43 research outputs found

    Journal of teacher education for sustainability after The un decade of education for sustainable development : Exploring for The future

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2019 Anita Pipere, published by Sciendo.This study aims to explore The research orientation of The papers published in The Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability (JTES) immediately after The UN Decade of ESD (2015-2018). Through following The guidelines of bibliometric study and literature review, and by grounding on The deductive qualitative and quantitative content analysis, The paper presents The analysis of The main bibliometric indicators and research paradigms in The papers published in JTES. Moreover, The changes in these indicators and paradigms in comparison with those encountered in JTES from 2005 to 2014 were recorded and critically inspected. In general, The study shows The gradual improvement and development of main bibliometric indicators and research paradigms in last four years of JTES. The main recommendations and suggestions provided in The previous study have been implemented and considered in The Journal's general features and published papers, though, The current exploration indicates also some unrealized potential for improvement. At The end of paper The author states The main conclusions, limitations, suggestions for The further research and prospective development of The Journal, as well as some implications for The potential authors of JTES.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    In the field of psychology resilience of the chronically ill has been studied mostly using quantitative research methods, but there are much fewer qualitative studies. This scoping review aims to collect definitions of resilience, find out, whether resilience development strategies are mentioned and what research approaches are used in qualitative studies about the resilience of the chronically ill. The review was conducted, following the 5-stage framework by Arksey and O’Malley, PRISMA guidelines, and searching in PubMed, PsychInfo, and Scopus databases. The main keywords (patients with chronic illness, resilience, strategies, qualitative studies) were selected according to the Participants/Concept/Context (PCC) framework, 21 articles were included in the review. Resilience mostly was defined as the ability to recover, return to normality, and adapt to new conditions after experiencing stress, illness, or other negative events. In several studies, other terms like coping, personal strength, self-management, and psychological growth were used instead. Lived experiences of the chronically ill show that resilience is not a stable ability, it changes over time. Resilience can be developed, using different strategies, such as having a positive mindset, learning new skills, accepting help, or promoting a healthy lifestyle. Qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis were the most often used research approaches in qualitative studies about the resilience of the chronically ill.

    Psichopedagoginė intervencija kaip vaikų dvasinio intelekto vystymasis: teorinio pagrindo paieškos

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    The scientific topicality of this study undergirds the demand for innovative, theoretically and empirically grounded program of psychopedagogical intervention for the development of children’s spiritual intelligence. The task for the spirituality research today is building of scientifically sound definitions, theoretical models and constructs of spiritual development. Currently the terminology in this field is rather vague; guidelines for the application of spiritually oriented terminology in research and intervention practice are missing. The paper aims toward the theoretical analysis of concepts like spirituality, spiritual intelligence and spiritual development as well as toward the description of the theoretical approaches determining the up-to-date research related to phenomena and processes in the field of spiritual development. The authors focus on cognitive-developmental, social ecology and dynamic systemic approach to the theoretical analysis of the spiritual development. Thus, the envisaged psychopedagogical intervention will be grounded on comprehensive investigation in relation to the concepts of spirituality, spiritual intelligence, and spiritual development as well as on determination of targets and methods for the development of spiritual intelligence.Mokslinis šio darbo aktualumas susijęs su poreikiu paruošti inovatyvią, teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįstą psichopedagoginės intervencijos programą, skirtą vaikų dvasinio intelekto vystymuisi. Dvasingumo tyrimai šiuo metu remiasi moksliškai pagrįstais apibrėžimais, teoriniais modeliais ir dvasinio vystymosi konstruktais. Tačiau terminologija šiame lauke nėra visiškai apibrėžta, trūksta su dvasingumu susijusios terminologijos, skirtos tyrimų ir praktikos sritims. Šiame straipsnyje orientuojamasi į teorinę dvasingumo, dvasinio intelekto ir dvasinio vystymosi konceptų analizę bei aprašomos teorinės prieigos, kurios lemia naujausius tyrimus, orientuotus į dvasinio vystymosi procesus. Autorės orientuojasi į teorinę dvasinio vystymosi analizę remiantis kognityvine-pažintine, socialinės ekologijos bei dinaminių sistemų prieigomis. Psichopedagoginė intervencija bus pagrįsta remiantis išsamiu dvasingumo, dvasinio intelekto ir dvasinio vystymosi konceptų nagrinėjimu bei remsis siekinių ir metodų, skirtų dvasinio intelekto vystymuisi, apibrėžimu

