19 research outputs found

    Relating timed and register automata

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    Timed automata and register automata are well-known models of computation over timed and data words respectively. The former has clocks that allow to test the lapse of time between two events, whilst the latter includes registers that can store data values for later comparison. Although these two models behave in appearance differently, several decision problems have the same (un)decidability and complexity results for both models. As a prominent example, emptiness is decidable for alternating automata with one clock or register, both with non-primitive recursive complexity. This is not by chance. This work confirms that there is indeed a tight relationship between the two models. We show that a run of a timed automaton can be simulated by a register automaton, and conversely that a run of a register automaton can be simulated by a timed automaton. Our results allow to transfer complexity and decidability results back and forth between these two kinds of models. We justify the usefulness of these reductions by obtaining new results on register automata.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS'10, arXiv:1011.601

    Expansion of tungsten ions emitted from laser-produced plasma in axial magnetic and electric fields

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    The experimental results of the investigations on the influence of external magnetic and electric fields on the characteristics of a tungsten ion stream emitted from a plasma produced by the Nd:glass laser (1 J, 1 ns) performed at IPPLM, Warsaw are presented. A negatively biased target up to −15 kV and a magnetic field up to 0.45 T were used in the experiment. A set of ion collectors and an electrostatic cylindrical ion energy analyzer located at small angles with respect to the laser beam axis and at large distances from the target were applied for ion measurements. The effect of an external magnetic field is essential to plasma expansion, but the effect of the retarding potential of the target is very weak in our experimental conditions. The aim of the studies was to prove the possibility of the optimization of ion beam parameters from laser-produced plasma for the particular application as a laser ion source coupled with the electron cyclotron resonance ion source for particle accelerators

    Measurement of ion emission from plasmas obtained with a 600 fs KrF laser

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    Ion emission from plasmas obtained by the use of a 600 fs, 36 mJ KrF laser operating at 248 nm was measured and analysed for a variety of targets at different laser intensities. The intensity was set by changing the distance between the focusing lens and the target. It was found that the ions emitted originate from impurities and ions from the bulk of the target can be produced only in the subsequent shots. Proton emission was identified from some targets, but the energy of the protons was low (less than 12 keV). A new silicon carbide semiconductor detector proved to be applicable for the collection of the ions

    Self-focusing in processes of laser generation of highly-charged and high-energy heavy ions

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    Laser-beam interaction with expanding plasma was investigated using the PALS high-power iodine-laser system. The interaction conditions are significantly changing with the laser focus spot position. The decisive role of the laser-beam self-focusing, participating in the production of ions with the highest charge states, was proved

    Angular distributions of ions emitted from laser plasma produced at various irradiation angles and laser intensities

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    AbstractAngular distributions of currents and velocities (energies) of ions produced at various target irradiation angles and laser intensities ranged from 1010 W/cm2 to 1017 W/cm2 were analyzed. It was confirmed that for low laser intensities the ion current distributions are always peaked along the target normal. However, at laser intensities comparable to or higher than 1014 W/cm2, the preferred direction of ion emission strongly depends on the irradiation geometry (laser focus setting, the irradiation angle), and can be off the target normal. This is very likely caused by the non-linear interaction of the laser beam with produced plasma, in particular, by the action of ponderomotive forces and the laser beam self-focusing

    Factors influencing parameters of laser ion sources

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    Various applications demand various kinds of ions. Charge state, energy and the amount of laser produced ions depend, primary, on the wavelength, the energy, the pulse duration, and the focusing ability of the laser used. Angle of the target irradiation, angle of the ion extraction (recording), and mainly the focus setting may significantly influence especially the portion of ions with the highest charge states. The participation of non-linear processes on the generation of ions with extremely high parameters is demonstrated. The observed effects support the idea of a longitudinal structure of the self-focused laser beam with a space period of ∼200 µm

    The influence of an intense laser beam interaction with preformed plasma on the characteristics of emitted ion streams

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    AbstractIntense laser-beam interactions with preformed plasma, preceding the laser-target interactions, significantly influence both the ion and X-ray generation. It is due to the laser pulse (its total length, the shape of the front edge, its background, the contrast, the radial homogeneity) as well as plasma (density, temperature) properties. Generation of the super fast (FF) ion groups is connected with a presence of non-linear processes. Saturated maximum of the charge states (independently on the laser intensity) is ascribed to the constant limit radius of the self-focused laser beam. Its longitudinal structure is considered as a possible explanation for the course of some experimental dependencies obtained

    Praca informatyka w ocenie studentów kierunków ekonomicznych

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    Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie preferencji i oczekiwań studentów, związanych z ewentualnym podjęciem w przyszłości pracy w zawodzie informatyka. Analizie poddano postrzeganie przez studentów aktualnej sytuacji i warunków rynkowych, trendów rozwojowych, wyzwań, nadziei i obaw związanych z wykonywaniem pracy związanej z informatyką. Zbadano także bariery i uwarunkowania wyboru tego zawodu. Omówiono ponadto niedociągnięcia w szkolnictwie wyższym w tym zakresie oraz sposoby ich przezwyciężenia w osiąganiu przez studentów pozycji specjalistów IT. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą CAWI wśród studentów wybranych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce. Przeprowadzono dyskusję uzyskanych wyników i wyciągnięto wnioski, odnoszące się do poszczególnych aspektów prowadzonych badań. Sformułowano rekomendacje dotyczące oferty edukacyjnej dla studentów wybranych uczelni ekonomicznych pragnących pracować w zawodzie IT

    High Power Laser Laboratory at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion: equipment and preliminary research

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the newly-opened High Power Laser Laboratory (HPLL) at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM). This article describes the laser, the main laboratory accessories and the diagnostic instruments. We also present preliminary results of the first experiment on ion and X-ray generation from laser-produced plasma that has been already performed at the HPLL