orbit. In addition, the TAM in combination with the IRU and DSS can be used to provide pointing in a contingency attitude determination mode which does not rely on the ESA. Although the ACS performance to date has been highly successful, lessons were learned during checkout and initial on-orbit operation. This paper describes the design, on-orbit checkout, performance and lessons learned for the TRMM ACS

    Orbital Manuvering System Design and Performance For the Magnetosperic Multiscale Constellation

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    The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, launched on March 13, 2015, is the fourth mission of NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probe program. The MMS mission consists of four identically instrumented observatories that function as a constellation to provide the first definitive study of magnetic reconnection in space. Since it is frequently desirable to isolate electric and magnetic field sensors from stray effects caused by the spacecraft's core-body, the suite of instruments on MMS includes six radial and two axial instrument-booms with deployed lengths ranging from 5-60 meters (see Figure 1). The observatory is spin-stabilized about its positive z-axis with a nominal rate slightly above 3 rev/min (RPM). The spin is also used to maintain tension in the four radial wire-booms. Each observatory's Attitude Control System (ACS) consists of digital sun sensors, star cameras, accelerometers, and mono-propellant hydrazine thrusters-responsible for orbital adjustments, attitude control, and spin adjustments. The sections that follow describe performance requirements, the hardware and algorithms used for 6-DOF estimation, and then similarly for 6-DOF control. The paper concludes with maneuver performance based on both simulated and on-orbit telem

    On-Orbit Performance of the TRMM Mission Mode

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    This paper presents an overview of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Attitude Control System along with detailed in-flight performance results of the TRMM Mission mode. The TRMM spacecraft is an Earth-pointed, zero momentum bias satellite launched on November 27, 1997 from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. TRMM is a joint mission between NASA and the National Space Development Agency of Japan designed to monitor and study tropical rainfall and the associated release of energy. Prior to calibration, the spacecraft attitude showed larger Sun sensor yaw updates than expected. This was traced to not just sensor misalignment but also to a misalignment between the two heads within each Sun sensor. In order to avoid alteration of the flight software, Sun sensor transfer function coefficients were determined to minimize the error due to head misalignment. This paper describes the design, on-orbit checkout, calibration and performance of the TRMM Mission Mode with respect to the mission level requirements

    Assessment of biventricular function by three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in adolescents and young adults with human immunodeficiency virus infection. a pilot study.

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    Background. The purpose of the study was to assess biventricular parameters of wall deformation with three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (3DSTE) in adolescents and young adults with human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) on antiretroviral therapy in order to detect a possible subclinical myocardial dysfunction. Methods. Twenty-one patients aged 12 to 39years with HIV, 21 normal controls of the same age and sex, and 21 patients with idiopathic non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) were studied with 3DSTE. All HIV patients were stable in terms of HIV infection, with no history of heart disease or other chronic systemic disease except HIV infection, and were on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) with good immunological control. Standard echocardiographic measures of LV-RV function were assessed. 3D LV global longitudinal strain (GLS), circumferential strain, radial strain and LV twist (TW) were calculated. Global area strain (GAS) was calculated by 3DSTE as percentage variation in surface area defined by the longitudinal and circumferential strain vectors. 3D right ventricular (RV) global and free-wall longitudinal strain were obtained. Results. LV GLS and GAS were lower in HIV patients compared to normal controls (p=0.002, and p=0.01, respectively). There were no significant differences in LV ejection fractions between the groups. There was a weak positive correlation between LV GLS and age (r=0.215, p=0.034) and a weak negative correlation between LV GLS and nadir-CD4 T-cells count (r=0.198, p=0.043). DCM patients had more marked and widespread reduction in LV GLS and GAS compared to controls (p<0.001), whereas in HIV patients LV strain impairment (p<0.05) was more localized in basal and apical regions. RV free-wall longitudinal strain was significantly reduced in HIV patients when compared with the control group (p=0.03). No patient had pulmonary systolic pressure higher than 35mmHg. Conclusions. Three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography may help to identify HIV patients at high cardiovascular risk allowing early detection of biventricular dysfunction in the presence of normal LV ejection fraction and in the absence of pulmonary hypertension. LV strain impairment in HIV patients is less prominent and widespread compared to DCM patients

    The Exterminating Angel

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    This article is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 708601- PROPERA - The Profanation of Opera: Music and Drama on Filmauthorsversionpublishe

    Glutathione infusion before primary percutaneous coronary intervention: A randomised controlled pilot study

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    Objective: In the setting of reperfused ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) contributes to reperfusion injury. Among ROS, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) showed toxic effects on human cardiomyocytes and may induce microcirculatory impairment. Glutathione (GSH) is a water-soluble tripeptide with a potent oxidant scavenging activity. We hypothesised that the infusion of GSH before acute reoxygenation might counteract the deleterious effects of increased H2O2 generation on myocardium. Methods: Fifty consecutive patients with STEMI, scheduled to undergo primary angioplasty, were randomly assigned, before intervention, to receive an infusion of GSH (2500 mg/25 mL over 10 min), followed by drug administration at the same doses at 24, 48 and 72 hours elapsing time or placebo. Peripheral blood samples were obtained before and at the end of the procedure, as well as after 5 days. H2O2 production, 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) formation, H2O2 breakdown activity (HBA) and nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability were determined. Serum cardiactroponin T (cTpT) was measured at admission and up to 5 days. Results: Following acute reperfusion, a significant reduction of H2O2 production (p=0.0015) and 8-iso-PGF2α levels (p=0.0003), as well as a significant increase in HBA (p<0.0001)and NO bioavailability (p=0.035), was found in the GSH group as compared with placebo. In treated patients, attenuated production of H2O2 persisted up to 5 days from the index procedure (p=0.009) and these changes was linked to those of the cTpT levels (r=0.41, p=0.023). Conclusion: The prophylactic and prolonged infusion of GSH seems to determine a rapid onset and persistent blunting of H2O2 generation improving myocardial cell survival. Nevertheless, a larger trial, adequately powered for evaluation of clinical endpoints, is ongoing to confirm the current finding

    Orbital Maneuvering System Design and Performance for the Magnetosperic Multiscale Formation

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    Once in science mission orbits, the four 0.12-km diameter observatories plan to form a tetrahedron with as little as 4-km of separation between spacecraft. The stated operational goal of maneuvering the fleet is no more often than once every two weeks (on average). Derived maneuvering accuracy requirement levied on the AC