    Metamodernism and Social Sciences : Scoping the Future

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    Funding Information: The publication of this research was funded by the Rīga Stradiņš University, Department of Health Psychology and Pedagogy internal research budget. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.At this moment, humanity is confronting several global metacrises that demand a new image of science to deal with the complex problems associated with these crises. In addition to natural sciences and humanities, social sciences can become an equally efficient resource for use in this transformation if they succeed in constructing new frameworks congruent with the new reality. The purpose of this theoretical paper in the discourse of philosophy of science is to discern the features of the social sciences within a new paradigm of metamodernism. For the first time, the authors elaborate on the new principles of metamodernist philosophy and apply them to the ontology, epistemology, axiology, and methodology of the social sciences. The set of six transversal principles comprises the ontological principle of paradoxical simultaneity, caused by oscillation, epistemological principles of paradoxical understanding of truth and grand narratives, as well as metaxis-based thinking and dia/polylogue, axiological negotiation between rhizomatic and hierarchical social relations and values, and methodological pluralism. The last principle showcases the coexistence and interlinkage of previous stages of metamodernism. The application of these principles to the social sciences was designed from the perspectives of a specific discipline, inter/transdisciplinarity, and instrumental level of social practice. The paper concludes with a discussion of additional avenues for the development of metamodernism in the social sciences.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Finding a path in a methodological jungle : a qualitative research of resilience

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    Qualitative research provides an in-depth understanding of lived experiences. However, these experiences can be hard to apprehend by using just one method of data analysis. A good example is the experience of resilience. In this paper, the authors describe the chain of the decision-making process in the research of the construct of “resilience”. s The authors justify the implications of a multi-method, pluralistic approach, and show how the triangulation of two or more qualitative methods and integration of several qualitative data analysis methods can improve a deeper understanding of the resilience among people with chronic pain. By combining the thematic analysis, narrative analysis, and critical incident technique, lived experiences can be seen from different perspectives. Therefore, the thematic analysis describes the content and answers to “what” regarding resilience, the narrative analysis describes the dynamics of resilience, and answers to “how”, while the critical incident technique clarifies the most significant experience and the answers to “why” changes happen. This integrative approach could be used in the analysis of other psychological constructs and can serve as an example of how the rigour of qualitative research could be provided.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    The causes for the partnership problems and low birth-rate can be looked upon not only through an economical discourse, but also via the thorough exploration of psychological determinants of sustainable family relationships. The skills and abilities for the development of such relationships significantly depend on the characteristics of childhood family experience. Exploring the factors that influence partnership quality and birth-rate in Latvia 221 respondents were surveyed (185 women and 36 men) aged from 20 to 40. Majority of the sample indicated to their negative childhood experience (mostly parents’ conflicts, divorce, neglect, alcohol abuse) and admitted an impact of this experience on their partnership in adulthood. The respondents with negative childhood family experience reported conflicts in their current relationships more often than their counterparts with supportive childhood experience. The most frequent partnership problems appeared to be emotional violence and computer addiction, at much less rate – alcohol abuse. Though, the statistically significant correlations between the childhood family experience and the partnership problems as well as between the childhood family experience and nymber of childen in family were not found in the given sample. The problem of drug addiction had a statistically significant negative correlation with the number of children in family. Future research could focus on the ways in which positive and adverse childhood experiences interact to influence partnership quality and birth-rate.


