29 research outputs found

    Extração, caracterização e uso de queratina de penas de frango para a obtenção de filmes biodegradáveis

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia QuímicaDiversas operações e procedimentos na indústria do petróleo estão relacionados ao deslocamento imiscível de um fluido por outro, podendo-se citar: a elevação natural e artificial do óleo a partir dos poços, o bombeamento através de dutos de óleos de viscosidade elevada mediante a injeção conjunta de água e a recuperação secundária de petróleo. A eficiência deste último tipo de processo é uma conseqüência direta dos fenômenos interfaciais característicos de sistemas água-óleo. Também o fenômeno de inversão de fases, como acontece no caso de vazamento de óleo a partir de dutos submersos, pode ser considerado dentro desta temática. Neste contexto, é importante uma análise experimental de estabilidade da interface água-óleo bem como dos fatores que levam ao aparecimento do fenômeno de digitação, representado pelo escoamento viscoso de uma das fases que avança para o interior da outra na forma de um ou mais fingers. O modelo matemático utilizado para descrever o deslocamento imiscível de um fluido por outro é desenvolvido inicialmente para células de Hele-Shaw. Observações experimentais com uma célula de Hele-Shaw possibilitam avaliar o modelo proposto e sua aptidão para descrever adequadamente o fenômeno da digitação viscosa devidamente relacionado às propriedades físicas (densidade, viscosidade e tensão interfacial) e geométricas do sistema. Several operations and procedures in the oil industry are related to immiscible displacement of two fluids. Some examples can be listed: the natural and artificial oil elevation from wells, the pumping of high viscosity oils through pipelines using water injection and secondary oil recovery. The performance of the last one is a direct consequence of the interfacial phenomena inherent to oil/water systems. As occur in oil leakages from submarine pipelines, the inversion phase phenomenon can also be considered in this context. Therefore, it is of major importance to make studies about oil/water interface stability and what leads to the fingering phenomenon appearance. This phenomenon is represented into the other one like one or more fingers. The mathematical model used to describe the immiscible displacement was initially developed to Hele-Shaw cells. Experimental observations with a Hele-Shaw cell enable to evaluate the used model and if it is capable to describe the viscous fingering phenomenon related to physical (density, viscosity and interfacial tension) and geometric properties of the system

    Biometric analysis of Palmer mangoes

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    damages, resulting in a substantial waste of approximately 30% of the production. Among widely marketed varieties, the 'Palmer' cultivar stands out due to its flavor and coloration. The efficiency in the transportation and storage of these fruits is intricately linked to various attributes, especially their physical characteristics. In this context, the present study conducted a biometric evaluation of 145 'Palmer' mangoes harvested in Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul. Parameters such as weight, length, width, and thickness of the fruits were analyzed using a semi-analytical balance and caliper. The results revealed that the mangoes produced in Coxim weigh around 396 g, with a length of 13 cm, width of 8 cm, and thickness of 7.5 cm. These measurements are smaller than the commercially marketed fruits of the same variety but larger than those of the Espada, Rosa, and Van Dyke varieties. Additionally, all analyzed variables showed a positive correlation, indicating that as one variable increases, the others also increase. This underscores the importance of special care in handling fruits throughout the supply chain, given their density of 0.534 g/cm³ and extensive contact area. These findings emphasize the pressing need for improvements in packaging, transportation, and storage processes to reduce losses and waste, thereby contributing to a more efficient and sustainable management in the mango supply chain.damages, resulting in a substantial waste of approximately 30% of the production. Among widely marketed varieties, the 'Palmer' cultivar stands out due to its flavor and coloration. The efficiency in the transportation and storage of these fruits is intricately linked to various attributes, especially their physical characteristics. In this context, the present study conducted a biometric evaluation of 145 'Palmer' mangoes harvested in Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul. Parameters such as weight, length, width, and thickness of the fruits were analyzed using a semi-analytical balance and caliper. The results revealed that the mangoes produced in Coxim weigh around 396 g, with a length of 13 cm, width of 8 cm, and thickness of 7.5 cm. These measurements are smaller than the commercially marketed fruits of the same variety but larger than those of the Espada, Rosa, and Van Dyke varieties. Additionally, all analyzed variables showed a positive correlation, indicating that as one variable increases, the others also increase. This underscores the importance of special care in handling fruits throughout the supply chain, given their density of 0.534 g/cm³ and extensive contact area. These findings emphasize the pressing need for improvements in packaging, transportation, and storage processes to reduce losses and waste, thereby contributing to a more efficient and sustainable management in the mango supply chain

