138 research outputs found

    Reversal of age-related learning deficiency by the vertebrate PACAP and IGF-1 in a novel invertebrate model of aging: the pond snail (Lymnaea Stagnalis)

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    With the increase of life span, nonpathological age-related memory decline is affecting an increasing number of people. However, there is evidence that age-associated memory impairment only suspends, rather than irreversibly extinguishes, the intrinsic capacity of the aging nervous system for plasticity (1). Here, using a molluscan model system, we show that the age-related decline in memory performance can be reversed by administration of the pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP). Our earlier findings showed that a homolog of the vertebrate PACAP38 and its receptors exist in the pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) brain (2), and it is both necessary and instructive for memory formation after reward conditioning in young animals (3). Here we show that exogenous PACAP38 boosts memory formation in aged Lymnaea, where endogenous PACAP38 levels are low in the brain. Treatment with insulin-like growth factor-1, which in vertebrates was shown to transactivate PACAP type I (PAC1) receptors (4) also boosts memory formation in aged pond snails. Due to the evolutionarily conserved nature of these polypeptides and their established role in memory and synaptic plasticity, there is a very high probability that they could also act as “memory rejuvenating” agents in humans

    Multifunctional Role of Pacap-Like Peptides in Molluscs

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    The purpose of this review is to highlight the role of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) in a range of physiological and behavioral processes of gastropod molluscs, Helix and Lymnaea. Since its discovery in 1989 PACAP has become increasingly recognized for its important and diversified roles in the central and peripheral nervous system and in several peripheral organs of a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate species. Twenty-two years after its discovery, PACAP is now one of the most extensively studied of the neuropeptides. This review surveys the importance of PACAP and PACAP-like peptides in invertebrates, focusing mainly on the gastropod molluscs. The relevance of studies on lower vertebrates and invertebrates, which do not have a pituitary gland, is to contribute to the unraveling of fundamental effects of PACAP or PACAP-like peptides and to provide a comparative view

    A Next Generation High-speed Data Acquisition System for Multi-channel Infrared and Optical Photometry

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    We report the design, operation, and performance of a next generation high-speed data acquisition system for multi-channel infrared and optical photometry based on the modern technologies of Field Programmable Gate Arrays, the Peripheral Component Interconnect bus, and the Global Positioning System. This system allows either direct recording of photon arrival times or binned photon counting with time resolution up to 1-ÎĽ\mus precision in Universal Time, as well as real-time data monitoring and analysis. The system also allows simultaneous recording of multi-channel observations with very flexible, reconfigurable observational modes. We present successful 20-ÎĽ\mus resolution simultaneous observations of the Crab Nebula Pulsar in the infrared (H-band) and optical (V-band) wavebands obtained with this system and 100-ÎĽ\mus resolution V-band observations of the dwarf nova IY Uma with the 5-m Hale telescope at the Palomar Observatory.Comment: 11 pages, including 4 figures, to appear in PAS

    A homolog of the vertebrate pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide is both necessary and instructive for the rapid formation of associative memory in an invertebrate

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    Similar to other invertebrate and vertebrate animals, cAMP dependent signaling cascades are key components of long-term memory (LTM) formation in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis, an established experimental model for studying evolutionarily conserved molecular mechanisms of long-term associative memory. Although a great deal is already known about the signaling cascades activated by cAMP, the molecules involved in the learning-induced activation of adenylate cyclase (AC) in Lymnaea remained unknown. Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectroscopy in combination with biochemical and immunohistochemical methods, recently we have obtained evidence for the existence of a Lymnaea homologue of the vertebrate pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) and for the AC activating effect of PACAP in the Lymnaea nervous system. Here we first tested the hypothesis that PACAP plays an important role in the formation of robust LTM after single-trial classical food-reward conditioning. Application of the PACAP receptor antagonist PACAP6-38 around the time of single-trial training with amyl acetate and sucrose blocked associative LTM, suggesting that in this strong food-reward conditioning paradigm the activation of AC by PACAP was necessary for LTM to form. We found that in a weak multi-trial food-reward conditioning paradigm, lip-touch paired with sucrose, memory formation was also dependent on PACAP. Significantly, systemic application of PACAP at the beginning of multi-trial tactile conditioning accelerated the formation of transcription dependent memory.Our findings provide the first evidence to show that in the same nervous system PACAP is both necessary and instructive for fast and robust memory formation after reward classical conditioning

    Mely értékekben különböznek a rendvédelmi szubkultúrák?

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    The author provides an overview of a comparative research ion the (different) corporate culture of law enforcement agencies, Police, Prison Services, Tax and Customs Administration, Disaster Management in Hungary.A szerző áttekintést nyújt a rendvédelmi szervek, a rendőrség, a büntetés-végrehajtás, az adó- és vámigazgatás, a katasztrófavédelem (különböző) vállalati kultúrájáról szóló összehasonlító kutatásról

    A rendvédelmi szervek hivatásos állományú dolgozóinak véleménye a szervezeti kultúráról nemek szerinti bontásban

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    The author provides an overview of a research on how male and female members of four Hungarian law enforcement agencies (Police, Prison Services, the Tax authority and Disaster Management) se the corporate culture.A szerző áttekintést ad egy kutatásról, amelyben megvizsgálják, hogy négy magyar rendvédelmi szerv (rendőrség, büntetés-végrehajtás, adóhatóság és katasztrófavédelem) férfi és női tagjai hogyan látják a vállalati kultúrát
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