78 research outputs found

    First record of genus leveillula on a member of the moraceae: Leveillula taurica on Ficus carica

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    A powdery mildew fungus Leveillula taurica (Erysiphales) is reported for the first time on fig tree ( Ficus carica ) (Moraceae) in Sistan region, Iran. One hundred fungal organs including clistothecia, asci, ascospores and conidia, were micrometried by the calibrated Olympus BH2 microscope. All characters of the organs were recorded and drawn using a drawing tube. Conidiophores were with cylindrical foot cells, bearing a single conidium or occasionally with short chains of 2-3 conidia. The fungus produced both primary and secondary conidia. Primary conidia were lanceolate and secondary ones were ellipsoid to cylindrical. Cleistothecia were 160-230 \u3bcm in diameter and cleistothecia appendages were myceliod. There were 20-30 cases in each cleistothecia which were clavate stalked. In each ascus, there were 1-4 ascospores which were ellipsoid-ovoid shaped. On the basis of morphological characters of the anamorph and telemorph, this fungus was identified as Leveillula taurica. This fungi is the second powdery mildew species in addition to Oidium erysipheoide reported for Moraceae. This is also the first report of genus Leveillula on Moraceae in the world making Moraceae the latest host family for Leveillula taurica.Le champignon Leveillula taurica (Erysiphales), mildiou poudreux, a \ue9t\ue9 signal\ue9 pour la premi\ue8re fois sur le figuier ( Ficus carica ) (Moraceae) dans la r\ue9gion de Sistan en Iran. Cent organes fongiques comprenant l\u2019asci, les ascospores et les conidia ont \ue9t\ue9 measur\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019aide d\u2019un microm\ue8tre \ue0 microscope calibr\ue9, l\u2019Olympus BH2. Tous les caract\ue8res des organes ont \ue9t\ue9 enregistr\ue9s et dessin\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019aide d\u2019un tube pour dessin. Les conidiophores avaient des pattes \ue0 cellules cylindriques, munis d\u2019une seule de conidium ou occasionnellement avec des cha\ueenes courtes de 2-3 conidia. Les champignons avaient produit des conidia primaries \ue0 bout en forme de lance, ainsi que des conidia secondaires ellipsoides voire cylindriques. Les cl\ue9istoth\ue8ces avaient un diam\ue8tre de 160-230 \uecm ainsi que des appendices \u201cmyceliod\u201d. Le nombre d\u2019\u201dasci\u201d variait de 20 \ue0 30 dans chaque cl\ue9istoth\ue8ces, et \ue9taient claviformes et p\ue9tiol\ue9s. Les ascospores variaient de 1-4 dans chaque ascus, et \ue9taient en forme ovo\uefde ellipso\uefdale. Sur base des caract\ue8res morphologiques de l\u2019anamorphe et le t\ue9l\ue9morphe, ce champignon \ue9tait identifi\ue9 comme \ue9tant Leveillula taurica. Il est la seconde esp\ue8ce du mildiou podreux, en plus de l\u2019 Oidium erysipheoide reconnu pour Moraceae. Ceci est aussi le premier rapport du g\ue8ne Leveillula sur les Moraceaes dans le monde, faisant du Moraceae la derni\ue8re famille d\u2019acceuil pour Leveillula taurica

    Therapeutic Effects of Liposome-Enveloped Ligusticum chuanxiong Essential Oil on Hypertrophic Scars in the Rabbit Ear Model

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    Hypertrophic scarring, a common proliferative disorder of dermal fibroblasts, results from an overproduction of fibroblasts and excessive deposition of collagen. Although treatment with surgical excision or steroid hormones can modify the symptoms, numerous treatment-related complications have been described. In view of this, we investigated the therapeutic effects of essential oil (EO) from rhizomes of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. (Umbelliferae) on formed hypertrophic scars in a rabbit ear model. EO was prepared as a liposomal formulation (liposome-enveloped essential oil, LEO) and a rabbit ear model with hypertrophic scars was established. LEO (2.5, 5, and 10%) was applied once daily to the scars for 28 days. On postoperative day 56, the scar tissue was excised for masson's trichrome staining, detection of fibroblast apoptosis, assays of the levels of collagens I and III, and analysis of the mRNA expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), caspase-3 and -9, and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). In addition, the scar elevation index (SEI) was also determined. As a result, LEO treatment significantly alleviated formed hypertrophic scars on rabbit ears. The levels of TGF-β1, MMP-1, collagen I, and collagen III were evidently decreased, and caspase -3 and -9 levels and apoptosis cells were markedly increased in the scar tissue. SEI was also significantly reduced. Histological findings exhibited significant amelioration of the collagen tissue. These results suggest that LEO possesses the favorable therapeutic effects on formed hypertrophic scars in the rabbit ear model and may be an effective cure for human hypertrophic scars

    The detergent Triton X-100 induces a death pattern in human carcinoma cell lines that resembles cytotoxic lymphocyte-induced apoptosis

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    AbstractThe detergent Triton X-100 (TX100) was used with the intention to establish a model for necrotic cell death. However TX100 was found to induce apoptotic and necrotic death in prostate and colon cancer cell lines. Apoptosis was characterized by the typical morphological features and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. The rapid onset within 60 min and the lack of inhibition by cycloheximide indicated that apoptosis induced by TX100 was not dependent on protein synthesis. Removal of extracellular calcium blocked internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. This pattern of cell death shows a striking similarity to the effect of cytotoxic lymphocytes on their target cells