21 research outputs found


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    This paper is concerned with the designing of simultaneous flight control deflections for aircraft system identification. The elevator, ailerons and rudder are excited with harmonically related multisine signals. The optimal deflections are designed when there is no information about the stability and control derivatives and when this information is available. The inclusion of the system dynamics in the inputs design phase is done with the D-optimality criterion. Both sets of optimal flight surface deflections are used as excitations of a nonlinear aircraft model which is identified through the maximum likelihood estimation method. Parameters accuracy for those maneuvers (designed with and without a-priori knowledge) is presented and compared

    Fuel-efficient trajectories traffic synchronization

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    Continuous descent operations (CDOs) with required times of arrival (RTA) have been identified as a potential solution for reducing the environmental footprint of aviation in the terminal maneuvering area without compromising capacity. This paper assesses the feasibility of replacing current air traffic control sequencing and merging techniques, mainly based on path stretching and air holding, by a control based on RTA over metering fixes on known and fixed arrival routes. Because the remaining distance to the runway threshold is always known by the aircraft crew, this would allow engine-idle CDOs that do not require speed-brake usage and where only elevator control is used to meet the RTA. The assessment has been performed for Barcelona-El Prat Airport (Spain) using historical traffic demand data. The earliest and latest trajectories at a metering fix for each inbound aircraft were computed assuming engine-idle CDOs. Given the attainable RTA window for each aircraft, the aircraft sequencing problem was solved. The results show that assigning RTA allows optimizing the landing sequence when air traffic is low. For scenarios with high-traffic loads and late RTA assignments, path stretching still was found to be necessary. The minimum distance from the runway where inbound aircraft should receive the RTA to fully remove any radar vectoring was also analyzed. It was demonstrated that the assignment of RTA well before starting the descent would favor to enable full CDOs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multi-Axis Inputs for Identification of a Reconfigurable Fixed-Wing UAV

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    Designing a reconfiguration system for an aircraft requires a good mathematical model of the object. An accurate model describing the aircraft dynamics can be obtained from system identification. In this case, special maneuvers for parameter estimation must be designed, as the reconfiguration algorithm may require to use flight controls separately, even if they usually work in pairs. The simultaneous multi-axis multi-step input design for reconfigurable fixed-wing aircraft system identification is presented in this paper. D-optimality criterion and genetic algorithm were used to design the flight controls deflections. The aircraft model was excited with those inputs and its outputs were recorded. These data were used to estimate stability and control derivatives by using the maximum likelihood principle. Visual match between registered and identified outputs as well as relative standard deviations were used to validate the outcomes. The system was also excited with simultaneous multisine inputs and its stability and control derivatives were estimated with the same approach as earlier in order to assess the multi-step design

    Dydaktyka szkoły wyższej. Wybrane problemy, red. Ulrich Schrade, Warszawa 2010, 112 s.

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    The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in Warnice in the Years 1977–2018

