26 research outputs found

    Stjenovita zajednica mediolitoralnog makrozoobentosa u Tršćanskom zaljevu (sjeverni Jadran) duž hidromorfološkog gradijenta

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    Despite the increasing urban and industrial development in coastal areas our knowledge on direct consequences of coastal modifications on benthic communities is still limited. The aim of the present study was to assess the response of rocky macrozoobenthos mediolittoral communities to human-induced hydromorphological pressures. Sampling was carried out by SCUBA diving and snorkeling in June 2008. Ten sites were selected along a gradient of hydromorphological alterations in the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste. Variables used to describe the stressor gradient were: water retention (from normal hydrology in unprotected coast to closed areas with only one opening), substrate composition, texture and rugosity. Despite natural differences between upper and lower mediolittoral subbelts, the present work showed that human-induced alterations of the coastal zone impact biological assemblages. There was a marked difference in biodiversity among sites with pristine conditions and stressed zones, mainly due to evenness of species distribution. Structural complexity of the substrate resulted to be the main factor influencing benthic diversity in the upper mediolittoral subbelt, while in the lower subbelt also the human-induced water retention seemed to play a key role. Anyhow, this response was complex, and the major human-induced alterations considered had different level of pressure within the two subbelts. The current study has a good potential to contribute to existing coastal assessment methods, since the impact of hydromorphological pressures on mediolittoral communities was almost neglected in the past. However, further work is needed to fully explain the impact of main human-induced threats on benthic communitiesUnatoč rastućem urbanom i industrijskom razvoju u obalnim područjima samo nekolicina istraživača je fokusirana na direktne posljedice obalnih modifikacija na bentičke zajednice. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti odgovore stjenovitih zajednica mediolitoralnog makrozoobentosa na hidromorfološke pritiske. Uzorkovanje je provedeno ronjenjem sa bocama i ronjenjem na dah u lipnju 2008. godine. Izabrano je deset postaja duž hidromorfološkog gradijenta u južnom dijelu Tršćanskog zaljeva. Upotrebljavane varijable za razvoj gradijenta stresora bile su: zadržavanje vode, sastav supstrata, tekstura i naboranost. Unatoč prirodnim razlikama između gornjih i donjih mediolitoralnih podpojaseva, sadašnji rad je pokazao da promjene krajolika povezane sa ljudskim djelovanjem u obalnoj zoni utječu na biološke cjeline. Postoji značajna razlika u bioraznolikosti između postaja s odličnim ekološkim stanjem i ostalih postaja, uglavnom zbog ravnomjerne rasprostranjenosti vrsta. Strukturna složenost supstrata rezultatirala je time da je bila glavni čimbenik koji utječe na raznolikost bentosa u gornjem mediolitoralnom podpojasu, dok je izgleda u donjem podpojasu ili podregiji također cirkulacija vode odigrala ključnu ulogu (CCA analiza). Odgovor bentičke zajednice bio je kompleksan i vjerojatno su također biotički čimbenici (pokrivenost algama, kompeticija) bili uključeni. Ovo istraživanje ima dobar potencijal da doprinese postojećim metodama procjene obale, iako se treba provesti daljnje istraživanje na području utjecaja kojeg imaju hidromorfološke promjene na obalne bentičke zajednice

    Benthic studies in LTER sites: the use of taxonomy surrogates in the detection of long-term changes in lagoonal benthic assemblages

