27 research outputs found


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    Continuous, bench scale fast pyrolysis investigation was carried out to evaluate thermal behaviour of variety of biomass feeds. The emphasis was put into obtaining realistic material balances. Yields of (1) water of pyrolysis, (2) oligomeric lignin, (3) water-soluble chemicals, and (4) chars were targeted. Some identification/quantification of chemical components present in the water phase (Hodge\u27 carbonyls, acids) were attempted. The use of superheated steam was also investigated. The use of steam seems to increase yields of some components of pyrolytic liquid. It minimizes yields of pyrolytic water and non-condensable gases. An utilization of fast pyrolysis water-insolubles, together with char in a variety of slow or controlled-release fertilizer formulations is suggested. Such fertilizers, if applied, could increase soil organic carbon (SOC) content of soils and they could play a positive role in a global carbon sequestration pathways leading to potential mitigation of a climate change phenomena. The water-soluble fraction of pyrolysis condensates appears to be suitable for hydrogen production, synthesis gas production, hydrocarbons production in an aqueous-phase catalytic conversions, and for some agricultural applications. Typical results of fast pyrolysis: For biomass feeds like corn hulls, sugar cane bagasse, giant reed, willow copice, flax straw, oats hulls, switch grass, miscanthus, corn stover, - char yields vary from 11.4 to 17 wt%. Oligomeric lignin yields vary from 11.7 to 21.6 wt% (on a moisture, ash free basis)

    Processing of personal data of employees and applicants for employment

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    Przedmiotem pracy dyplomowej jest problematyka przetwarzania danych osobowych pracowników i osób ubiegających się o zatrudnienie. Rozdział pierwszy zawiera zagadnienia dotyczące danych osobowych, zawarte jest w nim ujęcie ochrony danych przez pryzmat kultury, cele przetwarzania danych osobowych osób ubiegających się o pracę oraz podstawy przetwarzania danych osobowych. Rozdział drugi pracy skupia się na przetwarzaniu i ochronie danych osobowych, a w tym wyzwaniach praktyki, nomenklaturze, pozyskiwaniu danych kandydatów z portali społecznościowych, upublicznianiu danych na tablicach informacyjnych lub za pośrednictwem pracowniczej poczty elektronicznej. Rozważaniom zostały poddane zjawiska ,,czarnych list’’ i testów psychologicznych. Autor w rozdziale trzecim poddaje badaniu zwyczaj, postrzeganie i stosowanie prawa związanego z przetwarzaniem i ochroną danych osobowych. Praca jest napisana w oparciu o metodę formalno-dogmatyczną. Przeanalizowane zostały Ustawa Kodeks pracy i Ogólne Rozporządzenie o Ochronie Danych Osobowych w zakresie wykładni językowej, celowościowej i funkcjonalnej.The subject of the diploma thesis is the issue of processing personal data of employees and persons applying for employment. The first chapter contains issues related to personal data, it includes an approach to data protection through the prism of culture, the purposes of processing personal data of job applicants and the grounds for processing personal data. Chapter two focuses on the processing and protection of personal data, and includes the challenges of practice, nomenclature, obtaining candidate data from social networks, publishing data on information boards or via employee e-mail. The phenomena of "black lists" and psychological tests were considered. In the third chapter, the author examines the custom, perception and application of the law related to the processing and protection of personal data. The thesis is written based on the formal-dogmatic method. The Labor Code Act and the General Data Protection Regulation were analyzed in terms of linguistic, teleological and functional interpretation

    Molecular structure, spin density distribution, and hyperfine coupling constants of the η1{CuNO}11\eta^{1}\left \{ {CuNO} \right \}^{11} adduct in the ZSM-5 zeolite : DFT calculations and comparison with EPR data

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    DFT calculations of the molecular structure of the intrazeolite η1{CuNO}11 adduct and the 14N and 17O hyperfine and 63Cu superhyperfine coupling constants were performed and compared with previous EPR results. The calculations confirmed the choice of signs adopted in the previous analysis of the experimental data and the character of the SOMO. The influence of the basis set and the exchange-correlation functional on the HFCC and the spin-density distribution was investigated and briefly discussed. The global repartition of the spin density over Cu (ρ = 0.11), N(ρ = 0.58), and O (ρ = 0.34) atoms determined from the Mulliken population analysis compared well with the experiment. The 14N hyperfine tensor was successfully reproduced with the LanL2DZ basis and BPW91 functional, whereas in the case of the 63Cu superhyperfine dipolar tensor T the agreement, except for that of the Tzz component, was less satisfactory because of an overestimated polarization of the 3dyz orbital, regardless of the computation level. For the calculation of aiso (Cu), because LanL2DZ treats inner electrons with the effective core potential, a 6-311G(df) basis set appeared to be the most appropriate, leading to excellent agreement between the experimental and calculated values

