62 research outputs found

    Protecting City from Radical Ideologies and Activities

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    Pemikiran Dakwah Nurcholish Madjid

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    ; Tantangan yang dihadapi dakwah tidak hanya berupa pluralitas masyarakat Indonesia. Selain itu, juga tidak dapat menafikan tantangan lainnya yang berasal dari situasi dan keadaan lokal. Kedatangan Islam di Nusantara, tidak hanya memperlihatkan bagaimana Islam disebarkan, tetapi juga, bagaimana ia diterima, diadaptasi, dan berpengaruh pada pola-pola interaksi dalam masyarakat. Pemikiran dakwah Madjid pada aspek normatif atau tataran konseptual, mengacu pada istilah yang disebutnya sebagai “trilogi” dakwah, yaitu: al-da\u27wah ilâ al-khayr, amar ma\u27rûf dan nahy munkar. Selain itu, tampak pula dalam pandangan Madjid, berdakwah dan amar ma\u27ruf nahi mungkar tidak hanya dimaknai sebagai suatu aktivitas verbal-konvensional melalui ceramah, tetapi juga menjangkau pemaknaan politis, sebagaimana ide-idenya mengenai oposisi loyal dan checks and balances. Selain kepada para cendekiawan, Madjid juga menekankan peran penting institusi keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan, termasuk organisasi kepemudaan dalam mengemban tugas dakwah dalam arti yang luas. Unsur lain yang selalu ada dalam proses dakwah adalah mâddah atau materi dakwah. Mâddah dakwah adalah isi pesan atau materi yang disampaikan da\u27i pada mad\u27û. Materi dakwah pada dasarnya adalah seluruh ajaran Islam yang bersumber dari Al-Qur\u27an dan Sunnah Rasul yang meliputi: aqidah, syari`ah dan akhlak. Dari perspektif pemikiran dakwah, Madjid memiliki konsepsi dan gagasan serta aktivitas di bidang dakwah. Dari segi materi dakwah atau pesan agama yang disampaikannya, Madjid meramu pesan keagamaannya dari tiga sendi utama pemikirannya, yaitu: keislaman, kemodernan, dan keindonesiaan. Tipologi ini, juga dapat disebut sebagai dakwah “Madaniah” atau dakwah “Civil society”. Kata Kunci: Dakwah, Pluralitas The plurality of Indonesia citizens is one of big challenges for doing the Dakwah. The two of them are also a situation and local state. The arrival of Islam in archipelago shows on how Islam is not only diffused, but also accepted, adapted, dan gives a big influence over interaction patterns in citizens. The thought of Madjid Dakwah in normative aspect or conceptual refers from what is called as Dakwah “trilogi” which is al-da\u27wah ilâ al-khayr, amar ma\u27rûf, and nahy munkar. Further more, to do Dakwah and amar ma\u27ruf nahi mungkar in Madjid\u27s thought is not only seen as a verbal-communication activity through lecture, but also to reach the political meanings that can be seen from its thought of loyal opposition and checks and balances. Instead of all cendikiawan, Madjid higlights into the important role of religious institutions and citizens including of youth organization in doing their Dakwah in general. The other elements in Dakwah process is mâddah or Dakwah materials. Mâddah dakwah is a message or materials that is diffused by da\u27i in mad\u27û. The Dakwah materials are about all Islam\u27s lectures that are based on Al-Quran and Sunnah Rasul encompassing of Aqidah, Syari\u27ah, and Akhlak. From Madjid\u27s thought can be seen that he has a concept and notion of Dakwah. Madjid can summary three things from all his Dakwah materials or religious message that are Islamisme, Modernisme, and Indonesiaisme. This tipology can be also known as Dakwah “Madaniah” or Dakwah “Civil Society”

    Protecting City from Radical Ideologies and Activities

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    Protecting City from Radical Ideologies and Activities

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    Komunikasi dan Dakwah Islam

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    Dinamika Pemikiran Islam Modern

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    Niqab in Indonesia: Identity and Nationalism of the Female Students in Palopo

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    This research discusses the politics of identity that are increasingly strengthening in the public sphere. This phenomenon grows through the religious sentiment circulated massively on social media and is also evident in dress and daily behavior. This article wants to see: (1) the extent to which the identity of female students that wearing niqab influences the national insight, (2) how their perspectives and attitudes in national and state life. As a result, the sentiment of niqab female students' identity grew more vital in the public sphere. It is directly proportional to their low acceptance of government leaders of different religions. The government role is also considered lacking in helping them to overcome the life problems they face. Interestingly, the position of the Pancasila in the group gaining acceptance is relatively high. The primary data of this study through a questionnaire with the techniques of purposive sampling of 30 female students that wearing the niqab from various religious organisations spread across many campuses in the City of Palopo
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