36 research outputs found

    Reversed food chains : humanity, monstrosity and an evolutionary utopia in Colin Wilson's Spider world novels

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    "Colin Wilson (1931-2013), philosopher, novelist and an "Angry YoungMan" of British literature, is best known for his works on true crime,mystery and the paranormal. He is also the author of several science fictionnovels, among them the cycle Spider World, written over the spanof sixteen years (The Tower [1987], The Delta [1987], The Magician [1992],Shadowland [2003]. Set in a distant future, the cycle begins as a post-apocalypticvision of Earth governed by giant spiders where surviving humansare hunted, eaten or forced into slavery, and those who are allowed to liveare subject to selective breeding and all forms of social surveillance. Thenovels follow the vicissitudes of Niall, a young boy who sets out to defeatthe spiders but turns into an advocate of an inter-species alliance, becomingin the end the ruler of both humans and spiders. (...)

    "The vagina will bring down this state" : practices of resistance in the activities of the russian feminist-poetry collective F-Letter

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    Artykuł dotyczy działalności i twórczości rosyjskiego feministyczno-poetyckiego kolektywu F-Pis’mo (2017-2021). Analizie poddany został zarówno wymiar instytucjonalny - a więc środowiskowe usytuowanie zjawiska w ramach współczesnego rosyjskiego pola literackiego, jak i ideowy - w którym najważniejszym celem poetek-feministek było wykreowanie wyemancypowanej aktywnej podmiotki liryczno-politycznej. Perspektywa teoretyczna stanowiąca bazę namysłu w artykule wyrasta z inspiracji manifestem badawczym Rity Felski Literatura w użyciu oraz perspektywą polityki literatury Jacquesa Ranciere’a.The article deals with the activities and work of the Russian feminist-poetry collective F-Letter (2017-2021). It analyses both the institutional dimension - that is, the milieu location of the phenomenon within the contemporary Russian literary field - and the ideological dimension - in which the most important goal of the feminist poets was to create an emancipated active lyrical-political subject. The theoretical perspective that constitutes the basis of reflection in the article grows out of the inspiration of Rita Felski’s research manifesto Uses of Literature and Jacques Ranciere’s perspective on the politics of literature.В статье рассматривается деятельность и творчество российского феминистско-поэтического коллектива Ф-письмо (2017-2021). В ней анализируется как институциональное измерение - то есть место явления в современном русском литературном поле - так и идеологическое измерение, в котором важнейшей целью поэток-феминисток было создание эмансипированно активно лирической и политической субъектки. Теоретическая перспектива, которая лежит в основе размышлений в статье, выросла из вдохновения исследовательским манифестом Риты Фельски Литература в использовании и перспективой политики литературы Жака Рансьера

    The role of visceral therapy, Kegel’s muscle, core stability and diet in pelvic support disorders and urinary incontinence — including sexological aspects and the role of physiotherapy and osteopathy

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    Proper diet and physical activity are a form of prevention of female genital prolapse disorders. The causal substrate of pelvic floor dysfunction is multifactorial. Fifty percent of women over the age of 50 have pelvic organ prolapse, often accompanied by urinary incontinence. It is a complicated social and medical (urogynecological and sexological) problem. The authors conducted a literature review on the role of visceral therapy, Kegel and core stability exercises and diet in pelvic support disorders and urinary incontinence. The eligible articles provided insights into sexological factors, as well as the role of osteopathy and physiotherapy. These results provide new insights into the relevance of clinical practice. In addition to standard treatment methods used in gynaecology, sexology, physiotherapy and osteopathy (e.g., visceral therapy), Kegel muscle and core stability exercises are becoming increasingly important. The aim of visceral therapy is to restore the mobility of the organs while reducing increased tension and improving blood and lymph circulation. This has the effect of reducing pain sensations, thereby influencing the function of the uterus and ovaries

    Analyzing European Union Politics

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    The speed and depth with which the European Communities/ European Union has evolved is breathtaking and has radically shaped the life of the continent. Ever since the beginning of this ambitious economic and political project, scholars around the world have tried to explain the underlying logic behind it and the mechanisms of its functioning. Thus, a plethora of studies developed alongside the evolution of the EU. SENT (Network of European Studies) is an innovative and ambitious project which brought together about 100 partners from the EU member states, candidate and associated countries, and other parts of the world. It was a far reaching project aimed to overcome disciplinary and geographical- linguistic boundaries in order to assess the state of EU studies today, as well as the idea of Europe as transmitted by schools, national politicians, the media, etc. SENT’s main goal was to map European studies, in order to get a comprehensive picture of the evolution of European studies over the last decades in different disciplines and countries. This approach permitted to achieve a better understanding of the direction these studies are now taking. Five disciplines were identified where EU studies have particularly evolved: law, politics, economics, history, and social and cultural studies. The mapping of EU studies thus includes a review of the most studied issues in EU studies today, the main academic schools, the most influential journals and books published, but it also shows how local realities and national identities affect the study and teaching of Europe around the world. In addition, an important work was done in mapping and discussing teaching methodologies in relation to European studies with the aim of introducing and diffusing the most up-to-date techniques

    The Fool in Shakespeare's Comedies: A Study in the Typology of the Character

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