7 research outputs found

    Practical guidelines for the supplementation of vitamin D and the treatment of deficits in Central Europe — recommended vitamin D intakes in the general population and groups at risk of vitamin D deficiency

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    Wstęp: Wyniki badań z ostatnich lat dokumentują wiele korzyści wynikających z działania witaminy D na organizm człowieka na wszystkichetapach jego życia. Większość badań epidemiologicznych sugeruje, że niedobór witaminy D jest powszechny wśród mieszkańców EuropyŚrodkowej. Naturalną konsekwencją tej sytuacji jest konieczność ciągłego uświadamiania społeczeństwu oraz środowisku medycznemu,jaką rolę odgrywa witamina D w rozwoju i funkcjonowaniu organizmu ludzkiego.Metody: Na podstawie przeglądu danych literaturowych Polski Zespół Wielodyscyplinarny opracował tezy dotyczące zasad suplementacjiwitaminą D, które przesłano do członków Komitetu Naukowego konferencji „Witamina D — minimum, maksimum, optimum”,19–20 Październik, 2012, Warszawa. W trakcie powyższej konferencji z udziałem 550 delegatów oraz Ekspertów różnych dziedzin medycynyomówiono i przedyskutowano propozycje wytycznych suplementacji witaminą D populacji Europy Środkowej.Wyniki: W efekcie przeprowadzonych dyskusji Zespół Ekspertów opracował wytyczne suplementacji witaminą D dla wszystkich grupwiekowych populacji Europy Środkowej. Określono również kryteria diagnostyczne charakteryzujące stan zaopatrzenia organizmu w witaminę D: deficyt witaminy D ustalono jako stężenie 25(OH)D < 20 ng/mL (< 50 nmol/L)], suboptymalne zaopatrzenie jako stężenie25(OH)D wynoszące 20–30 ng/mL (50–75 nmol/L), a stężenie 30–50 ng/mL (75–125 nmol/L) uznano za docelowe dla zapewnienia efektuplejotropowego witaminy D.Wnioski: Poprawa obecnego stanu zaopatrzenia witaminy D w grupach dzieci, młodzieży, osób aktywnych zawodowo i seniorówpowinna zostać włączona do priorytetów polityki zdrowotnej społeczeństw Europy Środkowej.Introduction: Adequate Vitamin D intake and its concentration in serum are important for bone health and calcium–phosphate metabolismas well as for optimal function of many organs and tissues. Documented trends in lifestyle, nutritional habits and physical activityappear to be associated with moderate or severe Vitamin D deficits resulting in health problems. Most epidemiological studies suggest thatVitamin D deficiency is prevalent among Central European populations. Concern about this problem led to the organising of a conferencefocused on overcoming Vitamin D deficiency.Methods: After reviewing the epidemiological evidence and relevant literature, a Polish multidisciplinary group formulated theses onrecommendations for Vitamin D screening and supplementation in the general population. These theses were subsequently sent to ScientificCommittee members of the ‘Vitamin D — minimum, maximum, optimum’ conference for evaluation based on a ten-point scale.With 550 international attendees, the meeting ‘Vitamin D — minimum, maximum, optimum’ was held on October 19–20, 2012 in Warsaw(Poland). Most recent scientific evidence of both skeletal and non-skeletal effects of Vitamin D as well as the results of panellists’ votingwere reviewed and discussed during eight plenary sessions and two workshops.Results: Based on many polemical discussions, including post-conference networking, the key opinion leaders established ranges ofserum 25-hydroxyVitamin D concentration indicating Vitamin D deficiency [< 20 ng/mL (< 50 nmol/L)], suboptimal status [20–30 ng/mL(50–75 nmol/L)], and target concentration for optimal Vitamin D effects [30–50 ng/mL (75–125 nmol/L)]. General practical guidelines regardingsupplementation and updated recommendations for prophylactic Vitamin D intakes in Central European neonates, infants, childrenand adolescents as well as in adults (including recommendations for pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly) were developed.Conclusions: Improving the Vitamin D status of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly must be included in the priorities of physicians,healthcare professionals and healthcare regulating bodies. The present paper offers elaborated consensus on supplementationguidance and population strategies for Vitamin D in Central Europe

    Modulation of Electrotonic Coupling in the Inferior Olive by Inhibitory and Excitatory Inputs: Integration in the Glomerulus

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    Dendritic spines in glomeruli of the inferior olive are coupled by gap junctions and receive both inhibitory and excitatory inputs. In this issue of Neuron, Lefler et al. (2014), Mathy et al. (2014), and Turecek et al. (2014) provide new insight into how these inputs modulate electrical coupling and oscillatory activity

    The Polish School of Argumentation:A Manifesto

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    Building on our diverse research traditions in the study of reasoning, language and communication, the Polish School of Argumentation integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Our primary goal is to craft a methodological programme and establish organisational infrastructure: this is the first key step in facilitating and fostering our research movement, which joins people with a common research focus, complementary skills and an enthusiasm to work together. This statement—the Manifesto—lays the foundations for the research programme of the Polish School of Argumentation

    Vitamin D Supplementation Guidelines for General Population and Groups at Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency in Poland—Recommendations of the Polish Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes and the Expert Panel With Participation of National Specialist Consultants and Representatives of Scientific Societies—2018 Update

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    IntroductionVitamin D deficiency is an important public health problem worldwide. Vitamin D deficiency confers a significant risk for both skeletal and non-skeletal disorders and a number of lifelong negative health outcomes. The objectives of this evidence-based guidelines document are to provide health care professionals in Poland, an updated recommendation for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vitamin D deficiency.MethodsA systematic literature search examining the prevention and treatment strategies for vitamin D deficiency was conducted. Updated recommendations were developed using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation system describing the strength of the recommendation and the quality of supporting evidence. Twenty-seven contributors representing different areas of expertise and medical specialties, including pediatricians, geriatricians, endocrinologists, epidemiologists, nephrologists, gynecologists and obstetricians evaluated the available published evidence related to vitamin D, formulated the goals of this document and developed a common consolidated position. The consensus group, representing six national specialist consultants and eight Polish and international scientific organizations/societies, participated in the process of grading evidence and drawing up the general and specific recommendations.ResultsThe updated recommendations define the diagnostic criteria for the evaluation of vitamin D status and describe the prevention and treatment strategies of vitamin D deficiency in the general population and in groups at increased risk of the deficiency. Age- and weight-specific recommendations for prevention, supplementation and treatment of vitamin D deficiency are presented, and detailed practice guidance is discussed regarding the management in primary and specialized health care.ConclusionVitamin D deficiency remains still highly prevalent in Poland, in all age groups. Currently, there is a great necessity to implement a regular supplementation with recommended doses and to develop an effective strategy to alleviate vitamin D deficiency in the population. These updated recommendations are addressed to health professionals and the authorities pursuing comprehensive health policies and should also be included in public health programs aimed at preventing a broad spectrum of chronic diseases