54 research outputs found

    How can Software Packages Certification Improve Software Process

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    Popular software assessment models such as CMM, BOOTSTRAP, SPICE or ISO 9000 ignore the impact of software product certification on software quality. The first standard for software product quality was German DIN 66285. Based on this standard, the ISO developed a international standard for quality requirements and testing procedures for software packages: ISO/IEC 12119. This paper presents our experience with classical testing models based on ISO/IEC 12119 and DIN 66285 and with our improved model, called the cooperative model of testing. With this model we can achieve improvements in testing of efficiency and software production process. Practical experience shows that the roles of all parties in the testing process have changed. Knowledge transfer between the testing laboratory and supplier depends on supplier\u27s maturity level

    Management concepts transformation in Slovenia

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    In the last ten years Slovenia has been faced with a quite holistic transition of general social and organisation life. In our paper, first of all, we will emphasise the model of transition of management in Slovenia with presentation of field research results from our several years lasting research of management in Slovenia. The presented model of transition is based on the systems approach as our methodological version of systems thinking. This approach has been developed by our team since 1992 and it allowed research of way of thinking of managers about the transition of management concepts and effects of prevailed application projects, both at the same time and in interaction

    Kontrola točke staljivanja na aglomeracijskoj traci

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    The paper describes the control of burn-through point for sinter on the agglomeration belt. This control is based on mathematical modelling of agglomeration process. The mathematical models and algorithms are derived from basic models of physical and chemical processes of agglomeration belt and they are based on directly and indirectly measured quantities of agglomeration belt. The feed-forward control is based on the quantity of the gas combusted in the ignition furnace and on the quantity and composition of the raw mix. This value is corrected according to the identified burn-through point. Output from the control system is the required value of turbo-exhausters operating speed.U radu se opisuje kontrola točke staljivanja sintera na aglomeracijskoj traci. Ta se kontrola zasniva na matematičkom modeliranju aglomeracijskog procesa. Matematički modeli i algoritmi su izvedeni iz temeljnih modela fizičkih i kemijskih procesa na aglomeracijskoj traci i osnivaju se na izravno i neizravno izmjerenim količinama na aglomeracijskoj traci. Kontrola kretanja naprijed se zasniva na količini plina izgorenog u potpalnoj peći i na količini i sastavu sirove mješavine. Ta veličina se ispravlja prema utvrđenoj točki staljivanja. Izlaz iz kontrolnog sustava je tražena vrijednost operativne brzine turbo-puhala

    Smanjvanje troškova proizvodnje željeza promjenama parametara vjetra visoke peći

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    The blast-furnace wind from hot-blast stoves is a significant factor of the blast furnace functioning. The technology was analyzed in which the hot wind from hot-blast stoves is not mixed with the cool wind to a constant wind temperature, but is blown directly into the blast furnace. However, it is necessary to compensate for the changes of the theoretical temperature of burning in blast furnace as a consequence of non-stabilized wind temperature, by changing composition of the wind. This can be done by adding different media into the wind with different results from the operational and economical viewpoints. Essentially, the following types of media are used in blast furnaces: steam, oxygen, substitution fuels, nitrogen, and waste gas.Vjetar visoke peći i peći za zagrijavanje značajno utječe na rad visoke peći. Analizirana je tehnologija kod koje se vrući vjetar iz peći za zagrijavanje ne miješa s hladnim vjetrom do postizanja konstantne temperature nego se direktno upuhuje u visoku peć. Međutim, potrebno je promjenama sastava vjetra kompenzirati promjene teorijske temperature izgaranja u visokoj peći uzrokovane nestabiliziranom temperaturom vjetra. Ovo se može obaviti dodavanjem različitih medija u vjetar uz postizanje različitih rezultata s pogonskog i ekonomskog gledišta. U biti, kod visokih peći se koriste sljedeći mediji: vodena para, kisik, zamjenskog goriva, dušika i otpadnih plinova

    Koncepti transformacije managementa u Sloveniji

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    In the last ten years Slovenia has been faced with a quite holistic transition of general social and organisation life. In our paper, first of all, we will emphasise the model of transition of management in Slovenia with presentation of field research results from our several years lasting research of management in Slovenia. The presented model of transition is based on the systems approach as our methodological version of systems thinking. This approach has been developed by our team since 1992 and it allowed research of way of thinking of managers about the transition of management concepts and effects of prevailed application projects, both at the same time and in interaction.U posljednjih deset godina, Slovenija se suočila s holističkom tranzicijom, kako života društva u cjelini, tako i u organizacijama. U ovom se radu, prije svega, naglašava model tranzicije managementa u Sloveniji, i to prezentacijom rezultata trajnog empirijskog istraživanja provedenog u nekoliko posljednjih godina. Prezentirani model tranzicije se temelji na sistemskom pristupu, tj. na metodološkom sistemskom razmišljanju. Ovaj je pristup, razvijen 1992., omogućio istovremeno istraživanje načina razmišljanja managera o tranziciji koncepta managementa, kao i efekata prevladavajućih projekata njegove implementacije

    Tvorba mapy pro orientačníběh s použitím GPS

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut geoinformatiky (548