3 research outputs found


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    Kesuksesan dukungan nutrisi pasien terletak pada kesinambungan antara terapi obat, perawatan, diet dan peran interdisipliner tim diantaranya perawat dan ahli gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pandangan perawat dan ahli gizi tentang peran mereka dalam gizi. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi fenomenologis yang menghadirkan peran perawat dan ahli gizi dalam mendukung nutrisi pasien kritis melalui sumber informasi dari perawat dan ahli gizi melalui wawancara mendalam dengan teknik wawancara semi-terstruktur.Perawat menyatakan perannya sebagai 1)first line dalam dukungan nutrisi, 2)memaksimalkan asupan makan dengan modifikasi lingkungan, 3)ahli gizi sebagai konselor dan perawat sebagai asesor. Perawat bertanggungjawab agar target nutrisi tercapai meliputi kualitas dan kuantitas. Perannya sebagai first linedidefinisikan sebagai manager yang memiliki otonomi untuk mengatur pengelolaan nutrisi yang didukung oleh faktor lingkungan. Ahli gizi berperan sebagai konselor dan berinteraksi dengan perawat yang memiliki peran sebagai asesor. Perawat dan ahli gizi saling berinteraksi dan saling membutuhkan untuk mencapai satu tujuan ahir sebagai bentukkolaborasi interdisipliner. Kata kunci: peran perawat; peran multidisipliner tim; nutrisi care Abstract Exploration of nurse and nutritional role in nutrition in critical patients. The successful of nutritional support in patients lies in the continuity between drug therapy, patient care, diet and the interdisciplinary role of the team including nurses and nutritionists. This study aims to determine the views of nurses and nutritionists on their role in nutrition. Qualitative research with a phenomenological study approach that presents the role of nurses and nutritionists in nutritional support of critical patients through information sources from nurses and nutritionists through in-depth interviews with semi-structured interview techniques.The nurse stated his role as 1) first line in nutritional support, 2) who maximizing food intake with environmental modification, 3) nutritionists as counselors and nurses as assessors.The nurse is responsible for achieving the target nutrition including quality and quantity. The role as first line is defined as a manager who has the autonomy to regulate the management of nutrition supported by environmental factors. Nutritionists act as counselors and interact with nurses who have roles as assessors. Nurses and nutritionists need to interact with each other to achieve an ultimate goal as a form of interdisciplinary collaboration. Keywords: nurse's role; multidisciplinary role of the team; nutrition car


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    Job insecurity is an important thing for nurses. Data says 36% of depressed nurses are at risk 1.6 times experiencing job insecurity which results in emotional exhaustion, quit work, less productive at work, even burnout. Transformational leadership has advantages in the discipline of nursing. So that nurses need to understand the influence of transformational leadership on job insecurity. Purpose of this study is to identify the influence of transformational leadership on nurse’s job insecurity. Using literature study method consisting of 24 full-text articles published by Scopus, proquest platform and science direct from 2007 to 2018 that discuss job insecurity. It was found that Job Insecurity consisted of individual Job Insecurity and Job Insecurity Climate. The transformational leadership approach can overcome job insecurity by: (1) the idealist influence of the leader demonstrates positive behavior, provides training, and demonstrates performance and commitment; (2) leader's inspirational motivation increases employee self-esteem, encourages to be productive, builds positive relationships; (3) intellectual stimulation by reducing organizational cynicism, providing tasks that are compatible with employee competencies; (3) individual consideration of the leader demonstrates good morality and ability to make decisions. It can be concluded that to overcome job insecurity, an approach with transformational leadership style can build positive behavior and establish superior and subordinate relationships. Keywords: transformational, leadership, job insecurit

    Dasar-Dasar Metode Penelitian Kualitatif

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    Buku ini berjudul Dasar-Dasar Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Isinya terdiri dari sepuluh bab, masing-masing membahas konsep dasar metodologi penelitian kualitatif, perspektif metode penelitian kualitatif, potensi masalah, fokus dan judul penelitian kualitatif, kajian teori, perumusan masalah dalam penelitian kualitatif, tahaptahap penelitian, teknik penelitian, instrumen dan pengumpulan data, kriteria dan teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data dan penyusunan laporan penelitian