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    In benthic studies, the identification of organisms at the species level is known to be the best source for ecological and biological information even if time-consuming and expensive. However, taxonomic sufficiency (TS) has been proposed as a short-cut method for quantifying changes in biological assemblages in environmental monitoring. In this paper, we set out to determine whether and how the taxonomic complexity of a benthic assemblage influences the results of TS at two different long-term ecological research (LTER) sites in the Po delta region (north-eastern Italy). Specifically, we investigated whether TS can be used to detect natural and human-driven patterns of variation in benthic assemblages from lagoonal soft bottoms. The first benthic dataset was collected from 1996 to 2015 in a “choked” lagoon, the Valli di Comacchio, a lagoon characterised by long water residence times and heavy eutrophication, while the second was collected from 2004 to 2010 in a “leaky” lagoon, the Sacca di Goro, a coastal area with human pressure limited to aquaculture. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were used to assess differences in the taxonomic structure of benthic assemblages and to test TS on the two different datasets. TS seemed to work from species to family level at both sites, despite a higher natural variability of environmental conditions combined with multiple anthropogenic stressors. Therefore, TS at the family level may represent effective taxonomic surrogates across a range of environmental contexts in lagoon environments. Since the structure of the community and the magnitude of changes could influence the efficiency of taxonomic surrogates and data transformations in long-term monitoring, we also suggest periodic analyses at finer taxonomic levels in order to check the efficiency of the application of taxonomic substitutes in routine monitoring programmes in lagoon systems

    Where and how - new insight for brown algal forest restoration in the Adriatic

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    Several anthropogenic factors are responsible for the decline of Cystoseira sensu lato (hereafter Cystoseira) forests along Mediterranean coasts. Some Cystoseira species are already regionally extinct, and their decline has been widely recorded. Sustainable and efficient techniques for the restoration of Cystoseira are needed. In this context, the objectives of this study were i) to analyse the reproductive traits of three populations of Gongolaria barbata from three nearby donor sites in the northern Adriatic Sea, assessing the differences in their reproductive potential and reproductive success; and ii) to evaluate the outplanting success in terms of the effectiveness of G. barbata restoration, in relation to the different donor and receiving sites (Miramare MPA and in front of the Marine Biology Station Piran - MBSP) and implemented methods (ex situ and hybrid method combining a mesocosm cultivation and a suspended culture in the field). After 2 weeks of cultivation in mesocosms, half of the tiles with germlings were transported to the receiving sites and placed on suspended lantern nets (hybrid method), which were later (after 3 months) transferred to the seabed on concrete plates with protective cages. The remaining tiles were placed on the seabed on concrete plates with protective cages after a 4-week culture (ex situ method). At both sites, lantern nets and plates were randomly placed at 3 m depth. Thallus length was measured monthly in each treatment. Seedlings in suspended culture showed lower performance at the Miramare MPA, most likely due to the unfavourable environmental conditions. The satisfactory results obtained at MBSP demonstrate the efficiency of the hybrid method and confirm its potential to reduce the cost and time required for cultivation. Since unpredictable climatic events pose the greatest threat to restoration performance, these challenges must be considered when establishing new restoration practices. Moreover, herbivore regulation is extremely urgent and should be planned and implemented on a larger regional scale

    Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Descriptor 2, Non-Indigenous Species, Delivering solid recommendations for setting threshold values for non-indigenous species pressure on European seas

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    Marine Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) are animals and plants introduced accidently or deliberately into the European seas, originating from other seas of the globe. About 800 marine non-indigenous species (NIS) currently occur in the European Union national marine waters, several of which have negative impacts on marine ecosystem services and biodiversity. Under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor 2 (D2), EU Member States (MSs) need to consider NIS in their marine management strategies. The Descriptor D2 includes one primary criterion (D2C1: new NIS introductions), and two secondary criteria (D2C2 and D2C3). The D2 implementation is characterized by a number of issues and uncertainties which can be applicable to the Descriptor level (e.g. geographical unit of assessment, assessment period, phytoplanktonic, parasitic, oligohaline NIS, etc.), to the primary criterion D2C1 level (e.g. threshold values, cryptogenic, questionable species, etc), and to the secondary criteria D2C2 and D2C3. The current report tackles these issues and provides practical recommendations aiming at a smoother and more efficient implementation of D2 and its criteria at EU level. They constitute a solid operational output which can result in more comparable D2 assessments among MSs and MSFD regions/subregions. When it comes to the policy-side, the current report calls for a number of different categories of NIS to be reported in D2 assessments, pointing the need for the species to be labelled/categorised appropriately in the MSFD reporting by the MSs. These suggestions are proposed to be communicated to the MSFD Working Group of Good Environmental Status (GES) and subsequently to the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) of MSFD. Moreover, they can serve as an input for revising the Art. 8 Guidelines

