13 research outputs found

    Automation and control over ETL processes implementation in SAS system

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    The process of data integration is used today in both commercial as well as in scientic fields. Implementations are comprised of many different ETL processes to achieve proper transformation of data. Automation and control of entire process is a crucial aspect for each solution. Thesis describes how ETL framework is used with implementation and which functionality are supported. We start by describing the data model, that is typically used in the business world. Followed by the Presentation of software used for framework development and defining different sets of ETL process flows. Next, we provide detailed presentation of ETL framework, which is afterwards compared with other solutions. We finalize the thesis by describing the ETL framework interaction from the user perspective, and by drawing conclusions

    Automation and control over ETL processes implementation in SAS system

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    The process of data integration is used today in both commercial as well as in scientic fields. Implementations are comprised of many different ETL processes to achieve proper transformation of data. Automation and control of entire process is a crucial aspect for each solution. Thesis describes how ETL framework is used with implementation and which functionality are supported. We start by describing the data model, that is typically used in the business world. Followed by the Presentation of software used for framework development and defining different sets of ETL process flows. Next, we provide detailed presentation of ETL framework, which is afterwards compared with other solutions. We finalize the thesis by describing the ETL framework interaction from the user perspective, and by drawing conclusions

    Automation and control over ETL processes implementation in SAS system

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    Postopek podatkovne integracije se danes uporablja tako na komercialnih kot tudi na znanstvenih področjih. Implementacije zajemajo vrsto različnih procesov ETL za obdelavo in pripravo podatkov, kjer sta avtomatizacija ter nadzor izvajanja procesov ključnega pomena vsake rešitve. Diplomska naloga opisuje način uporabe ogrodja pri implementaciji in funkcionalnost, ki je z njim podprta. Na začetku je predstavljen podatkovni model, ki se tipično uporablja v poslovnem svetu. Sledi predstavitev programske opreme, uporabljene pri razvoju ogrodja in opredelitev sklopov ETL procesov. Nato bo podrobno predstavljeno ogrodje ETL, ki se v nadaljevanju primerja z drugimi rešitvami. Na koncu je opisan način uporabe ogrodja s strani uporabnika in sklepne ugotovitve.The process of data integration is used today in both commercial as well as in scientic fields. Implementations are comprised of many different ETL processes to achieve proper transformation of data. Automation and control of entire process is a crucial aspect for each solution. Thesis describes how ETL framework is used with implementation and which functionality are supported. We start by describing the data model, that is typically used in the business world. Followed by the Presentation of software used for framework development and defining different sets of ETL process flows. Next, we provide detailed presentation of ETL framework, which is afterwards compared with other solutions. We finalize the thesis by describing the ETL framework interaction from the user perspective, and by drawing conclusions

    Automation and control over ETL processes implementation in SAS system

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    The process of data integration is used today in both commercial as well as in scientic fields. Implementations are comprised of many different ETL processes to achieve proper transformation of data. Automation and control of entire process is a crucial aspect for each solution. Thesis describes how ETL framework is used with implementation and which functionality are supported. We start by describing the data model, that is typically used in the business world. Followed by the Presentation of software used for framework development and defining different sets of ETL process flows. Next, we provide detailed presentation of ETL framework, which is afterwards compared with other solutions. We finalize the thesis by describing the ETL framework interaction from the user perspective, and by drawing conclusions

    PBL in HCI Teaching: A case study

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    Address problems related to the implementation of PBL pedagogy in higher education - that students are often disengaged from active collaboration, fertile discussion, and physical interaction around emerging group artifacts. focus on design educatio