131 research outputs found

    Slovenská terminológia travertínov, penovcov a príbuzných terestrických vápencov

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    The paper follows on a review articles on Slovak travertines and tufa published in English in 2021. Geomorphological terms such as ‘fissure ridge’, ‘coalesced mound’, ‘self-buiding channel’, ‘keeled waterfall’, ‘smooth slope’, ‘terrased slope’, ‘dams along stream’, ‘peached springline deposits’, ‘moss pillow’ were defined as new in Slovak terminology. Travertine forms are formed by defined facies: ‘crystalline crusts’ with different crystal types, ‘radiating dendrites’, ‘coated bubbles’, ‘rafts’, and ‘breccias’ of various origin. Biogenic facies such as ‘microphyte mats’, ‘microphyte crusts’, ‘microphyte shrubs’, and ‘macrophyte facies’ appear in various tufas and travertines. In lakes, fens and marshes, the ‘lime-mudstones’ and the terms ‘mottling (marmorisation)’ and ‘pseudomikcokarst’ were defined. ‘Travertinized tufa’ was established as a transitional form between travertine and tufa

    Investment asset management comparable to fund management

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    Správa investičního majetku srovnatelná s obhospodařováním Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se věnuje analýze právní úpravy fungování minifondů neboli osob podle § 15 zákona č. 240/2013 Sb., o investičních společnostech a investičních fondech. Jedná se o subjekty, které mohou spravovat investiční majetek, aniž by tato činnost vyžadovala příslušné veřejnoprávní oprávnění udělené Českou národní bankou. Podstatou jejich existence je skutečnost, že naplňují některé znaky investičních fondů, ačkoliv investičními fondy nejsou. Obliba použití tohoto institutu v rámci kolektivního investování eskalovala během období pandemie nemoci Covid-19. V diplomové práci se věnuji rozboru práv a povinností spojených s touto správou, právních vztahů vůči investorům a také vůči České národní bance. Práce se skládá z několika částí, a to z představení evropské úpravy, ze které česká právní úprava vychází, ze stěžejní, a to svým rozsahem i významem, části obsahující popis a analýzu české právní úpravy. Práce obsahuje také výzkum tuzemského trhu minifondů, kde jsou představena data reprezentující část trhu a umožňují pohled například do toho, jak velký majetek minifondy v rámci české ekonomiky reprezentují, jaké jsou jejich náklady a do jakých aktiv správci investují. Režim fungování minifondů s sebou přináší množství výzev, a to jak...4 Investment asset management comparable to fund management Abstract This thesis concerns the analysis of the legal regulation of the functioning of mini-funds, or persons according to Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds. These are entities that can manage investment assets without requiring the relevant public authorisation granted by the Czech National Bank. The essence of their existence is the fact that they fulfil some of the characteristics of investment funds, although they are not investment funds. The popularity of the use of this institute in the context of collective investment escalated during the pandemic of the Covid-19 disease. In my thesis I analyse the rights and obligations linked with this management, the legal relations towards investors and also towards the Czech National Bank. The thesis consists of several parts, namely an introduction of the European legislation on which the Czech legislation is based, and the most important part, both in terms of its scope and significance, containing a description and analysis of the Czech legislation. The thesis also includes research on the domestic mini-fund market, where data representing a part of the market are presented and provide insight into, for example, how much assets mini-funds represent...Katedra finančního práva a finanční vědyDepartment of Financial Law and FinancesPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Closing of Coalmines from the Viewpoint of Subsequent Flammable Natural Gas Extraction

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    Import 26/06/2013Obsahem diplomové práce je hodnocení dosavadních zkušeností získaných v závěrečné fázi provozování důlní degazace a etapě jejího postupného přechodu k těžbě hořlavého zemního plynu vázaného na uhelné sloje a návrh obecných postupů směřujících k co nejefektivnějšímu využití energetického potenciálu uvedeného vyhrazeného nerostu. Činnosti vázané na tyto postupy, úzce spjaté s veškerými pracemi v celém průběhu likvidace černouhelného dolu od vyhlášení útlumu až po jeho definitivní likvidaci, musí také zajistit bezpečnost a plynulost provozu v rámci legislativních předpisů platných na území České republiky. Většina poznatků vychází z modelové situace Dolu Dukla, která je podrobněji dokumentována v této diplomové práci. Navrhované postupy lze aplikovat i na jiná ložiska hořlavého zemního plynu, mimo českou část hornoslezské pánve, spojená s výskytem černého uhlí přiměřeně jejich přírodním specifikacím.The subject of this graduation thesis is to evaluate existing experience gained during the final stage of mine gas drainage operation and during its gradual transition towards the mining of coal mine methane located in the coal seams and suggestion of general procedures aiming towards the most effective exploitation of energetic potential of given reserved mineral. Activities related to these procedures are closely linked to all works throughout the disposal process of the carboniferous mine from the attenuation announcement up to its physical disposal. At the same time it needs to ensure safety and fluency of operation within the legislative regulations valid in the Czech Republic. Most of the findings results from the test case of Dukla mine which is described more in detail in this graduation thesis. Suggested procedures can be applied to other coal mine methane deposits situated outside the Czech part of Upper Silesian Basin which are connected with the presence of hard coal adequately to its natural characteristics.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    The camp analogue, dbcAMP can stimulate rabbit reproductive functions: I. Effect on ovarian folliculogenesis, ovulation and embryo production