    Stjenovita zajednica mediolitoralnog makrozoobentosa u Tršćanskom zaljevu (sjeverni Jadran) duž hidromorfološkog gradijenta

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    Despite the increasing urban and industrial development in coastal areas our knowledge on direct consequences of coastal modifications on benthic communities is still limited. The aim of the present study was to assess the response of rocky macrozoobenthos mediolittoral communities to human-induced hydromorphological pressures. Sampling was carried out by SCUBA diving and snorkeling in June 2008. Ten sites were selected along a gradient of hydromorphological alterations in the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste. Variables used to describe the stressor gradient were: water retention (from normal hydrology in unprotected coast to closed areas with only one opening), substrate composition, texture and rugosity. Despite natural differences between upper and lower mediolittoral subbelts, the present work showed that human-induced alterations of the coastal zone impact biological assemblages. There was a marked difference in biodiversity among sites with pristine conditions and stressed zones, mainly due to evenness of species distribution. Structural complexity of the substrate resulted to be the main factor influencing benthic diversity in the upper mediolittoral subbelt, while in the lower subbelt also the human-induced water retention seemed to play a key role. Anyhow, this response was complex, and the major human-induced alterations considered had different level of pressure within the two subbelts. The current study has a good potential to contribute to existing coastal assessment methods, since the impact of hydromorphological pressures on mediolittoral communities was almost neglected in the past. However, further work is needed to fully explain the impact of main human-induced threats on benthic communitiesUnatoč rastućem urbanom i industrijskom razvoju u obalnim područjima samo nekolicina istraživača je fokusirana na direktne posljedice obalnih modifikacija na bentičke zajednice. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti odgovore stjenovitih zajednica mediolitoralnog makrozoobentosa na hidromorfološke pritiske. Uzorkovanje je provedeno ronjenjem sa bocama i ronjenjem na dah u lipnju 2008. godine. Izabrano je deset postaja duž hidromorfološkog gradijenta u južnom dijelu Tršćanskog zaljeva. Upotrebljavane varijable za razvoj gradijenta stresora bile su: zadržavanje vode, sastav supstrata, tekstura i naboranost. Unatoč prirodnim razlikama između gornjih i donjih mediolitoralnih podpojaseva, sadašnji rad je pokazao da promjene krajolika povezane sa ljudskim djelovanjem u obalnoj zoni utječu na biološke cjeline. Postoji značajna razlika u bioraznolikosti između postaja s odličnim ekološkim stanjem i ostalih postaja, uglavnom zbog ravnomjerne rasprostranjenosti vrsta. Strukturna složenost supstrata rezultatirala je time da je bila glavni čimbenik koji utječe na raznolikost bentosa u gornjem mediolitoralnom podpojasu, dok je izgleda u donjem podpojasu ili podregiji također cirkulacija vode odigrala ključnu ulogu (CCA analiza). Odgovor bentičke zajednice bio je kompleksan i vjerojatno su također biotički čimbenici (pokrivenost algama, kompeticija) bili uključeni. Ovo istraživanje ima dobar potencijal da doprinese postojećim metodama procjene obale, iako se treba provesti daljnje istraživanje na području utjecaja kojeg imaju hidromorfološke promjene na obalne bentičke zajednice

    Comparison of benthic indices for the evaluation of ecological status of three Slovenian transitional water bodies (northern Adriatic)

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    Benthic indicators are important tools for the classification of coastal and transitional water bodies. The aim of the work was to assess for the first time the Environmental Status (ES) of Slovenian transitional waters, comparing the following biotic indices: richness, Shannon-Weaver diversity, AMBI, M-AMBI, BENTIX and BITS indices. A total of 13 stations were sampled with a Van Veen grab, in three ecosystems in the northern Adriatic. Samples were sieved and sorted, invertebrates identified and counted. The anthropogenic impact was estimated with professional judgement. Richness and diversity showed a good response to anthropogenic pressure. Conversely, indices based on sensitivity/tolerance groups did not showed a clear distinction between more and less impacted ecosystems. In particular BENTIX underestimated the ES, while with BITS there was a overestimation. The best evaluation was obtained with M-AMBI, because even if based on a sensitivity/tolerance approach, it considered also the structural aspect of the community

    Long-term variability of macrobenthic community in a shallow coastal lagoon (Valli di Comacchio, northern Adriatic): Is community resistant to climate changes?

