5 research outputs found

    Presaditev pljuč v Sloveniji – izkušnje prvih treh let

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    Izhodišča: Presaditev pljuč je zahtevna metoda zdravljenja za izbrane bolnike z napredovalo pljučno boleznijo. Naraščanje števila primernih kandidatov in standarizacija posega sta v letu 2018 omogočila vzpostavitev transplantacijskega centra v UKC Ljubljana. Prispevek poroča o prvih rezultatih. Metode: Opravili smo analizo lastnega registra bolnikov. Rezultate smo primerjali s skupino bolnikov, ki so jim pred tem opravili presaditev v AKH Dunaj. Rezultati: Med 15. 9. 2018 in 15. 9. 2021 smo opravili 37 presaditev pljuč (od tega pri 13 ženskah). Indikacije so bile KOPB (n = 13, 35 %), pljučne fibroze (n = 7, 19 %), cistična fibroza (n = 5, 14 %), kovidna pljučnica (n = 4, 11 %), bronhiektazije (n = 3, 8 %), pljučna hipertenzija (n = 2, 5 %), limfangioleiomiomatoza (n = 1, 3 %), pomanjkanje alfa-1-antitripsina (n = 1, 3 %) in bronhiolitis (n = 1, 3 %). V primerjavi s prejšnjo skupino bolnikov, napotenih v AKH Dunaj (71 bolnikov, od tega 35 žensk), je bil delež bolnikov s KOPB višji (35 % in 16 %, p = 0,019), bolniki pa so bili starejši (mediana [razpon], 59 [14–68] in 43 [4–58] let, p = 0,001). 76 % darovanih pljuč ni ustrezalo standardnim merilom (30 % darovalcev je bilo starejših od 55 let, 22 % jih je imelo infiltrate na rentgenogramu pljuč, 24 % pa ni izpolnjevalo enega od ostalih meril), v 43 % pa je bila potrebna redukcija velikosti, kar pa ni vplivalo na primarno odpoved presadka. Kratkoročno preživetje je bili podobno v obeh skupinah (1-letno preživetje v UKC Ljubljana 89 % [95 % CI 78–99 %] in v AKH Dunaj 83 % [95 % CI 74–92 %]). Zaključek: Prvi rezultati kažejo, da so zgodnji izidi po presaditvi pljuč primerljivi pri bolnikih, ki so imeli presaditev v UKC Ljubljana ali v AKH Dunaj


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    V diplomskem delu je opredeljena problematika nevarnih snovi ter njihovih škodljivih učinkov na zdravje ljudi in na okolje. Opisan je tudi pojav nevarnih odpadkov, ki se nanaša na probleme okoljevarstvene politike. Podane so nekatere evropske in svetovne smernice na področju ravnanja z nevarnimi snovmi, varovanja delavcev pred učinki nevarnih snovi ter varstva okolja. Navedeni in opisani so tudi slovenski zakoni, ki urejajo to področje. Natančno so tudi opisani vidiki ravnanja z nevarnimi snovmi in nevarnimi odpadki na Petrolovih bencinskih servisih. Poseben poudarek smo namenili ravnanju z nevarnimi odpadki. Z diplomskim delom predstavljamo idejo projekta, s katerim je predvideno zbiranje nekaterih vrst nevarnih odpadkov, za katere trenutno ne obstaja organizirano zbiranje in skladiščenje. Pri tem gre za nevarno embalažo in embalažo, ki vsebuje nevarne snovi. Tovrstni odpadki, ki se pogosto znajdejo med ostalimi komunalnimi odpadki (ali nekje v neposredni bližini bencinske črpalke) predstavljajo nevarnost za zdravje ljudi in za okolje, zato jih je potrebno zbirati in oddajati pooblaščenim podjetjem.This graduate work thesis describes the phenomenon of dangerous substances. It defines many harmful effects those substances have on pepople and the environement. We have also described the problems of hazardous waste, and the problems of environmental policy. We have shown some global trends in the field of handling hazardous substances, hazardous waste, protection of workers and environemental protection. We have also shown Slovenian legislation in this area. We have described in detailas ways of handling dangerous substances on gas pumps of Petrol. Special emphasis was given to describing of handling hazardous waste. With this diploma thesis we have presented a project of collecting some types of hazardous waste which are currently not collected properly. Those hazardous waste consist of packaging of dangerous substances which are often incorrectly disposed among other waste or in smowhere in the vicinity of gas pumps. The absence of collecting hazardous waste may have harmful effects on health of the people, and on the environement

    Protective ventilation with high versus low positive end-expiratory pressure during one-lung ventilation for thoracic surgery (PROTHOR): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC) may result in longer duration of in-hospital stay and even mortality. Both thoracic surgery and intraoperative mechanical ventilation settings add considerably to the risk of PPC. It is unclear if one-lung ventilation (OLV) for thoracic surgery with a strategy of intraoperative high positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and recruitment maneuvers (RM) reduces PPC, compared to low PEEP without RM. Methods: PROTHOR is an international, multicenter, randomized, controlled, assessor-blinded, two-arm trial initiated by investigators of the PROtective VEntilation NETwork. In total, 2378 patients will be randomly assigned to one of two different intraoperative mechanical ventilation strategies. Investigators screen patients aged 18 years or older, scheduled for open thoracic or video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery under general anesthesia requiring OLV, with a maximal body mass index of 35 kg/m2, and a planned duration of surgery of more than 60 min. Further, the expected duration of OLV shall be longer than two-lung ventilation, and lung separation is planned with a double lumen tube. Patients will be randomly assigned to PEEP of 10 cmH2O with lung RM, or PEEP of 5 cmH2O without RM. During two-lung ventilation tidal volume is set at 7 mL/kg predicted body weight and, during OLV, it will be decreased to 5 mL/kg. The occurrence of PPC will be recorded as a collapsed composite of single adverse pulmonary events and represents the primary endpoint. Discussion: PROTHOR is the first randomized controlled trial in patients undergoing thoracic surgery with OLV that is adequately powered to compare the effects of intraoperative high PEEP with RM versus low PEEP without RM on PPC. The results of the PROTHOR trial will support anesthesiologists in their decision to set intraoperative PEEP during protective ventilation for OLV in thoracic surgery. Trial registration: The trial was registered in clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02963025) on 15 November 2016