    Perforacja przełyku – wyzwanie diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne. Jednoośrodkowa retrospektywna analiza przypadków z lat 2009–2015

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    Wstęp: Perforacja przełyku jest stanem bezpośrednio zagrażającym życiu pacjenta. Ten stan chorobowy charakteryzuje się złożoną etiologią oraz brakiem wytycznych co do standardów postępowania. Poniższa praca stanowi analizę przypadków leczonych w Klinice Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowej, Chirurgii Ogólnej i Onkologicznej oraz przegląd piśmiennictwa międzynarodowego dotyczącego tego zagadnienia. Cel badania: Celem badania była retrospektywna ocena i analiza postępowania u pacjentów z perforacją przełyku o zróżnicowanej etiologii, leczonych w Klinice Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowej, Chirurgii Ogólnej i Onkologicznej w latach 2009–2015. Z badania wyłączono grupę pacjentów, u których przyczyną perforacji była pooperacyjna nieszczelność w obrębie wykonanego zespolenia chirurgicznego. Materiał: Analizie poddano 16 przypadków perforacji przełyku, które były leczone w klinice w latach 2009–2016. Z analizy wykluczono przypadki nieszczelności chirurgicznych zespoleń u pacjentów poddanych planowym procedurom chirurgicznym zarówno z przyczyn nowotworowych, jak i nienowotworowych. Najczęstszą przyczyną perforacji były powikłania o charakterze jatrogennym (7 pacjentów; 44%), kolejną przyczyną był zespół Boerhaavego (5 pacjentów; 31,2%), perforacja w wyniku urazu tępego (2 pacjentów; 12,5%), perforacja w owrzodzeniu oraz perforacja w obrębie guza (po 1 pacjencie). Dziesięciu chorych leczono operacyjnie, 6 pacjentów poddano pierwotnemu protezowaniu przełyku – w tym w 2 przypadkach zastosowano drenaż śródpiersia i jamy opłucnej. W powyższej grupie chorych doszło do 9 zgonów (56,2%). Wnioski: Leczenie perforacji przełyku stanowi wyzwanie dla całego zespołu terapeutycznego. Począwszy od etapu diagnostyki, poprzez wybór metody leczenia pierwotnego, a następnie leczenie ewentualnych komplikacji. Badanie dotyczyło jednego ośrodka i pomimo szerokich ram czasowych retrospektywnie oceniono jedynie 16 przypadków. Pomimo niejednorodnej pod względem etiologii grupy, udało się uzyskać kilka istotności statystycznych niosących za sobą implikacje kliniczne. Większość rozpoznanych perforacji w czasie powyżej 48 godzin dotyczyła dolnego odcinka przełyku (częstsze ryzyko przeoczenia choroby w tym odcinku ze względu na niejasny obraz chorobowy i wyniki badań obrazowych). Rozpoznanie choroby i wdrożenie leczenia po 24 godzinach w naszym materiale wiązało się z wyższym odsetkiem zgonów

    Density functional theory modeling and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometric and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic investigations into mechanistic key events of coronene oxidation : toward molecular understanding of soot combustion

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    Density functional [revised Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (rPBE)/double-numerical basis set with polarization functions (DNP)] molecular modeling of the mechanistic steps of coronene oxidation was performed together with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometric (ToF-SIMS) identification of the reaction intermediates. For the reaction steps involving singlet–triplet crossing, transition states were located within the broken-symmetry approach by use of a Becke three-parameter Lee–Yang–Parr (B3LYP)/triple-ζ plus polarization (TZVP) calculation scheme. For the conceivable attack by O2 molecule, topologically different in-plane, free edge, zigzag, bay, armchair, and C–H sites of the coronene molecule and its derivatives were considered. Energetic profiles of the oxidation cascade revealed that the reaction occurs by a sequence of oxidation and fragmentation steps. For the key steps, the influence of the evolution of free energy with temperature was assessed and discussed. The most demanding stage is the primary dioxygen attack, and the preferred locus is the coronene free-edge site. The key intermediates appearing during the reaction progress feature C═O, C–OH, and COOH moieties, redistribution of the carbon rings, and formation of new carbon–oxygen rings, as confirmed additionally by corroborative spectroscopic measurements. The obtained results are discussed in the broader context of the molecular mechanism of soot oxidation

