267 research outputs found

    Catholic school teachers\u27 perceptions of factors related to low mathematics achievement: a qualitative case study

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    This qualitative case study explored Catholic school teachers\u27 perceptions of factors related to low mathematics achievement in second through fifth grade at three Catholic elementary schools in the Eastern United States. The three schools that participated in this study have varying degrees of ethnic diversity and vary in school enrollment. In 2015, all schools in the archdiocese produced standardized test results well above the national average in reading in second through fifth grades. In the same academic year, the gap between the national average and the district\u27s second through fifth grade mathematics scores was significantly narrower. This study identifies the need to understand teachers\u27 views of low achievement in mathematics in the attempt to reform policies to improve mathematics achievement. Data was collected through school documents, semi-structured open-ended interviews, and observation of teachers in mathematics classrooms. In order to have a consistent focus observing classroom teachers, the researcher used Sawada et al.\u27s (2000) Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol to collect observational data consisting of a total of 450 minutes of mathematics instruction. The results of this study identified teacher quality, curricular referencing, and cultural referencing as themes of low achievement. The first theme of teacher quality has a direct connection to the main research question of this study. The financial stability of a Catholic elementary school has a major link to the curriculum, instruction, and school climate being offered to the school community. Schools with decreased enrollment have been affected by limited operating expenses. Catholic schools with thriving enrollments are more successful in retaining quality teachers due to their prosperous operating budget. The findings of this study have established a connection between mathematics achievement and schools with successful operating budgets and teacher quality. Curricular referencing arose as a theme based on comments about maintaining the fast pace of the curriculum, completion of math concepts, ineffective math textbooks, and lack of instructional time. The study found a connection between the overall positive student engagement in the classroom observations and the interview data collected from all the participants. The third theme of cultural referencing emerged based on school demographics, diversity, English Language Learners, lack of home support, and lack of home resources. The study found a connection between the theme of cultural referencing and mathematics achievement in second through fifth grade Catholic elementary school students

    Zakorzenienie w historii (teorii) – zakorzenienie w "milieu": analiza dwu odmian narracji

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    Analizowane przez Autora narracje dotyczą przeżyć osób, które w czasie wojny były dziećmi. Próba uchwycenia powiązań między ich ówczesnymi doświadczeniami a sposobami określania siebie i innych w kategoriach kolektywnych musi zatem uwzględniać mediacyjny aspekt czasu. Nie chodzi tu o czas fizyczny i związany z nim neurofizjologiczny mechanizm pamięci. Istota tej mediacji tkwi w zasadach organizujących proces autobiograficznej interpretacji, w którym pierwotnie dane przeżycie podlega modyfikacjom co do jego znaczenia i istotności w strukturze doświadczenia.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00


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    The paper has analyzed the possibility of using the Python computer language in programming mobile robots. The designed and constructed test stand – a caterpillar mobile robot, enables the testing of wireless control algorithms, responses to events, I/O device programming methods and path selection algorithms. The software applications(client and server) written in the Python computer language have been developed and analyzed. A partial listing of the program source is included. The useful-ness of Python in robot applications was confirmed