1,067 research outputs found

    Pesquisa científica: uma investigação do perfil dos acadêmicos do curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Ciências Contábeis.Com a expansão das Ciências Contábeis, torna-se fundamental a inserção da pesquisa científica nas atividades de ensino como meio de construção de conhecimentos e formação do senso crítico. É, portanto, responsabilidade das instituições de ensino estimular o desenvolvimento do espírito reflexivo e da investigação científica. Diante disso, este estudo tem por objetivo investigar o perfil dos acadêmicos do curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) em relação à pesquisa científica. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa dos dados e fonte de coleta dos dados primária. Em linhas gerais, constatou-se que a maioria dos acadêmicos não está envolvida no desenvolvimento de atividades de pesquisa científica. Tal fato se dá muitas vezes em função de o acadêmico não compreender a importância da produção científica para o seu crescimento profissional. No entanto, a instituição vem desenvolvendo seu papel por meio da promoção de ações de incentivo à pesquisa científica, e, mesmo de forma embrionária, os acadêmicos que estão desenvolvendo pesquisas têm publicado nos eventos de iniciação científica da UFSC como forma de disseminação desses conhecimentos

    Increase in environmental temperature affects exploratory behaviour, anxiety and social preference in Danio rerio

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    The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of a temperature increase on the behaviour of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) maintained for 21 days at 34 °C (treatment) and 26 °C (control). The temperatures chosen are within the vital range of zebrafish and correspond to temperatures that this species encounters in the natural environment. Previous results showed that the same treatment affects the brain proteome and the behaviour of adult zebrafish by producing alterations in the proteins involved in neurotransmitter release and synaptic function and impairing fish exploratory behaviour. In this study, we have investigated the performance of treated and control zebrafish during environmental exploration by using four behavioural tests (novel tank diving, light and dark preference, social preference and mirror biting) that are paradigms for assessing the state of anxiety, boldness, social preference and aggressive behaviour, respectively. The results showed that heat treatment reduces anxiety and increases the boldness of zebrafish, which spent more time in potentially dangerous areas of the tank such as the top and the uncovered bright area and at a distance from the social group, thus decreasing protection for the zebrafish. These data suggest that the increase in ambient temperature may compromise zebrafish survival rate in the natural environment

    Experimental evidence of unethical gift reconstruction in consumer moral reasoning

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    There are empirical evidences that consumers do not walk the talk. Although they express a preference for ethical products, they often consume indifferently. Nonetheless, we know little about the factors that facilitate unethical consumption. This article uses the experimental method to investigate the unethical consumption in the gifting experience context and the impact of psychological distance. An exploratory study shows that consumers are willing to accept morally questionable gifts in order to not hurt the giver. Moreover, two experiments demonstrate that consumers are a. eager to accept an unethical gifted product and b. they cognitively reconstruct it as less unethical. However, the unethical gift cannot be reconciled from an emotional standpoint, resulting in an emotional misalignment. The recipient feels guilty about the decision, especially if the product is sourced locally. Several theoretical and managerial contributions are derived from this study’s findings

    Gifts, emotions and cognitive processes: an inquiry of gift receiving from a consumer psychology perspective

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    Gift exchange is a universal, social, cultural, and economic phenomenon. Over the past 90 years, it has fascinated scholars from different disciplines within the social sciences thanks to its diffusion across societies and centuries. Since Marcel Mauss' foundational paper (1925), scholars have agreed on the social integrative function of gifts, which are tools to build and maintain relationships. Giving gifts generates a virtuous circle of reciprocity, within which gifts are exchanged to attain a balanced reciprocity between the parties. Gifts are also intrinsically associated with identity definition and influence recipients' and givers' self-view. Above all, the gift is a symbolic communication, "a language that employs objects instead of words as its lexical elements" (Caplow, 1984, p. 1320), by which the giver communicates a variety of meanings, such as affection for the recipient, image of the recipient, or intention with regard to the relationship with the recipient

    Disegno di legge Cirinnà e testamento biologico

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    L’ordinanza n. 207/2018 della Corte costituzionale, pronunciata nel corso del “Caso Cappato”, e il diritto del paziente che rifiuta le cure salvavita a evitare un’agonia lenta e non dignitosa

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    The article analyzes the content and the consequences of the recent order n. 207/2018 of the Constitutional Court, which has been pronounced on the constitutional review of the criminal provision about \u201cassisted suicide\u201d (art. 580 Criminal Code), as requested by the Court of Assize in the \u201cCappato\u2019s case. In that order, the Court have affirmed the compelling interest of the State in protecting the life of the human person against interventions by third parties in helping one to suicide, under the constitutional personalist principle (art. 2 Const.). At the same time, the Court has recognized a new right of the competent patient, who is dependent from life-saving medical treatments, to ask the physicians for obtaining death with a lethal substance, after the refusal of the life-sustaining machines, in order to avoid a slow dying-process considered against his dignity (art. 3 and 32 Const.). A right that has to be implemented by the Parliament in the next months (and the article discuss what will happen if the Parliament will not intervene) and that may also be extended to the patients irreversibly unconscious, who have refused life-prolonging treatments in a living will