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    The aim of our study was to examine the influence of administration of N6,2’-dibutyryladenosine 3’5’-cyclic monophosphate (dbcAMP), a cAMP agonist, on ovarian folliculogenesis and atresia, as well as on reproductive efficiency in rabbits, whose ovarian cycle and ovulation was induced by gonadotropins. Ovarian cycle and ovulation of control rabbits were induced by 20 IU/kg PMSG followed by 35 IU/kg hCG administration. Experimental animals received PMSG and hCG together with dbcAMP (at 5, 25 or 50 μg/animal). After ovulation and insemination, the animals were sacrificed. Ovaries were weighted, histological sections of ovaries were prepared, and the presence of ovulated and not ovulated follicles and different stages of atresia was evaluated by light microscopy. The eggs were flushed from the oviducts after insemination and cultured up to blastocyst cell stage. Numbers of ovarian Corpora lutea, ovulated oocytes and oocyte-derived zygotes and embryos reaching hatched blastocyst stage were determined. Administration of dbcAMP (at doses 25 or 50 μg/animal, but not at 5 μg/animal) was able to increase the proportion of follicles with cystic and luteinization-related atresia. Furthermore, dbcAMP (50 μg/animal, but not lower doses) increased the ovarian mass, number of Corpora lutea, number of harvested oocytes, zygotes and embryos at blastocyst stage derived from these zygotes after culture. These data demonstrate that dbcAMP can stimulate rabbit ovarian follicle atresia, ovulation, oocyte, zygote and embryo yield and development. Furthermore, they confirm in the involvement of cyclic nucleotide-dependent intracellular mechanisms in the control of rabbit reproductive functions and potential practical usefulness of dbcAMP in improving animal reproduction and fertility

    The extracellular matrix of porcine mature oocytes: Origin, composition and presumptive roles

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) of porcine mature oocytes was revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after treatment with tannic acid and ruthenium red. Present in the perivitelline space (PVS) and on the surface of the zona pellucida (ZP), it appeared to be composed of thin filaments and granules at the interconnections of the filaments, which were interpreted respectively as hyaluronic acid chains and bound proteoglycans. In order to determine whether this material is produced by the corona cells (the same ECM was found also on the surface of the zona pellucida and between cumulus cells) or by the oocyte itself, the synthesis of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans was checked by autoradiography on semi-thin and thin sections observed by light and electron microscopy. Immature oocytes within or without cumulus cells, were incubated with L [3H-] fucose or L [3H-] glucosamine – precursors respectively of glycoproteins and hyaluronic acid or hyaluronan (HA) bound to proteoglycans – for various times (with or without chase) and at different stages during in vitro maturation. In the first case, incorporation was found in both cumulus cells and ooplasm (notably in the Golgi area for 3H-fucose) and labeled material accumulated in the ECM of the PVS and of the ZP surface. Labeling in the PVS with both precursors was maximum between metaphase I (MI) and metaphase II (MII) and was partially extracted by hyaluronidase but not by neuraminidase. Tunicamycin, an inhibitor of glycoprotein synthesis, significantly decreased the amount of (3)H-fucose labeled molecules in the PVS and increased the incidence of polyspermic penetration during subsequent in vivo fertilization. Since cumulus-free oocytes also secreted (3)H-glucosamine containing compounds, both oocyte and cumulus cells probably contribute to the production of the ECM found in the PVS of mature oocytes. ECM and particularly its HA moiety present on both sides of the ZP may constitute a favourable factor for sperm penetration

    Effect of apricot seeds on renal structure of rabbits

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    Amygdalin is the major cyanogenic glycoside present in apricot seeds and is degraded to cyanide by chewing or grinding. The animal data available did not provide a suitable basis for acute human health hazard. The apricot seeds are potentially useful in human nutrition and for treatment of several diseases especially cancer. The present study demonstrates the potential effect of short-term oral application of apricot seeds on renal structure of rabbit as a biological model. Meat line P91 Californian rabbits from the experimental farm of the Animal Production Research Centre Nitra (Slovak Republic) were used in the experiments. The animals were randomly divided into the three groups (C-control, P1, P2 - experimental groups) leading to 8 rabbits in each group. The control group received no apricot seeds while the experimental groups P1 and P2 received a daily dose 60 and 300 mg.kg-1 b.w. of crushed apricot seeds mixed with feed during 28 days, respectively. After 28 days all animals were slaughtered and kidney tissue was processed by standard histopathological techniques. Tissue sections were observed under an optical microscope with camera Olympus CX41 (Olympus, Japan) at a magnification of 10 x 0.40. The basic morphometric criteria of the preparations were quantified using image program MeasurIT (Olympus, Japan). From each sample (n = 24) three histological sections with five different fields of view in each section were analysed and followed parameters were analysed: diameter of renal corpuscles (RC), diameter of glomeruli (G), diameter of tubules (T) and the height of epithelial tubules (E). In our study, we observed a slight increase in the most frequent occurrence parenchyma dystrophy experimental animals. These changes were more pronounced in the experimental group (P2) rabbits received a daily dose of 300 mg.kg-1 of body weight of apricot seeds. Most often, we have found enlarged glomeruli filling the entire space of the capsule, and also glomerular basement membrane thickening. The most frequent alterations of tubular organs manifested by thickening and dilatation of proximal tubules and in the lumen of the occurrence fuchsinophilic mass, grains and hyaline cylinders. The occurrence of the vacuole and parenchymal atrophy was mostly balanced groups. Changes in P2 group are also reflected in morphometric evaluation structures. We have found significant decrease (p <0.001) in the average of all renal structures (diameter of renal corpuscles, diameter of glomeruli, diameter of tubules, and the height of epithelial tubules). Inversely, oral administration a daily dose of 60 mg.kg-1 of body weight of apricot seeds had no significant impact on these parameters. The change displays only the increase of renal tubule diameter. Our data may provide more specific evidence of oral application of apricot seeds on renal structure but further detailed studies are also required