160 research outputs found

    Practical methodology for the design and management of instability in hard rock tunnels

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    The English language has long acknowledged and required some preconception of distance, but it has only been considered explicitly as a key element of human geography for half a century. The distances of greatest consequence in human geography are those between public places on the earth’s surface. Measures of physical distance have become increasingly standardized, but anomalous practices persist. Straight-line distance in nature has less applicability to human geography than route distance on a transport network. Even circuitous distance measures may be less useful measures of the separation of places than the time, expense and effort of traversing distances. Cognitive and compound distance also measure relative distance. In human geography distance is treated mainly as an organizing principle in location decision making and travel behavior, as a deterrent to spatial interaction and diffusion, and as a differentiator. Advances in rapid, long-range transport and communication have mediated sheer physical distance and rendered it less significant. Yet even while the world shrinks metaphorically, distances measured in relative terms are being reconfigured unevenly and imaginatively. Even where distance has ceased to be a material concern, the idea and discourse of distance survives


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    Fine-sediment dispersal in the Gulf of San Miguel, western Gulf of Panama: A reconnaissance

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    The Gulf of San Miguel, 30 km wide at its mouth and extending 40 km inland, is the estuary of river systems that drain eastern Panama. The Gulf consists of a central scour channel up to 36 m deep, flanked by semicircular bays. The tide has a range of up to 7 m, and maximum surface tidal currents average 200 cm/sec on the flood tide and 230 cm/sec on the ebb tide...

    'Africanisation' of South Africa's international air links, 1994-2003

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    In the first decade of democratic rule in South Africa scheduled commercial passenger flights across the country’s borders more than doubled. Additional flights served new African air passenger markets and secondary airports in established markets. Overseas flights increased more slowly, serving a diminishing number of overseas countries and cities. In 1994 the Republic was linked directly by air with more overseas than African countries and cities; within a decade the pattern reversed. The changing geography of South Africa’s international air links reflects developments in the international airline industry, and South Africa’s increasingly prominent political and commercial role in Africa


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    Cet essai réfléchit sur l’opportunité et la possibilité de façonner un concept de justice spatiale à partir des notions de justice sociale et de justice sociale territoriale. Le sens contesté, les formulations rivales et le statut incertain de la justice sociale en forment une base trouble et dissuasive. L’attrait des évaluations de la justice de localisation guide la recherche vers de nouveaux référents spatiaux de la justice et la perspective de principes de justice spatiale. Cependant, il semble que dans l’expression « justice spatiale », le deuxième mot ne peut désigner que le contexte du concept et non son contenu. Conceptualiser l’espace comme un produit social plutôt que comme un contexte pour la société peut produire un concept substantiel de justice spatiale.Este ensayo reflexiona sobre la oportunidad y posibilidad de construir un concepto de justicia espacial a partir de las nociones de justicia social y justicia social territorial. El significado discutido, las formulaciones rivales y el estatus incierto de la justicia social forman una base turbia y disuasoria. El atractivo de las valoraciones de la justicia de localización orienta la investigación hacia nuevos referentes espaciales para la justicia y la perspectiva de principios de justicia espacial. Sin embargo, parece que en la expresión “justicia espacial” el primer término sólo puede denotar el contexto del concepto y no su contenido. Conceptualizar el espacio como un producto social más que como un contexto para la sociedad puede generar un concepto sustantivo de justicia espacial.This essay reflects on the desirability and possibility of fashioning a concept of spatial justice from notions of social justice and territorial social justice. The contested meaning, rival formulations, and uncertain status of social justice form a cloudy and dissuasive foundation. The appeal of evaluations of locational justice steers investigation towards new spatial referents for justice and the prospect of principles of spatial justice. However, it seems that in the term “spatial justice” the prefix can only denote concept context and not concept content. Conceptualising space as a social product rather than as a context for society may yield a substantive concept of spatial justice.Esse artigo reflete sobre a oportunidade e a possibilidade da criação do conceito de justiça espacial a partir das noções de justiça social e justiça social territorial. Os significados contestados, formulações rivais e status incerto da justiça social formam uma fundação nebulosa e dissuasiva. O apelo de avaliações de justiça locacional conduz investigações para novos referentes de justiça e para perspectivas de princípios de justiça espacial. No entanto, parece que na expressão “justiça espacial” o segundo termo só pode se referir a um contexto do conceito e não a um conteúdo. Conceitualizar o espaço como um produto social ao invés de como um contexto para a sociedade pode produzir um conceito substantivo para a justiça espacial

    Law, Lawyers, and Legal Practice in Silicon Valley: A Preliminary Report

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    The Growth of Large Law Firms and Its Effect on the Legal Profession and Legal Education, Symposiu

    Law, Lawyers, and Legal Practice in Silicon Valley: A Preliminary Report

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    The Growth of Large Law Firms and Its Effect on the Legal Profession and Legal Education, Symposiu

    Differential effects of nutritional folic acid deficiency and moderate hyperhomocysteinemia on aortic plaque formation and genome-wide DNA methylation in vascular tissue from ApoE-/- mice

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    Low folate intake is associated with vascular disease. Causality has been attributed to hyperhomocysteinemia. However, human intervention trials have failed to show the benefit of homocysteine-lowering therapies. Alternatively, low folate may promote vascular disease by deregulating DNA methylation. We investigated whether folate could alter DNA methylation and atherosclerosis in ApoE null mice. Mice were fed one of six diets (n = 20 per group) for 16 weeks. Basal diets were either control (C; 4% lard) or high fat (HF; 21% lard and cholesterol, 0.15%) with different B-vitamin compositions: (1) folic acid and B-vitamin replete, (2) folic acid deficient (−F), (3) folic acid, B6 and B12 deficient (−F−B). −F diets decreased plasma (up to 85%; P < 0.05), whole blood (up to 70%; P < 0.05), and liver folate (up to 65%; P < 0.05) and hepatic SAM/SAH (up to 80%; P < 0.05). −F−B diets reduced plasma (up to 76%; P < 0.05), whole blood (up to 72%; P < 0.05), and liver B12 (up to 39%; P < 0.05) and hepatic SAM/SAH (up to 90%; P < 0.05). −F increased homocysteine 2-fold, while −F−B increased homocysteine 3.6- and 6.8-fold in the C and HF groups (P < 0.05). Plaque formation was increased 2-fold (P < 0.0001) in mice fed a HF diet. Feeding a HF–F diet increased lesion formation by 17% (P < 0.05). There was no change in 5-methyldeoxycytidine in liver or vascular tissue (aorta, periadventitial tissue and heart). These data suggest that atherogenesis is not associated with genome-wide epigenetic changes in this animal model