511 research outputs found

    Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions using panel data models extended to spatial autocorrelation effects.

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    This paper studies the convergence of per capita GDP across European regions over a fairly long period. Most of the works are based on either cross-sectional or fixed-effects estimates. We propose the estimation of convergence in per capita GDP across European regions by making use of panel-data models extended to include spatial error autocorrelation and spatially lagged dependent variable (Anselin,1988;Elhorst,2002). This will allow us to extend the traditional Ăź convergence model to include a rigorous treatment of the spatial correlation among the intercept terms. A spatial analysis of such intercept terms will also be performed in order to shed light on the concept spatially conditional convergence.

    Un <i>Miles</i> della <i>cohors</i> III <i>Aquitanorum</i> in un’iscrizione funeraria proveniente da Ardara (Sassari): nota preliminare

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    Una recente segnalazione ha consentito di accertare la presenza di materiale epigrafico di notevole interesse conservato nei locali ospitanti il laboratorio di restauro della Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici delle Province di Sassari e Nuoro, materiale nel quale si è potuto individuare, grazie ai successivi sopralluoghi, più precisamente un’epigrafe medievale, una paleocristiana e infine una d’età romana

    Analyzing Intra-Distribution Dynamics: A Reappraisal

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    In this paper we suggest an alternative estimator and an alternative graphical analysis, both developed by Hyndman et al. (1996), to describe the law of motion of cross-sectional distributions of per-capita income and its components in Europe. This estimator has better properties than the kernel density estimator generally used in the literature on intra-distribution dynamics (cf. Quah, 1997). By using the new estimator, we obtain evidence of a very strong persistent behavior of the regions considered in the study, that is poor regions tend to remain poorer and rich regions tend to remain richer. These results are also in line with the most recent literature available on the distribution dynamic approach to regional convergence (Pittau and Zelli, 2006).

    Oil Spill Detection Analyzing “Sentinel 2“ Satellite Images: A Persian Gulf Case Study

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    Oil spills near exploitation areas and oil loading ports are often related to the ambitions of governments to get more oil market share and the negligence at the time of the loading in large tankers or ships. The present study investigates one oil spill event using multi sensor satellite images in the Al Khafji (between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) zone. Oil slicks have been characterized with multi sensor satellite images over the Persian Gulf and then analyzed in order to detect and classify oil spills in this zone. In particular this paper discusses oil pollution detection in the Persian Gulf by using multi sensor satellite images data. Oil spill images have been selected by using Sentinel 2 images pinpointing oil spill zones. ENVI software for analysing satellite images and ADIOS (Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills) for oil weathering modelling have been used. The obtained results in Al Khafji zone show that the oil spill moves towards the coastline firstly increasing its surface and then decreasing it until reaching the coastline

    Dynamic simulation model of trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pump application for boosting low temperature distribution networks in dwellings

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    This research investigates the role of new hybrid energy system applications for developing a new plant refurbishment strategy to deploy small scale smart energy systems. This work deals with a dynamic simulation of trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pump application for boosting low temperature distribution networks to share heat for dwellings. Heat pumps provide high temperature heat to use the traditional emission systems. The new plant layout consists of an air source heat pump, four trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pumps (CO2-HPs), photovoltaic arrays, and a combined heat and power (CHP) for both domestic hot water production and electricity to partially drive the heat pumps. Furthermore, electric storage devices adoption has been evaluated. That layout has been compared to the traditional one based on separated generation systems using several energy performance indicators. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis on the primary energy saving, primary fossil energy consumptions, renewable energy fraction and renewable heat, with changes in building power to heat ratios, has been carried out. Obtained results highlighted that using the hybrid system with storage device it is possible to get a saving of 50% approximately. Consequently, CO2-HPs and hybrid systems adoption could be a viable option to achieve Near Zero Energy Building (NZEB) qualification

    Indagini termografiche, trasformazioni architettoniche e degrado dei materiali nelle chiese del centro storico di Siliqua (Sardegna S-W)

