11,629 research outputs found

    A Framework for Dynamic Web Services Composition

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    Dynamic composition of web services is a promising approach and at the same time a challenging research area for the dissemination of service-oriented applications. It is widely recognised that service semantics is a key element for the dynamic composition of Web services, since it allows the unambiguous descriptions of a service's capabilities and parameters. This paper introduces a framework for performing dynamic service composition by exploiting the semantic matchmaking between service parameters (i.e., outputs and inputs) to enable their interconnection and interaction. The basic assumption of the framework is that matchmaking enables finding semantic compatibilities among independently defined service descriptions. We also developed a composition algorithm that follows a semantic graph-based approach, in which a graph represents service compositions and the nodes of this graph represent semantic connections between services. Moreover, functional and non-functional properties of services are considered, to enable the computation of relevant and most suitable service compositions for some service request. The suggested end-to-end functional level service composition framework is illustrated with a realistic application scenario from the IST SPICE project

    Towards runtime discovery, selection and composition of semantic services

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    Service-orientation is gaining momentum in distributed software applications, mainly because it facilitates interoperability and allows application designers to abstract from underlying implementation technologies. Service composition has been acknowledged as a promising approach to create composite services that are capable of supporting service user needs, possibly by personalising the service delivery through the use of context information or user preferences. In this paper we discuss the challenges of automatic service composition, and present DynamiCoS, which is a novel framework that aims at supporting service composition on demand and at runtime for the benefit of service end-users. We define the DynamiCoS framework based on a service composition life-cycle. Framework mechanisms are introduced to tackle each of the phases and requirements of this life-cycle. Semantic services are used in our framework to enable reasoning on the service requests issued by end users, making it possible to automate service discovery, selection and composition. We validate our framework with a prototype that we have built in order to experiment with the mechanisms we have designed. The prototype was evaluated in a testing environment using some use case scenarios. The results of our evaluation give evidences of the feasibility of our approach to support runtime service composition. We also show the benefits of semantic-based frameworks for service composition, particularly for end-users who will be able to have more control on the service composition process

    An Algorithm for Automatic Service Composition

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    Telecommunication companies are struggling to provide their users with value-added services. These services are expected to be context-aware, attentive and personalized. Since it is not economically feasible to build services separately by hand for each individual user, service providers are searching for alternatives to automate service creation. The IST-SPICE project aims at developing a platform for the development and deployment of innovative value-added services. In this paper we introduce our algorithm to cope with the task of automatic composition of services. The algorithm considers that every available service is semantically annotated. Based on a user/developer service request a matching service is composed in terms of component services. The composition follows a semantic graph-based approach, on which atomic services are iteratively composed based on services' functional and non-functional properties

    O Terceiro na Literatura para Crianças: modelos de identificaçao

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    This article revolves around Children�s Literature and its relation with the French Philosopher Michel Serres´s (1991) theory about the instance of �the educated third party�. Michel Serres views the learning process as cross-fertilization where all the paths a person goes through are a passage to a third level. In the present article, we will reflect upon a triangulation where the relation bookreader can or cannot originate this third party. As Michel Serres explaines �When something is learned, a third person is produced from the rootstock into which the scion is inserted� (1993). Some Children�s and Teen Literature, from adaptations of classical texts to contemporaneous works, will be our object of analysis. Our reflection is also grounded in young readers� opinions when questioned about some of the analyzed texts.Este artigo aborda a literatura para crianças na sua relação com a teoria do filósofo francês Michel Serres (1991), sobre a instância do �Tiersinstruit� (�Terceiro-instruído�). Michel Serres considera que a aprendizagem é uma mestiçagem e que os caminhos que o indivíduo faz são uma passagem para um terceiro lugar. Neste artigo, reflectimos sobre uma triangulação onde a interacção livro-leitor pode, ou não, dar origem a esse terceiro. O leitor pode tornar-se um Terceiro-instruído (quando algo é aprendido e transforma o sujeito, como acontece, segundo explica o próprio Serres (1993), quando uma planta é enxertada e dá origem a uma variedade nova). Alguns textos de literatura para crianças e jovens, desde adaptações de textos clássicos a obras contemporâneas, serão aqui alvo desta análise. reflexão está também ancorada nas opiniões de jovens leitores, questionados sobre alguns dos textos abordados