    Assessment of quality of life in patients with non-operated pancreatic cancer after videothoracoscopic splanchnicectomy

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    Introduction: Pancreatic tumours are a crucial medical issue. The majority of patients report sick in the late stage ofcarcinoma clinical advancement, which considerably limits the possibility of surgical treatment. Pancreatic cancerpatients with no other alternative but palliative treatment constitute a large group.Aim: To assess pain intensity levels and quality of life of pancreatic cancer patients after videothoracoscopic splanchnicectomy.Material and methods: Between 2001 January and 2010 November in the Department of Thorax, General Surgery andOncology of the Medical University of Lodz 262 patients with pancreatic tumours were hospitalized. In 121 casesgrade 3 and grade 4 tumours were observed. Hundred and twenty-one videothoracoscopic procedures of sympathetictrunk and ganglion excision were performed in 89 patients.Results: Before the procedure the pain intensity level according to VAS was 5.66 (3.9-7.2; SD 1.24) in the trial groupand 5.46 (4.1-7.1; SD 1.15) in the control group. The quality of life average assessment in both groups did not differ statistically(p = 1.07) and was 46.3 (32-66; SD 0.92) in patients before the operation and in the control group 50.3(41-63; SD 0.75). On the 7th postoperative day the pain intensity on average was 2.33 (1.2-3.9; SD 0.78) and 4.57(3.6-5.5; SD 0.69) respectively. One week after the procedure the quality of patients’ life was estimated at 64.1(39-83; SD 1.38) and in the control group at 52.2 (42-65; SD 0.71); the differences are significant (p < 0.05). Thirty daysafter the procedure 12 patients did not t ake any painkillers (13.5%), and in the others a considerable decrease of thetaken drugs was observed. On average, the pain intensity was estimated at 1.78 (0.6-3.6; SD 0.68). The quality of life,on the other hand, improved considerably in relation to the state prior to the procedure, but increased insignificantlyin relation to the state on the 7th postoperative day to 70.9 (52-88; SD 1.14).Conclusions: Splanchnicectomy is a safe method of cancer pain treatment in patients with advanced pancreatictumours. Videothoracoscopic excision of visceral nerve thoracic section contributes to the statistically significantdecrease of cancer pain intensity and considerably improves the quality of patients’ lives

    Oesophageal perforation – therapeutic and diagnostics challenge. Retrospective, single-center case report analysis (2009–2015)

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    Background: Esophageal perforation is a life-threatening condition of a complex etiology. No clear guidelines are available regarding the management of this condition. In this study, we review publications related to esophageal perforation, and analyze patients treated for this condition at our Department of Thoracic, General and Oncological Surgery. Objective: The objective of the study was to retrospectively assess and analyze management methods for esophageal perforations of different etiologies. All patients were treated in the Department of Thoracic, General and Oncological Surgery in years 2009-2015. Patients with perforations resulting from post-operational leaks within surgical anastomoses were excluded from the study. Material, methods, results: The analysis involved a total of 16 cases of esophageal ruptures. All cases were treated in years 2009-2015. Patients with perforations resulting from postoperative leaks within surgical anastomoses following elective surgeries for either oncological or non-oncological causes were excluded. The most common reason for esophageal rupture was iatrogenic injury (7 cases, 44%). Other causes included Boerhaave syndrome (5 cases, 31.2%), blunt trauma (2 cases, 12.5%), abscess perforation (1 case, 6.2%), and ulcer perforation (1 case, 6.2%). Ten patients underwent surgery, and the rest underwent esophageal prosthesis placement, of whom 2 cases required drainage of the mediastinum and pleural cavity. The mortality rate in the study group was 9/16 cases (56.2%). Conclusions: Esophageal perforation poses a significant interdisciplinary challenge regarding diagnostic workup, selection of treatment methods, and management of potential postoperative complications. This retrospective study was conducted in a single center. Although the analyzed period was long, we found only 16 cases. In spite of a variety of etiologies present, we found several statistically significant results of potential clinical value. 1. Most perforations that are not diagnosed within 48 hours affected the lower part of the esophagus and presented with unclear symptoms and imaging findings 2. Delaying diagnosis and treatment beyond 24 hours was associated with a higher mortality rate