106 research outputs found

    Baire and weakly Namioka spaces

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    Recall that a Hausdorff space XX is said to be Namioka if for every compact (Hausdorff) space YY and every metric space ZZ, every separately continuous function f:X×YZf:X\times{Y}\rightarrow{Z} is continuous on D×YD\times{Y} for some dense GδG_\delta subset DD of XX. It is well known that in the class of all metrizable spaces, Namioka and Baire spaces coincide (Saint-Raymond, 1983). Further it is known that every completely regular Namioka space is Baire and that every separable Baire space is Namioka (Saint-Raymond, 1983). In our paper we study spaces XX, we call them weakly Namioka, for which the conclusion of the theorem for Namioka spaces holds provided that the assumption of compactness of YY is replaced by second countability of YY. We will prove that in the class of all completely regular separable spaces and in the class of all perfectly normal spaces, XX is Baire if and only if it is weakly Namioka.Comment: 11 page

    Perspectives for using software agents in e-Government applications

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    Governing a country includes a set of decentralised processes. Moreover, in the unions ofcountries with integrated economic space, the decentralisation issue gains the attention. The mostknown examples of federated governments are two of the biggest world economies: the UnitedStates of America and the European Union. The decentralisation is even more significant whenconsidering resources for businesses. Specifically the workforce, the land and the infrastructure arecommonly managed at the local or the sub-local level. The paper addresses the issues concerningcitizens’ mobility (both for personal and professional purposes) and businesses’ pan-Europeanoperations.Application of autonomous software agents to aid cross-border businesses operations andcitizens movements is addressed. The paper presents the possibility of making citizens’movements smoother and involving less paperwork. To support these ideas, the foundations andconclusions from Infocitizen initiative are introduced.In the conclusions of the paper, it is suggested that the agent-based technology for openingagents-ready virtual offices by agencies at all levels of government should be used. It wouldbenefit the users if they were allowed to set up software agents to act on their behalf and to searchall possible locations in order to find required resources. The mentioned task would be impossibleor extremely resource-consuming when done manually

    Perspectives for using software agents in e-Government applications

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    Governing a country includes a set of decentralised processes. Moreover, in the unions ofcountries with integrated economic space, the decentralisation issue gains the attention. The mostknown examples of federated governments are two of the biggest world economies: the UnitedStates of America and the European Union. The decentralisation is even more significant whenconsidering resources for businesses. Specifically the workforce, the land and the infrastructure arecommonly managed at the local or the sub-local level. The paper addresses the issues concerningcitizens’ mobility (both for personal and professional purposes) and businesses’ pan-Europeanoperations.Application of autonomous software agents to aid cross-border businesses operations andcitizens movements is addressed. The paper presents the possibility of making citizens’movements smoother and involving less paperwork. To support these ideas, the foundations andconclusions from Infocitizen initiative are introduced.In the conclusions of the paper, it is suggested that the agent-based technology for openingagents-ready virtual offices by agencies at all levels of government should be used. It wouldbenefit the users if they were allowed to set up software agents to act on their behalf and to searchall possible locations in order to find required resources. The mentioned task would be impossibleor extremely resource-consuming when done manually

    Implementation of the DSSS method in watermarking digital audio objects

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    The paper presents the results of implementation in the Matlab environment for watermarking embedder and extractor based on the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS). A block diagram of watermarking system, an analysis of watermarked signal reproduced as well as watermarking system robustness to degrading factors: lossy compression, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as well as a change in sampling frequency, were shown

    Zawartość i wydajność tłuszczu z nasion rzepaku jarego w warunkach nawożenia azotem i siarką

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    A three-year field experiment was conducted in northern Poland on degraded black soil, valuation class IIIb, with very high content of phosphorus and potassium, low content of sulphur, and neutral pH. The experiment was carried out in a split-block design with two factors, in four replications. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different application rates of nitrogen (factor A: 0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N·ha-1) and sulphur (factor B: 0, 20 and 60 kg S·ha-1), taking into account different means of its application (soil application before sowing and foliar application of sulphur) on the oil content and yield in seeds of the Star cultivar of rapeseed. Somewhat higher oil content and yield were observed in the case of soil application of sulphur than for foliar application. In each growing season nitrogen and sulphur applied independently significantly increased the oil content and yield from the seeds of spring rapeseed as compared to the control. Irrespective of the means of application, application of sulphur together with nitrogen generally resulted in higher oil content and yield than application of either of these nutrients alone, but their interaction was not confirmed statistically. The observed beneficial effect of sulphur applied alone and together with nitrogen on important criteria of spring rapeseed quality substantiates the need to include sulphur in fertilization of this species.W północnej Polsce przeprowadzono trzyletnie ścisłe doświadczenie polowe na czarnej ziemi zdegradowanej, klasy bonitacyjnej IIIb, o bardzo wysokiej zasobności w fosfor i potas, niskiej – w siarkę oraz o obojętnym odczynie. Doświadczenie realizowano w czterech powtórzeniach, w układzie równoważnych bloków z dwoma czynnikami. Celem badań była ocena wpływu zróżnicowanych dawek azotu (czynnik A – 0, 60, 120 i 180 kg N·ha-1) i siarki (czynnik B – 0, 20 i 60 kg S·ha-1) z uwzględnieniem różnych sposobów jej aplikacji (doglebowo przedsiewnie i dolistnie), na zawartość i wydajność tłuszczu z nasion rzepaku jarego odmiany Star. Wykazano, że nieco wyższa zawartość i wydajność tłuszczu charakteryzowała nasiona rzepaku jarego nawożonego siarką doglebowo niż dolistnie. Azot i siarka stosowane niezależnie od siebie (pojedynczo) w każdym sezonie wegetacyjnym istotnie zwiększały zawartość i wydajność tłuszczu z nasion rzepaku jarego w porównaniu z kontrolą. Niezależnie od sposobu aplikacji, zastosowanie siarki łącznie z azotem, pozwalało na ogół uzyskać wyższą zawartość i wydajność tłuszczu z nasion rzepaku niż wyłączna aplikacja badanych składników, jednak nie potwierdzono statystycznie współdziałania tych składników

