79 research outputs found

    Analysis of communication models in web service compositions

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    In this paper we describe an approach for the verification of Web service compositions dened by sets of BPEL processes. The key aspect of such a verification is the model adopted for representing the communications among the services participating in the composition. Indeed, these communications are asynchronous and buffered in the existing execution frameworks, while most verication approaches assume a synchronous communication model for efficiency reasons. In our approach, we develop a parametric model for describing Web service compositions, which allows us to capture a hierarchy of communication models, ranging from synchronous communications to asynchronous communications with complex buffer structures. Moreover, we develop a technique to associate with a Web service composition the most adequate communication model, i.e., the simplest model that is sufficient to capture all the behaviors of the composition. This way, we can provide an accurate model of a wider class of service composition scenarios, while preserving as much as possible an efficient performance in verification

    Development of climate-based thermal comfort ranges from existing data: Analysis of the Smart Controls and thermal comfort (SCATS) database

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    Despite the multifaceted nature of notion of thermal comfort, designers have embraced a very strict definition of it, which consists of very tight and static environments, were transition and stimuli are not admitted, and with very narrow ranges of microclimatic parameters required equally for all the subjects. This neglects all the potential implications related to different users. However, when it comes to thermal comfort, the long-term history of subjects and their climatic background play a pivotal role towards their own thermal sensations and preferences. In this work, to address these diversities, the authors analysed the existing database of the Smart Controls and Thermal Comfort (SCATS) project, which was built from monitoring and survey campaigns conducted in the late 90s in five different European countries. Data were studied by means of statistical techniques to grasp and define the potential combined influence of climatic location, seasonal variations, subjective variables and ventilation modes on the occupants’ thermal feeling and preference. Different scenarios recommended by standard EN 16798 were tested to address the differences in the thermal feelings of users living in different European countries. Finally, country-based operative temperatures that optimize users’ thermal feeling and preference were determined. Results highlight that users in different countries differently evaluate indoor thermal parameters both in terms of thermal feeling and thermal preferences. This results in differences among countries for acceptability levels associated with standardised indoor conditions. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance of air movement to improve acceptability at higher indoor temperatures for all the countries

    Evaluation of the Indoor Thermal Quality in high schools buildings: strengths and limits of different assessment methods

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    Recent studies have pointed out how much the indoor environmental quality in schools\u2019 classrooms is an important factor which could prevent serious adverse effects not only on the students\u2019 comfort sensation, but also on their health and learning potential. However, although standards EN ISO 7726:2001, EN ISO 7730:2005 and EN 10551:2001 give recommendations about how to practically perform objective and subjective measurements, on the evaluation of the level of comfort perceived in buildings, there is the need to define a systematic and standardized way in order to implement the comfort assessment through a methodical and uniform approach. In this work the assessment of the Indoor Thermal Quality of two classrooms in one high school located in Treviso, a town in the North-East of Italy, is presented in order to highlight the strengths and the limits of two different evaluation approaches: field monitoring, survey questionnaires. To reach the aim, two monitoring and surveys campaigns were carried out, one during the spring and one during the heating season. All the four comfort areas were investigated through the questionnaires: the thermal, the visual, the acoustic and the air quality perception.. Afterwards objective and subjective responses on thermal and visual perception have been compared

    Np95 Is Implicated in Pericentromeric Heterochromatin Replication and in Major Satellite Silencing

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    Heterochromatin plays an important role in transcriptional repression, for the correct segregation of chromosomes and in the maintenance of genome stability. Pericentric heterochromatin (PH) replication and formation have been proposed to occur in the pericentric heterochromatin duplication body (pHDB). A central question is how the underacetylated state of heterochromatic histone H4 tail is established and controlled, because it is a key event during PH replication and is essential to maintain the compacted and silenced state of these regions. Np95 is a cell cycle regulated and is a nuclear histone-binding protein that also recruits HDAC-1 to target promoters. It is essential for S phase and for embryonic formation and is implicated in chromosome stability. Here we show that Np95 is part of the pHDB, and its functional ablation causes a strong reduction in PH replication. Depletion of Np95 also causes a hyperacetylation of lysines 8, 12, and 16 of heterochromatin histone H4 and an increase of pericentromeric major satellite transcription, whose RNAs are key players for heterochromatin formation. We propose that Np95 is a new relevant protein involved in heterochromatin replication and formation

    Service composition in stochastic settings

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    With the growth of the Internet-of-Things and online Web services, more services with more capabilities are available to us. The ability to generate new, more useful services from existing ones has been the focus of much research for over a decade. The goal is, given a specification of the behavior of the target service, to build a controller, known as an orchestrator, that uses existing services to satisfy the requirements of the target service. The model of services and requirements used in most work is that of a finite state machine. This implies that the specification can either be satisfied or not, with no middle ground. This is a major drawback, since often an exact solution cannot be obtained. In this paper we study a simple stochastic model for service composition: we annotate the tar- get service with probabilities describing the likelihood of requesting each action in a state, and rewards for being able to execute actions. We show how to solve the resulting problem by solving a certain Markov Decision Process (MDP) derived from the service and requirement specifications. The solution to this MDP induces an orchestrator that coincides with the exact solution if a composition exists. Otherwise it provides an approximate solution that maximizes the expected sum of values of user requests that can be serviced. The model studied although simple shades light on composition in stochastic settings and indeed we discuss several possible extensions