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    A time series data of macrobenthic invertebrates of Valli di Comacchio lagoon (northern Adriatic) from 1996 to 2015, was analysed using Biological Traits Analysis, structural indices, AMBI and M-AMBI indices, with a twofold aim to: firstly, test the resilience of the system, and, secondly, test the influence of climate changes, in terms of temperature and precipitation pattern, on macrobenthic dynamics. Along the studied period macrobenthic community showed marked fluctuations, in terms of richness, diversity, biological traits and ecological groups, which could be related with environmental instability of the lagoon. At the same time, a general tendency towards a deterioration of ecological condition of the lagoon was observed, with a general decrease in species richness, diversity, percentage of sensitive species, and a general increase in the proportion of the more opportunistic trait modalities, such as deposit feeders, burrowing, infaunal and short living animals. Increasing yearly temperature explained only a small part of the variability of macrobenthic community, in terms of biological traits and diversity indices, and this was likely due to the effect of natural fluctuations of environmental parameters and anthropogenic disturbance. Nevertheless, all metrics used are consistent in identifying the response of benthic community to a severe disturbance, likely related with the summer heatwave in 2003. Less marked signs of disturbance were observed also in relations to the thermal anomaly of 2012. Biological Traits Analysis combined with more classical structural and ecological indices, proved to be efficient in identifying temporal changes of the community. Our results suggest that the expected increase in frequency, magnitude and duration of heatwaves could pose serious threat to the resilience capacity of lagoonal macrobenthic community

    Species-Area Relationship (SAR) models as tools for estimating faunal biodiversity associated with habitat builder species in sensitive areas: The case of the Mediterranean stony coral (Cladocora caespitosa)

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    Biodiversity associated with the Mediterranean stony coral Cladocora caespitosa, (Linnaeus, 1767) was investigated at three levels: “microscale”, focused on macrobenthic invertebrates within colonies; “mesoscale”, focused on epibenthic megafauna among colonies; “macroscale”, focused on associated ichthyofauna. The aim was to quantify associated diversity in terms of species richness, testing the efficiency of colony size (surface covered by a single colony) for the “microscale”, and colony density or total coral coverage for “meso-“ and “macroscale” as predictors and the consistency of models based on Species-Area Relationship (SAR) for those estimations. At level of “microscale”, colony size was a good predictor, with richness of invertebrates increasing with the increasing of surface covered by each colony of C. caespitosa, following Arrhenius model. At levels of “mesoscale” and “macroscale”, richness of epibenthic megafauna and fish were not related neither to colony density nor total coral coverage, but to sampled area, and frequency-based estimates of richness were used. The importance of C. caespitosa varied according to the investigation level, with most of taxa richness detected at the level of “microscal

    Coastal fish fauna in the Cystoseira s.l. algal belts

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    Cystoseira s.l. forests are recognised as important habitats which host diverse coastal fish assemblages. Many fish species use such habitats as feeding, breeding, and nursery grounds. Since the coastal fish community depends on the availability of dense macroalgal belts, the decline of these habitats in the Mediterranean Sea also affects the density of coastal fish species. We studied the coastal fish assemblage in Cystoseira s.l. forests in three consecutive years 2019–2021 in the Gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea). Data on coastal fish fauna were collected by visual counts conducted by SCUBA diving. Data on algal cover and habitat types were obtained by recording with a video camera. Similarities and differences in the fish community were analysed in terms of habitat and substrate preferences. A total of 34 species were recorded in Cystoseira forests. The results of the present study show that the different algal cover and associated depth gradient have different effects on the fish assemblage in coastal waters, affecting species composition and abundance. For many species, particularly labrids and sea breams, there is a decreasing temporal trend in frequency of occurrence and density. However, fish community trends can be used as a good “proxy” to evaluate the algal belt status. Our results indicate that rapid conservation and restoration actions are needed to stem the decline of Cystoseira s.l. forests