928 research outputs found

    Phase separation of binary fluids with dynamic temperature

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    Phase separation of binary fluids quenched by contact with cold external walls is considered. Navier-Stokes, convection-diffusion, and energy equations are solved by lattice Boltzmann method coupled with finite-difference schemes. At high viscosity, different morphologies are observed by varying the thermal diffusivity. In the range of thermal diffusivities with domains growing parallel to the walls, temperature and phase separation fronts propagate towards the inner of the system with power-law behavior. At low viscosity hydrodynamics favors rounded shapes, and complex patterns with different lengthscales appear. Off-symmetrical systems behave similarly but with more ordered configurations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E, 11 figures, best quality figures available on reques

    Geological and geophysical characterization of the southeastern side of the High Agri Valley (southern Apennines, Italy)

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    Abstract. In the frame of a national project funded by Eni S.p.A. and developed by three institutes of the National Research Council (the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, the Institute of Research for Hydrogeological Protection and the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment), a multidisciplinary approach based on the integration of satellite, aero-photogrammetric and in situ geophysical techniques was applied to investigate an area located in the Montemurro territory in the southeastern sector of the High Agri Valley (Basilicata Region, southern Italy). This paper reports the results obtained by the joint analysis of in situ geophysical surveys, aerial photos interpretation, morphotectonic investigation, geological field survey and borehole data. The joint analysis of different data allowed us (1) to show the shallow geological and structural setting, (2) to detect the geometry of the different lithological units and their mechanical and dynamical properties, (3) to image a previously unmapped fault beneath suspected scarps/warps and (4) to characterize the geometry of an active landslide affecting the study area

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis to the Orbit in a Coinfected HIV+ HBV+ Patient Previously Treated with Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: A Case Report

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma rarely metastasizes to the orbit. We report a 45-year-old male, HBV+, HIV+, with a past history of a liver transplant for ELSD (end-stage liver disease) with hepatocellular carcinoma and recurrent HCC, who presented with proptosis and diplopia of the left eye. CT scans of the head revealed a large, irregular mass in the left orbit causing superior and lateral destruction of the orbital bone. Biopsy specimens of the orbital tumor showed features of metastatic foci of hepatocellular carcinoma. Only 16 other cases of HCC metastasis to the orbit have been described in literature, and this is the first case in a previously transplanted HIV+, HBV+ patient

    Towards a new food labelling system for sustainable food production and healthy responsible consumption: The Med Index Checklist

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    By 2024, the European Commission will examine a new sustainable labeling framework. Here we describe the development of a new food product labeling system, named Mediterranean Index (Med Index), aimed at promoting adherence to the Mediterranean diet (healthy and sustainable nutritional pattern) by stimulating citizens to practice physical activity consistent with the energy intake of meals and encouraging producers to make healthier and more sustainable food products. It is characterized by the possibility of integrating 27 criteria addressing the issue of sustainable food production processes in the frame of three pillars: nutritional, environmental, and social sustainability. It is conceived as a holistic front-of-pack (FOP) label, complete and applicable by food producers as it is based on measurable criteria, widely shared by stakeholders, but usually adopted on an individual basis

    Fluctuation relations in non-equilibrium stationary states of Ising models

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    Fluctuation relations for the entropy production in non equilibrium stationary states of Ising models are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. Systems in contact with heat baths at two different temperatures or subject to external driving will be studied. In the first case, by considering different kinetic rules and couplings with the baths, the behavior of the probability distributions of the heat exchanged in a time Ď„\tau with the thermostats, both in the disordered and in the low temperature phase, are discussed. The fluctuation relation is always verified in the large Ď„\tau limit and deviations from linear response theory are observed. Finite-Ď„\tau corrections are shown to obey a scaling behavior. In the other case the system is in contact with a single heat bath but work is done by shearing it. Also for this system the statistics collected for the mechanical work shows the validity of the fluctuation relation and preasymptotic corrections behave analogously to the case with two baths.Comment: 9 figure

    Human leukocyte antigen (Hla) haplotype does not influence the inflammatory pattern of duodenal lymphocytosis linked to irritable bowel syndrome