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    To analyse the similarities and differences in personal meaning of academic experience associated with intrinsic and extrinsic academic motivation, the conceptual ideas of Self-Determination theory were blended with methodological elaborations based on the Dialogical Self Theory. The Academic Motivation Scale to identify intrinsically and extrinsically motivated graduate students and the Self Confrontation Method to disclose the important experiences in past, present and future related to the graduate studies were administered to 128 graduate students at the Daugavpils University. Both the quantitative and qualitative data analysis contributed to the understanding of relationships between the types of academic motivation and personal meaning of academic experience. The main differences in students’ personal meaning of academic experience, expressed in narrative themes were following: self-development, ideas about the further studies and factors inhibiting graduate studies were more frequent for intrinsically motivated students, while external support from influential persons, work/career, and past experience influencing current academic life were mentioned more often by extrinsically motivated students. The obtained results may help to develop more effective teaching strategies and institutional support of graduate students


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    The report reveals the contribution of two international UNESCO/ UNITWIN Chair’s peer-reviewed journals – “Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education” (DCSE) and “Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability” (JTEFS) to sustainable development of Latgale. They are international, cross-disciplinary, scholarly and open access journals focusing on diverse aspects of environmental, cultural, economic and social sustainability thus enabling one to constructively and creatively address present and future global challenges in creating more sustainable and resilient societies. Both journals aim to respond to the priorities set by the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and the Global Action Programme as implemented in LATGALE and in the partner countries. The study reflects on the thematic scope of the two journals that centres on reorienting education towards the goal of sustainable education and sustainable community in Latgale, Latvia, Europe and beyond. In order to respond to the challenges of global community that we are facing today, the research published in both journals suggests how education can contribute to overcoming the current crises in education and community, as well as offers strategies and ways of dealing with it sustainably and responsibly in Latgale. Education for sustainable development (ESD) includes more than knowledge related to the environment, economy, culture and society. It also addresses learning perspectives, strategies and values that guide and motivate people to seek sustainable livelihoods, participate in a democratic society and live in a sustainable manner. ESD also involves studying both local and global issues. The research offers the study of JTEFS contribution to meeting different views, ideas and research to promote further development of studies and practice of teacher education in all areas of formal and non-formal education in relation to sustainability. DCSE is an international, peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for examination of policies, theories and practices related to the discourse and communication for sustainable education. Since contemporary discourse study has extended its field to the study of multifaceted contexts of discourse, it integrates a broader study of the phenomena of communication in relation to sustainable education. The diversity of the journal is apparent in the variety of its theories, methods and approaches, thus avoiding the frequent limitation to one school, approach or academic branch


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    Phenomenological research is commonly used worldwide in the field of health psychology to describe and explain the unique life experiences of health and disease. In Latvia, the phenomenological research in health psychology has not been performed yet. In this study, the methodological aspects of interpretative phenomenological analysis applied to explore the experience of fathers with a child in palliative care will be exemplified. The paper particularly aims to analyze the steps of interpretative phenomenological analysis applied during the study of one father’s experience. A single case will be presented detailing the disclosure of father’s experience and reflection on the process of interpretive phenomenological analysis on interview data. Conclusions in terms of the methodological aspects of interpretative phenomenological analysis will be provided

    Mathematics teachers’ beliefs about good teaching: A comparison between Estonia, Latvia and Finland

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    The article presents results from a cross-cultural NorBa-project “Mathematics teachers’ educational beliefs”. We report Estonian, Latvian and Finnish lower secondary mathematics teachers’ beliefs about good teaching. A principal component analyses identified a two-component structure of teachers’ beliefs about good teaching: (1) Reasoning and conceptual understanding and (2) Mastery of skills and facts. Cross-cultural differences were identified in both of these dimensions. Latvian teachers indicated the strongest agreement with reasoning and conceptual understanding, Estonian teachers with mastery of skills and facts, while Finnish teachers scored lowest on both dimensions. Moreover, we analysed the amount of teachers with different profiles with regard to these two dimensions.Peer reviewe