16 research outputs found

    The World After Terrorism, 35 J. Marshall L. Rev. 91 (2001)

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    Pocta JUDr. Elišce Wagnerové

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    Moje slova věru neaspirují na tu míru konstitucionalistické akribie, jakou lze očekávat od ostatních přednášejících na tomto semináři. Jsem na druhé straně plný silných čerstvých zážitků z parlamentu a jsem navíc přesvědčen, že tyto zážitky souvsejí či budou souviset s tímto slovutným soudem. Chci se s Vámi o ně podělit

    Obrana politiky II.: Přednášky z let 1994-2018

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    Navazuje na 1. díl vydaný v nakladatelství Panorama v roce 1990, 2. vydání vyšlo v nakladatelství Academia v roce 200

    Devětaosmdesátý : vzpomínky a přemýšlení : krédo

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    Rozhovor Britských listů 232: Petr Pithart: Osmašedesátý byla jediná doba, kdy jsem věřil, že svět může být lepší [Britské listy interview 232. Petr Pithart:1968 was the only time when I believed that the world might be better ]

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    This interview is in Czech with English subtitles. On the occasion of the thirty years of the fall of communism, we have broadcast three exclusive interviews with Petr Pithart, former Czech Prime Minister and close collaborator of the first Czech President Václav Havel. In this first interview Jan Čulík talks to Petr Pithart about his experiences of the Prague Spring of 1968. The interview was broadcast by the Czech cable TV station Regionalni televize from 9th August, 2019

    Rozhovor Britských listů 234. Petr Pithart: Normalizace. Byla to éra bezčasí [Britské listy Interview 234. Petr Pithart: The decades after the 1968 Soviet invasion. It was an era of timelessness]

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    (This interview is in Czech with English subtitles.) On the occasion of the thirty years' anniversary of the fall of communism, we broadcast three exclusive interviews with Petr Pithart, the first Prime Minister of the post-communist Czech Republic and a close collaborator of Czechoslovak President Václav Havel. In this, third, interview, Petr Pithart talks about the drastic impact of the so called "normalisation period" - the two post-invasion decades from 1969 to 1989. At the beginning of this period, all adult citizens of Czechoslovakia were subjected to political interviews during which they were forced to approve of the invasion and renounce all their previous liberal or democratic statements, otherwise they lost their jobs. These interviews were extremely humiliating. The Czechoslovaks retreated into the privacy of their families and homes and started distrusting their fellow citizens. The deep trauma of normalisation has not been exorcised to this very day and it still deeply influences life in contemporary Czech Republic, argues Pithart. The interview was broadcast by the Czech cable TV station Regionalnitelevize.cz from Friday 23rd August, 2019

    Rozhovor Britských listů 233. Petr Pithart: Proč byli politikové Pražského jara tak zbabělí? [Britské listy Interview 233. Petr Pithart: Why were the Prague Spring politcians such cowards?]

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    (This interview is in Czech with English subtitles) On the occasion of the thirty years' anniversary of the fall of communism, we broadcast three exclusive interviews with Petr Pithart, the first Prime Minister of the post-communist Czech Republic and a close collaborator of Czechoslovak President Václav Havel. In this, second, interview, Petr Pithart is - rightly - highly critical of the cowardice of Alexander Dubček and the other leaders of the Czechoslovak CP during and after the 1968 Prague Spring. Pithart testifies to the remarkable perspicacity of Zdeněk Mlynář, the main strategist of the Prague Spring and the author of the 1968 Czechoslovak CP Action Programme. Within 20 minutes of Dubček being appointed leader of the CzCP on 5th January 1968, Mlynář predicted the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. Fifty years ago this month, in August 1969, Dubček brutally betrayed Czechoslovak citizens who protested against the Soviet invasion, chanting his name. He sent the army and the police to suppress them. The interview is being broadcast by the Czech cable TV station Regionalnitelevize.cz from Friday 16th August, 2019