128 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Indoor Thermal Quality in high schools buildings: strengths and limits of different assessment methods

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    Recent studies have pointed out how much the indoor environmental quality in schools\u2019 classrooms is an important factor which could prevent serious adverse effects not only on the students\u2019 comfort sensation, but also on their health and learning potential. However, although standards EN ISO 7726:2001, EN ISO 7730:2005 and EN 10551:2001 give recommendations about how to practically perform objective and subjective measurements, on the evaluation of the level of comfort perceived in buildings, there is the need to define a systematic and standardized way in order to implement the comfort assessment through a methodical and uniform approach. In this work the assessment of the Indoor Thermal Quality of two classrooms in one high school located in Treviso, a town in the North-East of Italy, is presented in order to highlight the strengths and the limits of two different evaluation approaches: field monitoring, survey questionnaires. To reach the aim, two monitoring and surveys campaigns were carried out, one during the spring and one during the heating season. All the four comfort areas were investigated through the questionnaires: the thermal, the visual, the acoustic and the air quality perception.. Afterwards objective and subjective responses on thermal and visual perception have been compared

    Automated synthesis of executable web service compositions from BPEL4WS processes

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    We propose a technique for the automated synthesis of new com-posite web services. Given a set of abstract BPEL4WS descriptions of component services, and a composition requirement, we auto-matically generate a concrete BPEL4WS process that, when exe-cuted, interacts with the components and satisfies the requirement. We implement the proposed approach exploiting efficient repre-sentation techniques, and we show its scalability over case stud-ies taken from a real world application and over a parameterized domain


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    У цій статті ми пропонуємо метод для автоматизованого синтезу нових композитних Веб-сервісів. Враховуючи набір абстрактних BPEL4WS описів компонентних сервісів, а також вимогу композиції, ми автоматично генеруємо виконуваний BPEL4WS процес, який, після розгортання, здатний взаємодіяти з компонентами, щоб задовольнити вимогу. Ми реалізували запропонований підхід, використовуючи ефективні засоби синтезу, і експеримент з деякими тематичними дослідженнями, взятими з реальних застосувань і з параметризованим доменом. Ми показали, що метод може масштабуватися до випадків, в яких ручна розробка BPEL4WS композитних сервісів не є тривіальною і вимагає багато часу


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    Ми описуємо метод для автоматизованого синтезу нових композитних Веб-сервісів. Враховуючи набір компонентних сервісів, які описані як абстрактні BPEL4WS процеси, збагачені семантичними анотаціями, а також враховуючи вимогу композиції, ми автоматично генеруємо виконуваний BPEL4WS процес, який після розгортання здатний взаємодіяти з компонентами, щоб задовольнити вимогу. Ми орієнтуємося, зокрема, на опис анотацій, які ми повинні додати до \ud абстрактних BPEL4WS процесів для того, щоб охопити «семантичні» аспекти їх виконання, і на роль, яку ці семантичні анотації грають в завданні автоматизованої композиції

    Fresh-Register Automata

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    What is a basic automata-theoretic model of computation with names and fresh-name generation? We introduce Fresh-Register Automata (FRA), a new class of automata which operate on an infinite alphabet of names and use a finite number of registers to store fresh names, and to compare incoming names with previously stored ones. These finite machines extend Kaminski and Francez’s Finite-Memory Automata by being able to recognise globally fresh inputs, that is, names fresh in the whole current run. We exam-ine the expressivity of FRA’s both from the aspect of accepted languages and of bisimulation equivalence. We establish primary properties and connections between automata of this kind, and an-swer key decidability questions. As a demonstrating example, we express the theory of the pi-calculus in FRA’s and characterise bisimulation equivalence by an appropriate, and decidable in the finitary case, notion in these automata

    Automated synthesis of composite BPEL4WS Web services

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    In this paper we propose a technique for the automated synthesis of new composite web services. Given a set of ab-stract BPEL4WS descriptions of component services, and a composition requirement, we automatically generate an ex-ecutable BPEL4WS process that, once deployed, is able to interact with the components to satisfy the requirement. We implement the proposed approach exploiting efficient syn-thesis techniques, and experiment with some case studies taken from real world applications and with a parameter-ized domain. We show that the technique can scale up to cases in which the manual development of BPEL4WS com-posite services is not trivial and is time consuming.

    Terahertz Sources Based on Metrological‐Grade Frequency Combs

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    Broadband metrological-grade frequency comb (FC) synthesizers with a rich number of phase locked modes are the ideal sources for quantum sensing and quantum metrology. At terahertz (THz) frequencies, electrically pumped quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have shown quantum-limited frequency noise operation, phase/frequency absolute referencing and self-starting FC operation, albeit over a rather restricted dynamic range, governed by the nature of the quantum gain media that entangles group velocity dispersion at the different bias points. Here, a technological approach is conceived to achieve FC operation over the entire available gain bandwidth at THz frequencies. The intracavity light intensity of a multistack QCL, inherently showing a giant Kerr nonlinearity, is altered by increasing the mirror losses of its Fabry-Perot cavity through coating the back facet with an epitaxially-grown multilayer graphene film. This enables a frequency modulated THz FC showing a proliferation of emitted modes over the entire gain bandwidth and across more than 60% of its operational range, with ≈0.18 mW per mode optical power. The QCL FC is then experimentally characterized to assess its phase coherence, reconstructing its intensity emission profile, instantaneous frequency, and electric field, thus proving its metrological nature