32 research outputs found

    Effect of Eccentric Exercise on Metabolic Health in Diabetes and Obesity

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    There is a growing body of evidence showing the importance of physical activity against civilization-induced metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and obesity. Eccentric contraction, when skeletal muscles generate force by lengthening, is a unique type of skeletal muscle activity. Eccentric contraction may lead to better power production characteristics of the muscle because eccentric contraction requires less energy and can result in higher tension. Therefore, it is an ideal tool in the rehabilitation program of patients. However, the complex metabolic effect (i.e., fat mass reduction, increased lipid oxidation, improvement in blood lipid profile, and increased insulin sensitivity) of the eccentric contraction alone has scarcely been investigated. This paper aims to review the current literature to provide information on whether eccentric contraction can influence metabolic health and body composition in T2DM or obesity. We also discussed the potential role of myokines in mediating the effects of eccentric exercise. A better understanding of the mechanism of eccentric training and particularly their participation in the regulation of metabolic diseases may widen their possible therapeutic use and, thereby, may support the fight against the leading global risks for mortality in the world

    Effects of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Cardiac STAT3

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    Nuclear, mitochondrial and cytoplasmic signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) regulates many cellular processes, e.g., the transcription or opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore, and its activity depends on the phosphorylation of Tyr705 and/or Ser727 sites. In the heterogeneous network of cardiac cells, STAT3 promotes cardiac muscle differentiation, vascular element formation and extracellular matrix homeostasis. Overwhelming evidence suggests that STAT3 is beneficial for the heart, plays a role in the prevention of age-related and postpartum heart failure, protects the heart against cardiotoxic doxorubicin or ischaemia/reperfusion injury, and is involved in many cardioprotective strategies (e.g., ischaemic preconditioning, perconditioning, postconditioning, remote or pharmacological conditioning). Ischaemic heart disease is still the leading cause of death worldwide, and many cardiovascular risk factors contribute to the development of the disease. This review focuses on the effects of various cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, aging, obesity, smoking, alcohol, depression, gender, comedications) on cardiac STAT3 under non-ischaemic baseline conditions, and in settings of ischaemia/reperfusion injury with or without cardioprotective strategies

    Piroptózis, PANoptózis és ferroptózis a szív iszkémia/reperfúziós károsodásában

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    Az intenzív kutatások ellenére továbbra sem rendelkezünk olyan kardioprotektív gyógyszerekkel, amelyek a szív iszkémia/reperfúziós (I/R) károsodásával járó infarktusméretet hatásosan csökkentenék. Ennek egyik magyarázata, hogy az I/R-t kísérő sejtelhalás összetett folyamata teljesen még nem tisztázott. A mechanizmus részletesebb megismerése javíthatja a kardioprotektív gyógyszerfejlesztések transzlálhatóságát. A klasszikus szabályozott (apoptózis, autofágia-mediálta sejthalál) és nem szabályozott (nekrózis) sejthalálfolyamatok mellett olyan programozott sejthalálformákat és mechanizmusokat ismertünk meg az elmúlt években, mint például a piroptózis, a PANoptózis vagy a ferroptózis. Jelen összefoglaló közleményünkben ezen folyamatokat kívánjuk röviden bemutatni a szív I/R károsodásában, valamint kitérünk a lehetséges modulálási stratégiákra is

    Preconditioning protects the heart in a prolonged uremic condition

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    Metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes attenuate the cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning. In the present study, we examined whether another metabolic disease, prolonged uremia, affects ischemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection by ischemic preconditioning. Uremia was induced by partial nephrectomy in male Wistar rats. The development of uremia was verified 29 wk after surgery. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed to monitor cardiac function. At week 30, hearts of nephrectomized and sham-operated rats were isolated and subjected to a 30-min coronary occlusion followed by 120 min reperfusion with or without preceding preconditioning induced by three intermittent cycles of brief ischemia and reperfusion. In nephrectomized rats, plasma uric acid, carbamide, and creatinine as well as urine protein levels were increased as compared with sham-operated controls. Systolic anterior and septal wall thicknesses were increased in nephrectomized rats, suggesting the development of a minimal cardiac hypertrophy. Ejection fraction was decreased and isovolumic relaxation time was shortened in nephrectomized rats demonstrating a mild systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Infarct size was not affected significantly by nephrectomy itself. Ischemic preconditioning significantly decreased infarct size from 24.8 ± 5.2% to 6.6 ± 1.3% in the sham-operated group and also in the uremic group from 35.4 ± 9.5% to 11.9 ± 3.1% of the area at risk. Plasma ANG II and nitrotyrosine were significantly increased in the uremic rats. We conclude that although prolonged experimental uremia leads to severe metabolic changes and the development of a mild myocardial dysfunction, the cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning is still preserved

    Low-Dose Endotoxin Induces Late Preconditioning, Increases Peroxynitrite Formation, and Activates STAT3 in the Rat Heart

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    Administration of low-dose endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) 24 h before a lethal ischemia induces pharmacological late preconditioning. The exact mechanism of this phenomenon is not clear. Here we aimed to investigate whether low-dose LPS exerts late effects on peroxynitrite formation and activation of Akt, Erk, and STAT3 in the heart. Male Wistar rats were injected with LPS (S. typhimurium; 0.5 mg/kg i.p.) or saline. Twenty-four hours later, hearts were isolated, perfused for 10 min, and then used for biochemical analyses. LPS pretreatment enhanced cardiac formation of the peroxynitrite marker 3-nitrotyrosine. LPS pretreatment also increased cardiac levels of the peroxynitrite precursor nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide. The activities of Ca2+-independent NO synthase and xanthine oxidoreductase increased in LPS-pretreated hearts. LPS pretreatment resulted in significantly enhanced phosphorylation of STAT3 and non-significantly increased phosphorylation of Akt without affecting the activation of Erk. In separate experiments, isolated working hearts were subjected to 30 min global ischemia and 20 min reperfusion. LPS pretreatment significantly improved ischemia-reperfusion-induced deterioration of cardiac function. We conclude that LPS pretreatment enhances cardiac peroxynitrite formation and activates STAT3 24 h later, which may contribute to LPS-induced late preconditioning