    Práticas de literacia e avaliação da competência da escrita

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    O desfasamento entre a escola e os diferentes contextos sociais em que se insere, a dificuldade em dar resposta às solicitações e desafios que as suas comunidades lhe colocam, a deficiente preparação de muitos dos alunos para um uso competente e crítico da linguagem oral e escrita, constituem três críticas sérias ao papel atual da escola. O projeto que estamos a dinamizar com uma turma do ensino secundário procura contrariar este rumo da educação, demonstrando que é possível construir e valorizar as competências de literacia que não se circunscrevem à própria vida escolar, através de atividades de aprendizagem efetiva da escrita, numa relação interdisciplinar com outras áreas de conhecimento. Ele surge nos antípodas do ensino tradicional, onde a produção escrita é imposta aos alunos, tendo quase sempre o professor como único destinatário, valorizando-se aspetos de natureza formal e superficial em detrimento de outros que são fundamentais em termos de eficácia discursiva, fazendo dela depender, quase exclusivamente, a avaliação do aluno, muitas vezes assente numa mera reprodução de conhecimento.Assim, e com recurso à metodologia do trabalho de projeto, concebemos um roteiro paisagístico, ainda em fase de realização, acerca de uma quinta de D. Antónia (Ferreirinha), destinado aos seus turistas, que tem obrigado a uma participação no quadro mais alargado da escola enquanto comunidade e nas comunidades em que os seus membros se inserem, fazendo com que os alunos interajam com os contextos culturais, históricos, económicos, sociais e institucionais onde atuam, estudam e vivem: o Douro. Nesta comunicação, procuramos divulgar estas práticas e discutir a sua viabilidade, evidenciando o modo como os alunos constroem o seu saber sobre a língua e de que modo a avaliação é um processo indispensável quer nas diferentes etapas de elaboração de um projeto, quer no domínio da competência de escrita.Abstract: Among other things, schools are often criticised for the gap between their work and the demands of the contexts where they are inserted, the difficulty in responding to the challenges raised by the communities and the insufficient preparation of the students in what concerns competent and critical uses of oral and written language. The project that we are developing at a secondary school aims at demonstrating that it is possible to enhance literacy skills that are not limited to the school context through learning activities that imply an interdisciplinary relationship with other areas of knowledge. This approach intends to be different from traditional ways of teaching writing that tend to focus on superficial aspects rather than on discourse effectiveness and mainly use writing as an assessment tool. In this project, students are invited to create the touristic road-map of a farm where Port Wine is produced, what implies multiple language uses, the insertion in different social and cultural contexts and the interaction with several institutions of the region where they live: the Douro. In this presentation, we describe the project activities and discuss their interest, trying to demonstrate their contribution to the enhancement of students’ language skills. Wealso try to describe how the different steps of the project and its impact on students writing performance are evaluated

    Obsession in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Black Cat" and "The Tell-Tale Heart"

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Letras Inglês.Quando lemos os contos de Edgar Allan Poe, é possível notar que muitas de suas histórias estão repletas de personagens obsessivos, mas há poucos estudos interessados na questão da obsessão existente nos contos de Poe. Muito do que foi publicado até agora foi em relação ao conto “Berenice”, no qual o protagonista é obcecado pelos dentes de sua prima. A partir disso, o propósito deste estudo é analisar o tema da obsessão nos contos “O Gato Preto” e “O Coração Delator”, uma vez que nestes contos a obsessão parece ser uma influência central nas ações mais relevantes destas histórias. Segundo Nöel Carroll, narrativas supostamente têm que gerar certos efeitos (14). Baseado nisto, o principal objetivo deste estudo é entender como a obsessão, pode contribuir para a criação de um efeito de terror-Gótico nos dois contos. A partir disto, foi possível notar que a obsessão em “O Gato Preto” e em “O Coração Delator”, quando interpretada como o principal tema destas narrativas, cria efeitos como suspense, uma sensação de estar sendo assombrado e um efeito perturbador.While reading Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories, it is possible to notice that many of his narratives are filled with obsessive characters, but only few studies are concerned with the question of obsession in Poe’s stories. Much of what was written until now has been in relation to the short story “Berenice” in which the protagonist is obsessed with his cousin’s teeth. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to analyze the theme of obsession in Poe’s short stories “The Black Cat” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” once it seems to have a key influence in the most relevant actions in the short stories. According to Nöel Carroll, narratives are supposed to elicit a certain effect (14). Based on this, the main objective of this study is to understand how obsession, in these short stories, contribute to create a Gothic-terror effect. In this regard, it was possible to notice that obsession in “The Black Cat” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”, when interpreted as the main theme of these narratives, creates effects such as suspense, a feeling of being haunted and also an uncanny effect