    Incidence of severe critical events in paediatric anaesthesia (APRICOT): a prospective multicentre observational study in 261 hospitals in Europe

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    Background Little is known about the incidence of severe critical events in children undergoing general anaesthesia in Europe. We aimed to identify the incidence, nature, and outcome of severe critical events in children undergoing anaesthesia, and the associated potential risk factors. Methods The APRICOT study was a prospective observational multicentre cohort study of children from birth to 15 years of age undergoing elective or urgent anaesthesia for diagnostic or surgical procedures. Children were eligible for inclusion during a 2-week period determined prospectively by each centre. There were 261 participating centres across 33 European countries. The primary endpoint was the occurence of perioperative severe critical events requiring immediate intervention. A severe critical event was defined as the occurrence of respiratory, cardiac, allergic, or neurological complications requiring immediate intervention and that led (or could have led) to major disability or death. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01878760. Findings Between April 1, 2014, and Jan 31, 2015, 31â127 anaesthetic procedures in 30â874 children with a mean age of 6·35 years (SD 4·50) were included. The incidence of perioperative severe critical events was 5·2% (95% CI 5·0â5·5) with an incidence of respiratory critical events of 3·1% (2·9â3·3). Cardiovascular instability occurred in 1·9% (1·7â2·1), with an immediate poor outcome in 5·4% (3·7â7·5) of these cases. The all-cause 30-day in-hospital mortality rate was 10 in 10â000. This was independent of type of anaesthesia. Age (relative risk 0·88, 95% CI 0·86â0·90; p<0·0001), medical history, and physical condition (1·60, 1·40â1·82; p<0·0001) were the major risk factors for a serious critical event. Multivariate analysis revealed evidence for the beneficial effect of years of experience of the most senior anaesthesia team member (0·99, 0·981â0·997; p<0·0048 for respiratory critical events, and 0·98, 0·97â0·99; p=0·0039 for cardiovascular critical events), rather than the type of health institution or providers. Interpretation This study highlights a relatively high rate of severe critical events during the anaesthesia management of children for surgical or diagnostic procedures in Europe, and a large variability in the practice of paediatric anaesthesia. These findings are substantial enough to warrant attention from national, regional, and specialist societies to target education of anaesthesiologists and their teams and implement strategies for quality improvement in paediatric anaesthesia. Funding European Society of Anaesthesiology

    Incidence of severe critical events in paediatric anaesthesia (APRICOT): a prospective multicentre observational study in 261 hospitals in Europe

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    Background Little is known about the incidence of severe critical events in children undergoing general anaesthesia in Europe. We aimed to identify the incidence, nature, and outcome of severe critical events in children undergoing anaesthesia, and the associated potential risk factors. Methods The APRICOT study was a prospective observational multicentre cohort study of children from birth to 15 years of age undergoing elective or urgent anaesthesia for diagnostic or surgical procedures. Children were eligible for inclusion during a 2-week period determined prospectively by each centre. There were 261 participating centres across 33 European countries. The primary endpoint was the occurence of perioperative severe critical events requiring immediate intervention. A severe critical event was defined as the occurrence of respiratory, cardiac, allergic, or neurological complications requiring immediate intervention and that led (or could have led) to major disability or death. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01878760. Findings Between April 1, 2014, and Jan 31, 2015, 31 127 anaesthetic procedures in 30 874 children with a mean age of 6.35 years (SD 4.50) were included. The incidence of perioperative severe critical events was 5.2% (95% CI 5.0-5.5) with an incidence of respiratory critical events of 3.1% (2.9-3.3). Cardiovascular instability occurred in 1.9% (1.7-2.1), with an immediate poor outcome in 5.4% (3.7-7.5) of these cases. The all-cause 30-day in-hospital mortality rate was 10 in 10 000. This was independent of type of anaesthesia. Age (relative risk 0.88, 95% CI 0.86-0.90; p<0.0001), medical history, and physical condition (1.60, 1.40-1.82; p<0.0001) were the major risk factors for a serious critical event. Multivariate analysis revealed evidence for the beneficial effect of years of experience of the most senior anaesthesia team member (0.99, 0.981-0.997; p<0.0048 for respiratory critical events, and 0.98, 0.97-0.99; p=0.0039 for cardiovascular critical events), rather than the type of health institution or providers. Interpretation This study highlights a relatively high rate of severe critical events during the anaesthesia management of children for surgical or diagnostic procedures in Europe, and a large variability in the practice of paediatric anaesthesia. These findings are substantial enough to warrant attention from national, regional, and specialist societies to target education of anaesthesiologists and their teams and implement strategies for quality improvement in paediatric anaesthesia