    Energoaktywne segmenty dylatacyjne hal z przekryciem strukturalnym

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    The paper presents the results of developing a concept of economical energy-active expansion segments for large-volume halls, in which: 1) structural coverings were used, 2) thermal impacts on forces and displacements were reduced to conventional values stated in the code [1], 3) load bearing capacity and reliability, greater than those recommended for RC2 class structures, were maintained [2], 4) the static scheme was selected in such a way so that failure-causing thermal impacts would not affect the reliability of the hall expansion segments. The effect was obtained by detaching the beam kinematically admissible failure mechanism from the tilt kinematically admissible failure mechanism of separate energy-active expansion segments of the hall.W pracy pokazano wyniki opracowania ekonomicznej koncepcji energoaktywnych segmentów dylatacyjnych wielkopowierzchniowych hal, w których: 1) zastosowano przekrycia strukturalne, 2) zmniejszono wpływy termiczne na siły i przemieszczenia do konwencjonalnych wielkości normowych [1], 3) zachowano nośność i niezawodność powyżej zalecanej w klasie RC2 [2], 4) dobrano schemat statyczny hali tak, aby awaryjne wpływy termiczne nie wpływały na niezawodność segmentów dylatacyjnych hali. Ten efekt uzyskano przez rozdzielenie belkowych i przechyłowych kinematycznie dopuszczalnych mechanizmów zniszczenia wydzielonych energoaktywnych segmentów dylatacyjnych hali

    Network Management in Non-classified Data Hiding System Using Master Resident over Hidden Layer, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 1

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    The paper presents a practical implementation of the non-classified data hiding system (NDHS) understood asa military platform for information warfare that takes advantage of the hidden data transmission for voice connections inorder to gain informational lead over a potential enemy. The NDHS performs here as a botnet network that is managedby the hidden transmission controller referred to as the master resident. Research studies are dedicated to investigationof various connections in heterogeneous links as well as functionalities of such components as hidden protocol bridges andthe master resident

    Wyniki przesiewowych badań prenatalnych w materiale 2285 ciąż z rejonu Pomorza Zachodniego diagnozowanych w latach 2005-2006

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    Summary In the following paper we have presented the results of non-invasive and invasive prenatal diagnostic tests performed on 2285 pregnant women from the Western-Pomeranian Region between 2005 and 2006. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of screening tests on 2285 pregnant women. Medical history, including age, weight, familial data pedigrees up to third degree relatives, accompanying diseases, gestational complications in the family, type, dosage and period of any drugs intake, was obtained. Sonographic screening and evaluation of maternal serum PAPP-A and betaHCG levels. Results: Screening tests identified 4.5% high-risk pregnancies in this group. 69% of the patients consented to invasive diagnosis. As a result, genetic anomalies were detected in 43.7% of cases. Significant differences in betaHCG levels correlated with oral gestagens intake and place of residence (coastal areas). Conclusion: Broad use of certified non-invasive methods of prenatal screening allow substansial reduction of invasive procedures with high levels of positive prediction. Medical drugs intake as well as place of inhabitation may influence on free betaHCG levels.Streszczenie Cel pracy: Celem pracy było przeanalizowanie wyników nieinwazyjnych i inwazyjnych badań prenatalnych przeprowadzonych w regionie zachodniopomorskim w latach 2005-2006. Materiał i metody: Analiza retrospektywna 2285 ciąż. Wywiad z uwzględnieniem 3 pokoleniowego rodowodu, badania ultrasonograficzne I trymestru wraz z testem podwójnym. Amniopunkcje ze standardową oceną kariotypu. Wyniki: Drogą badań przesiewowych wyłoniono 4,5% ciąż podwyższonego ryzyka, z których 69% poddało się amniopunkcji. Pozwoliło to na potwierdzenie w wysokim odsetku (43,7%) nieprawidłowości genetycznych. W badanej grupie ciężarnych zaobserwowano istotne zmiany w parametrach biochemicznych betaHCG zależne od przyjmowanych leków (gestageny) oraz od miejsca zamieszkania (okolice nadmorskie). Wnioski: Powszechne zastosowanie certyfikowanych nieiwazyjnych badań prenatalnych pozwala na ograniczenie liczby przeprowadzanych amniopunkcji przy utrzymaniu wysokiego wskaźnika predykcji. Doustne przyjmowanie niektórych leków oraz miejsce zamieszkania pacjentki może wpływać na poziomy wolnej podjednostki betaHCG