37 research outputs found

    Komputerowa analiza obrazów z endoskopu bezprzewodowego dla diagnostyki medycznej.

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    Jednym z badań medycznych stosowanych w diagnostyce chorób przewodu pokarmowego jest bezprzewodowa endoskopia kapsułkowa. Wynikiem badania jest film, którego interpretacja przeprowadzana przez lekarza wymaga dużego skupienia uwagi, jest długotrwała i męcząca. Wyniki interpretacji nie są powtarzalne – zależą od wiedzy i doświadczenia konkretnego lekarza. Przedmiotem niniejszej monografii są opracowane przez autora metody numeryczne, których celem jest analiza obrazów cyfrowych z endoskopu bezprzewodowego zwiększające powtarzalność, wiarygodność oraz obiektywizm diagnozy medycznej.Wireless capsule endoscopy is one of the medical tests used in diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders. A result is a video of internal lumen of gastrointestinal tract which interpretation carried out by an expert gastroenterologist requires a lot of attention and is time consuming. The final diagnosis is rarely reproducible – it depends on the knowledge and experience of the diagnostic experience of the expert. The subject of this monograph is presentation and validation of novel algorithms for wireless endoscope video analysis whose purpose is to improve the reproducibility, reliability and objectivity of medical diagnosis

    Orthorectification of Skin Nevi Images by Means of 3D Model of the Human Body

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    Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer, and develops from mutation of pigment-producing cells. As it becomes malignant, it usually grows in size, changes proportions, and develops an irregular border. We introduce a system for early detection of such changes, which enables whole-body screening, especially useful in patients with atypical mole syndrome. The paper proposes a procedure to build a 3D model of the patient, relate the high-resolution skin images with the model, and orthorectify these images to enable detection of size and shape changes in nevi. The novelty is in the application of image encoding indices and barycentric coordinates of the mesh triangles. The proposed procedure was validated with a set of markers of a specified geometry. The markers were attached to the body of a volunteer and analyzed by the system. The results of quantitative comparison of original and corrected images confirm that the orthorectification allows for more accurate estimation of size and proportions of skin nevi

    Computer simulation of magnetic resonance angiography imaging: model description and validation.

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    With the development of medical imaging modalities and image processing algorithms, there arises a need for methods of their comprehensive quantitative evaluation. In particular, this concerns the algorithms for vessel tracking and segmentation in magnetic resonance angiography images. The problem can be approached by using synthetic images, where true geometry of vessels is known. This paper presents a framework for computer modeling of MRA imaging and the results of its validation. A new model incorporates blood flow simulation within MR signal computation kernel. The proposed solution is unique, especially with respect to the interface between flow and image formation processes. Furthermore it utilizes the concept of particle tracing. The particles reflect the flow of fluid they are immersed in and they are assigned magnetization vectors with temporal evolution controlled by MR physics. Such an approach ensures flexibility as the designed simulator is able to reconstruct flow profiles of any type. The proposed model is validated in a series of experiments with physical and digital flow phantoms. The synthesized 3D images contain various features (including artifacts) characteristic for the time-of-flight protocol and exhibit remarkable correlation with the data acquired in a real MR scanner. The obtained results support the primary goal of the conducted research, i.e. establishing a reference technique for a quantified validation of MR angiography image processing algorithms

    Distribution of velocity magnitude at two cross-sections of the 50%-stenosis tube [cm/s].

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    <p>Fluid flow rate equals to 2.5/s. Black dots depict approximated locations of 4 particles whose velocity time courses are shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0093689#pone-0093689-g005" target="_blank">Fig. 5</a> The selected cross-sections are situated a) 100 mm from the vessel inlet and b) in the middle of stenosis.</p

    Assembly of the physical phantom set.

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    <p>(a) The stack of flow phantoms and separating agar gel layers. (b) Schematic of flow channel connections.</p