22 research outputs found

    Knotting a molecular strand can invert macroscopic effects of chirality

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    Transferring structural information from the nanoscale to the macroscale is a promising strategy for developing adaptive and dynamic materials. Here we demonstrate that the knotting and unknotting of a molecular strand can be used to control, and even invert, the handedness of a helical organization within a liquid crystal. An oligodentate tris(2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide) strand with six point-chiral centres folds into an overhand knot of single handedness upon coordination to lanthanide ions, both in isotropic solutions and in liquid crystals. In achiral liquid crystals, dopant knotted and unknotted strands induce supramolecular helical organizations of opposite handedness, with dynamic switching achievable through in situ knotting and unknotting events. Tying the molecular knot transmits information regarding asymmetry across length scales, from Euclidean point chirality (constitutional chirality) via molecular entanglement (conformation) to liquid-crystal (centimetre-scale) chirality. The magnitude of the effect induced by the tying of the molecular knots is similar to that famously used to rotate a glass rod on the surface of a liquid crystal by synthetic molecular motors. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Synthesis of Stereoenriched Piperidines via Chemo- Enzymatic Dearomatization of Activated Pyridines

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    The development of efficient and sustainable methods for the synthesis of nitrogen heterocycles is an important goal for the chemical industry. In particular, substituted chiral piperidines are prominent targets due to their prevalence in medicinally relevant compounds and their precursors. A potential biocatalytic approach to the synthesis of this privileged scaffold would be the asymmetric dearomatization of readily assembled activated pyridines. However, nature has yet to yield a suitable biocatalyst specifically for this reaction. Here, by combining chemical synthesis and biocatalysis, we present a general chemo-enzymatic approach for the asymmetric dearomatization of activated pyridines for the preparation of substituted piperidines with precise stereochemistry. The key step involves a stereoselective one-pot amine oxidase/ene imine reductase cascade to convert N-substituted tetrahydropyridines to stereo-defined 3- and 3,4-substituted piperidines. This chemo-enzymatic approach has proved useful for key transformations in the syntheses of the antipsychotic drugs Preclamol and OSU-6162, as well as for the preparation of two important intermediates in synthetic routes of the ovarian cancer monotherapeutic Niraparib

    Stereoselective Synthesis of Molecular Square and Granny Knots

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    We report on the stereoselective synthesis of both molecular granny and square knots through the use of lanthanide-complexed overhand knots of specific handedness as three-crossing “entanglement synthons”. The composite knots are assembled by combining two entanglement synthons (of the same chirality for a granny knot; of opposite handedness for a square knot) in three synthetic steps: first, a CuAAC reaction joins together one end of each overhand knot. Ring-closing olefin metathesis (RCM) then affords the closed-loop knot, locking the topology. This allows the lanthanide ions necessary for stabilizing the entangled conformation of the synthons to subsequently be removed. The composite knots were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry and the chirality of the knot stereoisomers compared by circular dichroism. The synthetic strategy of combining building blocks of defined stereochemistry (here overhand knots of Λ- or Δ-handed entanglement) is reminiscent of the chiron approach of using minimalist chiral synthons in the stereoselective synthesis of molecules with multiple asymmetric centers

    Mechanical scission of a knotted polymer

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    Molecular knots and entanglements form randomly and spontaneously in both biological and synthetic polymer chains. It is known that macroscopic materials, such as ropes, are substantially weakened by the presence of knots, but until now it has been unclear whether similar behaviour occurs on a molecular level. Here we show that the presence of a well-defined overhand knot in a polymer chain substantially increases the rate of scission of the polymer under tension (≥2.6× faster) in solution, because deformation of the polymer backbone induced by the tightening knot activates otherwise unreactive covalent bonds. The fragments formed upon severing of the knotted chain differ from those that arise from cleavage of a similar, but unknotted, polymer. Our solution studies provide experimental evidence that knotting can contribute to higher mechanical scission rates of polymers. It also demonstrates that entanglement design can be used to generate mechanophores that are among the most reactive described to date, providing opportunities to increase the reactivity of otherwise inert functional groups

    Social Self-Sorting Synthesis of Molecular Knots

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    [Image: see text] We report the synthesis of molecular prime and composite knots by social self-sorting of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide (pdc) ligands of differing topicity and stereochemistry. Upon mixing achiral monotopic and ditopic pdc-ligand strands in a 1:1:1 ratio with Lu(III), a well-defined heteromeric complex featuring one of each ligand strand and the metal ion is selectively formed. Introducing point-chiral centers into the ligands leads to single-sense helical stereochemistry of the resulting coordination complex. Covalent capture of the entangled structure by ring-closing olefin metathesis then gives a socially self-sorted trefoil knot of single topological handedness. In a related manner, a heteromeric molecular granny knot (a six-crossing composite knot featuring two trefoil tangles of the same handedness) was assembled from social self-sorting of ditopic and tetratopic multi-pdc strands. A molecular square knot (a six-crossing composite knot of two trefoil tangles of opposite handedness) was assembled by social self-sorting of a ditopic pdc strand with four (S)-centers and a tetratopic strand with two (S)- and six (R)-centers. Each of the entangled structures was characterized by (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The precise control of composition and topological chirality through social self-sorting enables the rapid assembly of well-defined sequences of entanglements for molecular knots