46 research outputs found

    EU Agro Biogas Project

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    EU-AGRO-BIOGAS is a European Biogas initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants in Europe, to optimise biogas technology and processes and to improve the efficiency in all parts of the production chain from feedstock to biogas utilisation. Leading European research institutions and universities are cooperating with key industry partners in order to work towards a sustainable Europe. Fourteen partners from eight European countries are involved. EU-AGRO-BIOGAS aims at the development and optimisation of the entire value chain – to range from the production of raw materials, the production and refining of biogas to the utilisation of heat and electricity

    A co-registration investigation of inter-word spacing and parafoveal preview: Eye movements and fixation-related potentials

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    Participants’ eye movements (EMs) and EEG signal were simultaneously recorded to examine foveal and parafoveal processing during sentence reading. All the words in the sentence were manipulated for inter-word spacing (intact spaces vs. spaces replaced by a random letter) and parafoveal preview (identical preview vs. random letter string preview). We observed disruption for unspaced text and invalid preview conditions in both EMs and fixation-related potentials (FRPs). Unspaced and invalid preview conditions received longer reading times than spaced and valid preview conditions. In addition, the FRP data showed that unspaced previews disrupted reading in earlier time windows of analysis, compared to string preview conditions. Moreover, the effect of parafoveal preview was greater for spaced relative to unspaced conditions, in both EMs and FRPs. These findings replicate well-established preview effects, provide novel insight into the neural correlates of reading with and without inter-word spacing and suggest that spatial selection precedes lexical processing


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    HMG CoA lyase deficiency: identification of five causal point mutations in codons 41 and 42, including a frequent Saudi Arabian mutation, R41Q

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    The hereditary deficiency of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG) CoA lyase (HL; OMIM 246450 [http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov:80/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?246450]) results in episodes of hypoketotic hypoglycemia and coma and is reported to be frequent and clinically severe in Saudi Arabia. We found genetic diversity among nine Saudi HL-deficient probands: six were homozygous for the missense mutation R41Q, and two were homozygous for the frameshift mutation F305fs(-2). In 32 non-Saudi HL-deficient probands, we found three R41Q alleles and also discovered four other deleterious point mutations in codons 41 and 42: R41X, D42E, D42G, and D42H. In purified mutant recombinant HL, all four missense mutations in codons 41 and 42 cause a marked decrease in HL activity. We developed a screening procedure for HL missense mutations that yields residual activity at levels comparable to those obtained using purified HL peptides. Codons 41 and 42 are important for normal HL catalysis and account for a disproportionate 21 (26%) of 82 of mutant alleles in our group of HL-deficient proband