    Functional properties of milk drinks flavored with mangaba pulp and enriched with passion fruit bark flour

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    Dairy foods including dairy based drinks play an important role in human nutrition. The flour of the passion fruit peel has high potential for use in the enrichment dairy drinks improving the nutritional and technological qualities besides an alternative to reduce waste by-products in the food industry. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the physical and chemical parameters, texture, color, chemical composition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), phenolic compounds, antioxidant, viability of lactic bacteria and sensory profile of milk drinks added mangaba pulp and passion fruit peel flour of the (FPFP). Four milk drinks formulations were processed with concentrations of 5; 10; 15 and 20% mangaba pulp and 1% of passion fruit peel flour. The dairy beverages showed results physical and chemical, microbiological and sensory consistent with those described in the literature and as expected, with a high sensory acceptability of milk drinks with increased by 10% mangaba pulp.Keywords: Color, fermented milk, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), viabilit

    Effect of whey storage on physicochemical properties, microstructure and texture profile of ricotta cheese

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of whey storage period (0, 24, 48 and 72 h) on the physicochemical parameters, color, texture and microstructure of fresh ricotta during storage. Sweet whey and acid whey were evaluated based on titratable acidity, pH, fat, cryoscopy, and density, while ricotta was based on yield, fat, protein, ash, acidity, pH, moisture, total solids, color, texture, and microstructure. This was done with analysis of variance in a completely randomized design using Tukey test at 5% probability. Whey pH values increased with storage time. Ricotta made with stored whey had average yield of 5.33%, with decreased fat content and pH, and increased acidity. There were subtle differences in color and texture of ricotta during storage; its hardness and gumminess decreased, resulting in microstructure compression. It is concluded that the production of ricotta with whey stored for up to 72 h makes the product appropriate for consumption.Key words: Byproduct, fat, fresh cheese, ricotta, whey cheese, organoleptic properties

    Amido de milho e mandioca na produção de maltodextrinas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências AgráriasAmido de mandioca e de milho foram estudados quanto à produção de maltodextrinas, visando demonstrar que a mandioca, cultivada em abundância no Brasil, pode representar uma matéria-prima tão importante quanto o milho para a produção deste amido modificado. Os amidos foram caracterizados quanto ao conteúdo de amilose, tendo encontrado 24,26% de amilose no amido de milho e 16,67% no amido de mandioca. As diferenças entre os amidos de milho e mandioca se repetem quanto ao poder de inchamento, determinado nas temperaturas de 75, 80, 85, 90 e 95 °C, com resultados siginificativamente superiores para o amido de mandioca em todas as temperaturas comparadas. As curvas de viscosidade Brabender para os amidos revelaram diferenças significativas no que tange às propriedades funcionais. Maltodextrinas foram obtidas do amido de milho e mandioca, através de hidrólise pela a-amilase à 100 °C. A hidrólise foi monitorada durante duas horas de hidrólise, com tomada de alíquotas para a determinação do equivalente de dextrose (DE) a cada quarto de hora. A taxa de hidrólise do amido de mandioca foi superior à do amido de milho, no entanto, na obtenção de maltodextrinas com menores valores de DE, o milho supera a mandioca. Os valores de DE não representam diretamente a natureza dos oligossacarídios obtidos. A diferença entre as maltodextrinas produzidas a partir dos dois tipos de amidos foi observada através da Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE), tendo demonstrado, que a geração de maltodextrinas difere. Já que, no amido de mandioca há uma predominância de amilopectina. A seleção da matéria-prima passa a depender, segundo os resultados deste trabalho, das propriedades funcionais desejadas para as aplicações específicas das maltodextrinas, pois não é siginificativa a diferença segundo a origem do amido empregado no processo de hidrólise enzimática. Portanto, o processo pode ser transferido aos processadores de amido de mandioc

    Cassava and corn starch in maltodextrin production

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    Maltodextrin was produced from cassava and corn starch by enzymatic hydrolysis with alpha-amylase. The cassava starch hydrolysis rate was higher than that of corn starches in maltodextrin production with shorter dextrose equivalent (DE). DE values do not show directly the nature of the obtained oligosaccharides. Maltodextrin produced from cassava and corn starch was analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the analysis showed that maltodextrin production differs according to the source of the starch. This is important in defining the application of the maltodextrin, according to its desired function