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    Nowy podział granic po zakończeniu II wojny światowej zburzył dotychczasowy porządek w całym kraju. Na tereny zamieszkałe przed wojną przez Niemców zaczęli też przybywać mieszkańcy z tzw. centralnej Polski, głównie ze względów ekonomicznych. Dla wielu przyjazd na Pomorze Zachodnie był tzw. nowym otwarciem. Do Warnic i okolicznych miejscowości pierwsi osadnicy, przybyli jesienią 1947 roku, zwłaszcza z powiatu końskiego na Kielecczyźnie, z okolic Płocka, z Rzeszowszczyzny i Lubelszczyzny. To właśnie ci ludzie, ubogaceni różnorodnymi tradycjami, położyli podwaliny pod wspólnotę parafi i pw. NMP Matki Kościoła w Warnicach. Warnicka parafia w 2018 roku obchodziła jubileusz 40-lecia istnienia. Jest ona doskonałym przykładem, w jaki sposób rozwijały się małe wspólnoty parafialne na terenie dzisiejszej archidiecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej. Świątynie parafii Warnice są dziś jej najbardziej zauważalną wizytówką. Przykościelne place są swoistymi perełkami w każdej miejscowości. Teren przy domu parafialnym i budynkach gospodarczych może służyć za przykład okolicznym gospodarstwom. Jednak parafia to nie tylko kościoły i budynki. Różnorodność form duszpasterskich, realizowanych w parafii ubogaca życie duchowe jej wiernych. Ci zaś chętnie uczestniczą we mszach św., korzystając systematycznie z sakramentu pokuty i Eucharystii. Świadczy o tym liczba udzielanych każdego roku komunii świętych, która sięga z górą 40 tysięcy. Śmiało można napisać, że parafia w Warnicach jest jedną z najprężniej działających wiejskich wspólnot parafialnych w archidiecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej.With the end of World War II, the new division of borders destroyed the previous order throughout the country. To the areas inhabited by the Germans until the end of the war, also people from the so-called Central Poland began to arrive. They came here mainly for economic reasons. For many, the arrival to Western Pomerania was the so-called new opening. The first settlers arrived to Warnice and neighbouring villages in autumn 1947. They came mainly from the Końskie district in the Kielce region, from the vicinity of Płock, and from the Rzeszów and Lublin regions. It is these people enriched with various traditions that laid the foundations for the community of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church Parish in Warnice. The Warnice parish last year celebrated the 40th anniversary of its existence. It is a perfect example of how small parish communities developed in the present-day Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese. The temples of the Warnice parish are today its most notable showcase. The church squares are peculiar pearls in every village. The area next to the parish house and outbuildings can serve as an example for the surrounding farms. However, the parish is not just churches and buildings. The variety of pastoral work forms implemented in the parish enriches the spiritual life of its faithful. They willingly participate in Holy Masses, regularly making use of the sacrament of penance and the Eucharist. This is evidenced by the number of Holy Communions given each year, which reach over 40,000. It is safe to write that the parish in Warnice is one of the most active, rural parish communities in the Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese

    Arriving air traffic separations generalized model identification

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    Quick development of computer techniques and increasing computational power allow for building high-fidelity models of various complex objects and processes using historical data. One of the processes of this kind is an air traffic, and there is a growing need for traffic mathematical models as air traffic is increasing and becoming more complex to manage. This study concerned the modelling of a part of the arrival process. The first part of the research was air separation modelling by using continuous probability distributions. Fisher information matrix was used for the best fit selection. The second part of the research consisted of applying regression models that best match the parameters of representative distributions. Over a dozen airports were analyzed in the study and that allowed to build a generalized model for aircraft air separation in function of traffic intensity. Results showed that building a generalized model which comprises traffic from various airports is possible. Moreover, aircraft air separation can be expressed by easy to use mathematical functions. Models of this kind can be used for various applications, e.g.: air separation management between aircraft, airports arrival capacity management, and higher-level air traffic simulation or optimization tasks

    Arrival Traffic Separations Modelling By Using Continuous Probability Distributions

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    This article presents a method that allows to analyze selected aspects of past arrival traffic by modelling distributions of time separations of arriving aircraft in a chosen navigationpoint of Terminal Manoeuvring Area with the use of continuous probability distributions. Modelling arriving aircraft time separations distribution with continuous probability density functions allows to apply various mathematical tools to analyze separations distributions. Moreover, by comparing distributions parameters, quantitative analysis of separations for days with various arrival traffic intensity can be performed. Assumptions, mathematical model, application in the exemplary experimental scenario with an airport and days with low and high traffic intensity, and results are presented in this article. Real air traffic data was used for the experimental scenario. Outcomes show that the method can be used for air traffic post-analysis, e.g assessment of maintaining separation

    Special Issue on “Advancement in Computational Fluid Mechanics and Optimization Methods”

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    In recent years, CFD methods have become a universal engineering tool for modeling many classes of flows [...

    Implementation of bio-inspired optimization algorithms in the System Identification of a FAR 23 aircraft

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    Aircraft aerodynamic forces and moments can be expressed as a func- tion of the dynamic pressure, aircraft dimensions and flight conditions. They are very important do predict the aircraft behavior and performance. Moreover, they play an important role predicting the model response to control inputs. For these reasons it is important to accurate determine the aerodynamic characteristics in terms of stability and control derivatives. This study presents a methodology to precisely estimate stability and control derivatives through system identification procedure. Navion FAR 23 airplane model was used for this purpose. A bio-inspired optimization method was used to create optimal input control signals to excite the model and obtain an output signal with good frequency content that allowed to properly identify the system. Inclusion of bio-inspired methods increased the accu- racy of the estimates. The method can be used to identify fixed wing platforms of similar characteristics. Results can be used to develop flight simulators to collect system information regarding certification evidences and to train pilots