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    La termografia a raggi infrarossi, come noto, consente l’analisi strutturale di manufatti edilizi sulla base dell’individuazione di zone a differente temperatura e di possibili processi di scambio termico in stretta relazione con la risposta dei materiali utilizzati alle sollecitazioni termiche a cui sono interessati. Le immagini termiche, soprattutto se acquisite mediante strumentazione caratterizzata da elevata risoluzione e sensibilità, consentono di mettere in evidenza, oltre alla presenza di anomalie legate a processi di alterazione e degradazione dei materiali utilizzati, eventuali trasformazioni architettoniche avvenute nella storia del manufatto e, in particolare, caratteri costruttivi originari nascosti da interventi posteriori. Sulla base di questi presupposti, vengono esposti i risultati di una indagine applicata per lo studio di alcuni tra gli edifici storico-religiosi presenti nel paese di Siliqua (Sardegna sud-occidentale): la Chiesa di San Giorgio, la Chiesa di Sant’Anna e la Chiesa di Santa Margherita. La ricerca, in particolare, ha consentito di mettere in evidenza la struttura e la tessitura muraria dei prospetti principali, oggi coperta dall’intonaco e, sulla base di documenti storici e delle immagini fotografiche del passato, tarare la risposta termica acquisita in base alle specifiche caratteristiche dei materiali utilizzati. Lo studio è stato condotto mediante l’utilizzo della Termocamera IR Thermo Tracer TH9260 (NEC Avio Infrared Technologies Co., Ltd).Infrared thermography, as known, allows the analysis of structural building elements on the basis of the identification of areas at different temperatures and possible heat transfer processes in close relationship with the response of the materials used to thermal stresses to which they are interested. The thermal images, especially if acquired through instrumentation characterized by high resolution and sensitivity, allow to put in evidence, in addition to the presence of anomalies associated with processes of alteration and degradation of the materials used, any architectural transformations occurred in the history of the article and, in particular, original characters constructive hidden by later interventions. Based on these assumptions, the thermographic method has been applied to the study of some of the historical and religious buildings in the country of Siliqua (south-western Sardinia): the Church of San Giorgio, the Church of Sant’Anna and the Church of Santa Margherita. The research, in particular, has made it possible to highlight the structure and texture of the main elevations of walls, now covered by plaster, and, on the basis of historical documents and photographs of the past, adjust the thermal response acquired with the specific materials used. The study has been carried through non-destructive telemetry investigations through the use of Thermal Imaging Camera IR Thermo Tracer TH9260 (NEC Avio Infrared Technologies Co., Ltd)

    Virtual coaches for mission-based gamified smart communities.

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    We propose a Virtual Coach for the gamification of participatory applications in complex socio-technical systems like Smart Cities and Smart Communities. In such participatory applications, the user community is an active and essential component. Users must voluntarily take up some tasks, in order to ensure the correct operation of the application according to its requirements and goals, which, in turn, delivers collective benefits to the community. In order to facilitate users, and support their sustained engagement in a participatory application, we use a Missions metaphor to describe those volunteering tasks. Our Virtual Coach is then responsible for selecting and recommending missions to users, based on a variety of factors, including the criticality of the corresponding tasks for the application purposes, the importance of the task for the individual user that should take it up, user profile characteristics, like personal preferences and skills, and the in-game incentives the user would earn by completing the mission

    Identification of ticks collected in two areas of Sardinia

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    In the present note the resu1ts of preliminary studies on tick distribution in two areas of Sardinia (Cagliari and Ogliastra) are reported

    Optimization of design and management of a hydroponic greenhouse by using BIM application software

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    The paper deals with hydroponic greenhouses that can be used both for crops cultivation and as a space for hosting events, thanks to its transformability characteristics. The project combines the concepts of circular economy and agricultural activity, creating environmentally sustainable hydroponic greenhouses, from the design to the management phase, thanks to the use of a multidisciplinary BIM approach (Building Information Modelling). The use of application software in BIM logic such as MC4® Energy and Arch Energy (Tool developed by Sapienza University of Rome) for the energetic performance evaluation and Tally® Environmental Impact Tool for LCA Analysis, has improved the design of a modular and flexible architecture, energy-efficient and water-efficient, with advanced climate control. The project offers a possible solution to the main future challenges of food production such as the limited space, the urbanization process, the scarce availability of resources such as water, fossil fuels, minerals and the increasing demands of consumers in terms of functionality and product quality
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