    Near-field detection of gate-tunable anisotropic plasmon polaritons in black phosphorus at terahertz frequencies

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    Polaritons in two-dimensional layered crystals offer an effective solution to confine, enhance and manipulate terahertz (THz) frequency electromagnetic waves at the nanoscale. Recently, strong THz field confinement has been achieved in a graphene-insulator-metal structure, exploiting THz plasmon polaritons (PPs) with strongly reduced wavelength (λp ≈ λ0/66) compared to the photon wavelength λ0. However, graphene PPs propagate isotropically, complicating the directional control of the THz field, which, on the contrary, can be achieved exploiting anisotropic layered crystals, such as orthorhombic black-phosphorus. Here, we detect PPs, at THz frequencies, in hBN-encapsulated black phosphorus field effect transistors through THz near-field photocurrent nanoscopy. The real-space mapping of the thermoelectrical near-field photocurrents reveals deeply sub-wavelength THz PPs (λp ≈ λ0/76), with dispersion tunable by electrostatic control of the carrier density. The in-plane anisotropy of the dielectric response results into anisotropic polariton propagation along the armchair and zigzag crystallographic axes of black-phosphorus. The achieved directional subwavelength light confinement makes this material system a versatile platform for sensing and quantum technology based on nonlinear optics

    Terahertz Frequency Combs Exploiting an On-Chip, Solution-Processed, Graphene-Quantum Cascade Laser Coupled-Cavity.

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    The ability to engineer quantum-cascade-lasers (QCLs) with ultrabroad gain spectra, and with a full compensation of the group velocity dispersion, at terahertz (THz) frequencies, is key for devising monolithic and miniaturized optical frequency-comb-synthesizers (FCSs) in the far-infrared. In THz QCLs four-wave mixing, driven by intrinsic third-order susceptibility of the intersubband gain medium, self-locks the optical modes in phase, allowing stable comb operation, albeit over a restricted dynamic range (∌20% of the laser operational range). Here, we engineer miniaturized THz FCSs, comprising a heterogeneous THz QCL, integrated with a tightly coupled, on-chip, solution-processed, graphene saturable-absorber reflector that preserves phase-coherence between lasing modes, even when four-wave mixing no longer provides dispersion compensation. This enables a high-power (8 mW) FCS with over 90 optical modes, through 55% of the laser operational range. We also achieve stable injection-locking, paving the way to a number of key applications, including high-precision tunable broadband-spectroscopy and quantum-metrology

    THz quantum cascade laser frequency combs

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    We demonstrate THz optical frequency comb (FC) operation based on ultra-broadband, record dynamic range Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) which exploit a heterogeneous active region design to achieve low and flat chromatic dispersion at the center of the gain curve. By implementing a Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI), as tightly coupled at one end of the QCL cavity, we provide lithographically-independent control of the free-running coherence properties of such THz-QCL FC and attain wide dispersion compensation regions, where stable and narrow (~3 kHz linewidth) single beatnotes extend over an operation range that is significantly larger than that of dispersiondominated bare laser cavity counterparts

    Sculpting harmonic comb states in terahertz quantum cascade lasers by controlled engineering

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    Optical frequency combs (OFCs), which establish a rigid phase-coherent link between the microwave and optical domains of the electromagnetic spectrum, are emerging as key high-precision tools for the development of quantum technology platforms. These include potential applications for communication, computation, information, sensing, and metrology and can extend from the near-infrared with micro-resonator combs, up to the technologically attractive terahertz (THz) frequency range, with powerful and miniaturized quantum cascade laser (QCL) FCs. The recently discovered ability of the QCLs to produce a harmonic frequency comb (HFC)—a FC with large intermodal spacings—has attracted new interest in these devices for both applications and fundamental physics, particularly for the generation of THz tones of high spectral purity for high data rate wireless communication networks, for radio frequency arbitrary waveform synthesis, and for the development of quantum key distributions. The controlled generation of harmonic states of a specific order remains, however, elusive in THz QCLs. Here, and by design, we devise a strategy to obtain broadband HFC emission of a pre-defined order in a QCL. By patterning n regularly spaced defects on the top surface of a double-metal Fabry–Perot QCL, we demonstrate harmonic comb emission with modes spaced by an (n+1) free spectral range and with an optical power/mode of ∌270”W.</jats:p

    Terahertz Sources Based on Metrological‐Grade Frequency Combs

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    Broadband metrological-grade frequency comb (FC) synthesizers with a rich number of phase locked modes are the ideal sources for quantum sensing and quantum metrology. At terahertz (THz) frequencies, electrically pumped quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have shown quantum-limited frequency noise operation, phase/frequency absolute referencing and self-starting FC operation, albeit over a rather restricted dynamic range, governed by the nature of the quantum gain media that entangles group velocity dispersion at the different bias points. Here, a technological approach is conceived to achieve FC operation over the entire available gain bandwidth at THz frequencies. The intracavity light intensity of a multistack QCL, inherently showing a giant Kerr nonlinearity, is altered by increasing the mirror losses of its Fabry-Perot cavity through coating the back facet with an epitaxially-grown multilayer graphene film. This enables a frequency modulated THz FC showing a proliferation of emitted modes over the entire gain bandwidth and across more than 60% of its operational range, with ≈0.18 mW per mode optical power. The QCL FC is then experimentally characterized to assess its phase coherence, reconstructing its intensity emission profile, instantaneous frequency, and electric field, thus proving its metrological nature
