44 research outputs found

    Egalitarian Awareness in the Capitalistic Reality. The Entanglement of Poverty and Wealth in Daily Social Sphere 25 Years after the System Change in Poland

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    The purpose of the article is to illustrate the social order preferred by the Polish together with their assessment of the existing social inequalities. On the basis of the empirical material collected among the sample of 1000 respondents, the findings show manners of their definition of equity, perception of discrepancies between the ideal of equity and the existing real status, together with their assessment of the existing differences in the treatment of rich and poor people by various institutions (banks, police, hospitals, courts). The article also describes the causes of social inequalities as indicated by the respondents and their assessment of state policies in reference to them. The article concludes that 25 years after the collapse of “real socialism”, Polish society presents a firmly egalitarian awareness that is in conflict with the current market order

    Księga Słów Wszystkich, czyli archeologia mediów po polsku (wywiad)

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    Niniejszy tekst jest zapisem rozmowy z Józefem Żukiem Piwkowskim, fotografem, filmowcem, artystą wizulanym pracującym obecnie w polu mediów cyfrowych, twórcą Warszatu Nowych Mediów w Szkole Filmowej w Łodzi

    Impact of cultivation methods on properties of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seeds

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    The aim of this study was to determine the physical properties of black cumin seeds subjected to various cultivation methods (n=10) (level of nitrogen fertilization, sowing date, row spacing and integrated protection). The experiments were carried out in two years. Thousand seed weight ranged from 2.11 to 2.44 g in first year, and from 1.96 to 2.39 g in second year. In first year, bulk density ranged from 0.464 to 0.506 g*cm-3, true density – from 0.956 to 1.017 g*cm-3, and porosity – from 49.6 to 53.9%. In second year, bulk density ranged from 0.441 to 0.465 g cm-3, true density - from 0.996 to 1.061 g*cm-3, and porosity – from 54.3 to 58.4%. The mean values of optical properties were also determined. In seeds harvested in first year, the values of parameter L* reached 33.04-33.56, a*: 0.42-0.76, b*: 1-1.69, and YI E313: 5.61-7.91. In seeds harvested in second year, the respective values were as follows: L*: 32.84-33.93, a*: 0.39-0.97, b*: 0.82-2.06, and YI E313: 5.22-9.78. In first year, seed length (L) was in the range of 2.61-2.73 mm, width (S): 1.67-1.72 mm, mean thickness factor (W5): 0.805-0.858, and roundness (W13): 0.792-0.815. In seeds harvested in second year, the respective values were as follows: L: 2.59-2.95 mm, S: 1.57-1.66 mm, W5: 0.667-0.742, W13: 0.825-0.871. The most beneficial influence on the physical parameters of black cumin seeds had nitrogen fertilization at 100 kg*ha-1, seeding delayed by 20 days, row spacing of 15 or 30 cm, and the application of Penncozeb 80 WP

    No-splitting property and boundaries of random groups

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    We prove that random groups in the Gromov density model, at any density, satisfy property (FA), i.e. they do not act non-trivially on trees. This implies that their Gromov boundaries, defined at density less than 1/2, are Menger curves.Comment: 20 page

    Right-wing populism in Poland and anti-vaccine myths on YouTube: Political and cultural threats to public health

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    The article describes the growing anti-vaccine movements in the context of right-wing populism, which is also gaining popularity around the world. According to the authors, these two phenomena have a lot in common, and the activists of the anti-vaccine movements often intermingle with populist right-wing movements. The connection between anti-vaccine activists and populists is illustrated in the analysis of discourse and anti-vaccine arguments presented in materials on the Polish-language YouTube channel, as well as in comments on YouTube forums. The slogans of the defence of ‘ordinary people’ against ‘corrupt elites’ in the medical dimension indicate a dislike for ‘medical conspiracy’ and doctors corrupted by pharmaceutical concerns. Just like right-wing populists, opponents of vaccines in Poland refer to nationalist slogans and have an aversion to the European Union. In addition to the rejection of the WHO standards on sex education and the sceptic attitude to environmental changes, the rejection of vaccines is another manifestation of the conspiracy ideologies of right-wing populists in Poland that may affect health and health policy. In the area of public health, this means rejecting medical knowledge and replacing it with myths and prejudices proclaimed by anti-vaccine movements, among others

    Ecology for the rich? Class aspects of the green transition and the threat of right-wing populism as a reaction to its costs in Poland

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    AbstractThis article sheds light on the class determinants of ecological attitudes and, at the same time, tries to emphasize the general importance of class differentiation for the implementation of sustainable development policies. This is particularly important in Eastern European countries where, for financial reasons, a green transition raises concerns among social groups that may feel threatened by additional socioeconomic costs. Using empirical data collected in Poland, we point out that the challenges, implementation, and social costs of a green transition can be used by populist and nationalist right-wing politicians. At the same time, right-wing populists depict ecological activists as a threat to the interests of “ordinary people” and identify them with the liberal metropolitan elites, detached from the worries of people with lower incomes and residents of traditionalist provinces. In the current conditions, the fear of increases in energy and fuel prices may be another source of support for an anti-ecological right-wing agenda against the “global pressure” of the liberal establishment. This narrative may be particularly attractive in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries in Europe and around the world as it refers not only to ideological arguments but also to the economic interests of “ordinary people.

    On the Socio-Cultural Determinants of Polish Entrepreneurs’ Attitudes towards the Development of Renewable Energy: Business, Climate Skepticism Ideology and Climate Change

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    This article analyses the business community in Poland and their views on climate change and the objectives of the European Green Deal (EGD). The authors focus on the analysis of the attitude of entrepreneurs towards the cultural and ideological stereotypes promoted by climate denialists. This article shows that the ideological factor may play a certain role in shaping the attitudes of entrepreneurs towards energy transition. The research was carried out on a sample of 400 entrepreneurs. The research results indicate that the ideological factor is of particular importance among entrepreneurs who are concerned about the costs of energy transition and the expenditure related to the implementation of the EGD for economic reasons. According to the authors, the stereotypes promoted by climate sceptics may find fertile ground, particularly when accompanied by fears of additional financial costs. Attitudes towards the goals of energy transition among entrepreneurs usually differ depending on the size of the company: representatives of smaller companies, who have greater concerns about their economic position, are more likely to present the views of climate sceptics. Acceptance for the theory of climate sceptics may also be influenced by the industry sector: those who may lose out on energy transition, such as representatives of the mining industry, may share the myths of climate denialists

    Wall-building policy: nationalist space management and borderphobia as right-wing populists' tools for doing authoritarian politics

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    The article analyses the situation that arose after the crisis on the Poland-Belarus border in the second half of 2021. The authors use the term “borderphobia” to describe social, political and propaganda mechanisms that became a form of border space management used to legitimize and gain support for the actions taken by the right-wing populist government in Poland. The phenomenon of borderphobia can be a symbol of the symbiosis between political authoritarianism, nationalism and economic neoliberalism: the combination of these three forces affects the development of the “border industry” in Europe and in the world. The policy based on borderphobia facilitates the suspension of civil rights in the border area: this is what happened in Poland, where a state of emergency was introduced in the border area under the pretext of “border protection.” The case of building the wall on the Polish-Belarusian border can also show how the nationalist right in Poland can use the borderphobic discourse for political mobilization and in an election campaign to maintain their influence and political power in the country. The article indicates that although the leaders of right-wing populist parties believe that the slogans of defending the “security border” and building border walls can bring them political benefits, the example of the Law and Justice (PiS) party in Poland has shown that this is not always the case