7 research outputs found
Newspaper Clippings reporting Ivorey Cobb\u27s New Hampshire Judgeship Nomination; April 1964
A reproduction, scanned from a color photocopy, of 5 newspaper clippings reporting Ivorey Cobb\u27s nomination for Judgeship in New Hampshire: Ivorey Cobb Nominated for Judge, The Pittsburgh Courier, April 27, 1964; Negro Named for Judgeship, (AP), The New York Times, April 21, 1964; Nominate First Negro for N.H. Judgeship, by D. Frank O\u27Neil, Manchester Union Leader [undated]; First Negro Judge in New Hampshire, Manchester Union Leader, April 30, 1964; First Negro In Village Now Judge, (UPI), Erie News [Erie, Pennsylvania]; [undated]
The Pittsburgh Courier, America\u27s Best Weekly
A Pittsburgh Courier supplement, dated May 12, 1954, featuring details about the Afro-American Life Insurance Company\u27s new headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida and company leaders
Presented to Lionel Hampton
Plaque. 10""x11"" Wood finish plaque with engraved plate, including an engraved bust of Lionel Hampton
Americanism Award presented to Lionel Hampton, world-wide good will ambassador, by The Pittsburgh Courier. 1955300 dpi, 8-bit depth, color, Nikon D100 digital camera, Nikon Capture 4, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Archival Master file is a TIF