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    Background and objectives: Duodenal lymphocytosis (DL) is a condition characterized by enhanced infiltration of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) in the duodenal mucosa, and it can be linked to both gluten-and non-gluten-related diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Materials and methods: We retrospectively selected patients with DL linked to IBS. Formalin-embedded biopsy samples of the duodenum were collected. CD3 lymphocyte immunohistochemistry was used for IELs. The real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to quantify the amount of mRNA coding for tissue transglutaminase 2 (tTG2), interferon-gamma (IFNγ), toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), and myeloid differentiation primary response 88 (MyD88). All subjects underwent DQ2-8 haplotype analysis. Controls were represented by subjects with IBS without DL. Results: Thirty-two patients with IBS-DL were retrospectively recruited. Fourteen subjects (43.8%) had a DQ2-8 haplotype. DQ2-8 positive subjects had similar levels compared to negative ones for tTG2, IFNγ, TLR2, and MyD88. Cigarette smoke did not influence molecular expression in our study. Smokers had a statistically higher IELs count than non-smokers (54.2 ± 7.7 vs. 36.0 ± 8.8, p < 0.001). A significant, direct correlation between IELs and duodenal expression of IFNγ was found (r = 0.36, p = 0.04). Conclusions: IBS with DL showed higher expression of inflammatory markers than controls, but DQ2-8 haplotype did not seem to affect their expression. Smoking might increase IELs infiltration

    Analisi del campo di deformazione superficiale della Regione Campania da dati SAR (PS-InSAR)

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    Il lavoro presenta un’applicazione della tecnica dei diffusori permanenti (Permanent Scatterers) finalizzata alla caratterizzazione del campo di deformazione superficiale della Regione Campania. Per effettuare l’analisi sono state processate, tramite la tecnica PS-InSARTM, 1078 scene SAR ERS1 ed ERS2 relative al periodo giugno 1992 - gennaio 2001. Sulla base della velocità media annua di spostamento di 1.691.740 PS con coerenza maggiore di 0.65 sono state prodotte mappe di velocità media di deformazione mediante l’utilizzo di una procedura articolata nei seguenti punti: a) filtraggio dei dati effettuato sulla base dei valori di coerenza; b) produzione di mappe di velocità media di deformazione in coordinate SAR; c) generazione di mappe di velocità media di deformazione secondo le componenti verticale ed Est-Ovest; d) validazione di risultati mediante confronto con dati prodotti con differenti metodiche d’indagine. L’analisi dei risultati ottenuti ha consentito di identificare aree caratterizzate da distinti stili deformativi. Aree in subsidenza sono risultate essere, per il periodo di interesse, oltre all’area vulcanica dei Campi Flegrei, le aree costiere dei bacini dei fiumi Volturno e Sele ed il settore centrale dell’isola d’Ischia. Aree con significativi valori di sollevamento sono localizzate nel settore settentrionale del Monte Somma, nel settore centrale della Piana Campana, nel Sannio e nel Cilento. Significativi valori di velocità di spostamento in direzione EW si riscontrano, oltre che nell’area dei Campi Flegrei, nel settore appenninico del bacino del Sele e nell’area interposta tra il Somma-Vesuvio e la catena appenninica. Il quadro deformativo globale risulta essere caratterizzato da un andamento complesso, governato da una molteplicità di processi di differente natura (tettonici, vulcano-tettonici, esogeni ed antropici)

    Ultrasound Evaluation of Tendinopathy in Hemophiliac Patients for the Purpose of Rehabilitation Indications

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    Background: Hemophilia is a inherited bleeding disorder that is characterized by intra-articular bleeding (hemarthrosis). The aim of the study was to evaluate the state of the satellite tendons of the target joints in the patient with hemophilic arthropathy and propose rehabilitation treatment with eccentric exercises. Methods: The tendons of the joints mainly affected by hemophilic arthropathy were evaluated by ultrasound. The ultrasound evaluation is associated with the use of evaluation clinical scales, such as the Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS), the Functional Independence Score in Hemophilia (FISH), the Hemophilia Activity List (HAL), the DASH, the VISA-A, the VISA-P, and the VAS scale. Results: In 20 patients with hemophilic arthropathy, the thickness of the tendons that were examined was normal. In six subjects with severe joint damage, echostructural alterations were present, and signs of hyperemia and neo-vascularization were detected on color Doppler, as well as the presence of intratendinous calcifications. Conclusions: The tendons of the target joints in patients with hemophilic arthropathy are compromised by the indirect biomechanical damage caused by the joint disease, and rehabilitation treatment with eccentric exercises can be considered safe and effective in improving the tenso-elastic properties of the tendons

    The correlation between low back pain and strength training in elite athletes: a literature review

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    This study aims to analyze the correlation between LBP and elite athletes who practice sports where strength training intervenes via weightlifting. To analyse the correlation between low back pain and athletes who practice sports where strength training programs, a narrative review was conducted by two independent author through MEDLINE database search. Inclued study’s methodology quality has been evaluated using NIH quality assessment tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Out of 830 retrieved articles, after titles, abstracts and full text assessment, four studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the present narrative review. The NIH total score ranged from 10 to 12 points. Demographic and sport-specific factors can influence the prevalence of LBP. Our findings highlight the importance of developing future research to provide prevention programs to reduce the incidence of LBP, taking into account the demographics of athletes and the unique nature of their sport activity
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