1,428 research outputs found

    Kajian Kebijakan Dan Program Peningkatan Ekonomi Lokal Di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    . This study aims to determine the regulations and policies relating to the activities of Small Business, small business contribution to economic growth since the autonomy to implement, and support for small business development in South Minahasa regency. This study used a survey technique, with a population of small businesses in South Minahasa regency. Sample was determined by 30 small business units in six districts with a proportional amount specified villages. While institutions in the survey who had close links with the coaching and development of small businesses. The results indicate the regulations and policies related to various economic activities, more people includes regulations related to the effort to obtain and increase local revenue. Small business enough to contribute to economic growth, particularly in moving the economy to fulfill the basic needs. Realization of government assistance for small business development is still lacking. Although the natural resources in the South Minahasa district has good potential as a driver economic capital, but if not managed wisely hard drives the local economy. Regulations relating to wider access for small business development must be accommodated and encouraged

    Identity and Stressful Organizational Change: A Qualitative Study

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    Individual identity is constructed through many experiences, including the processes and outcomes of organizational change. Change is often stressful and can force individuals to rethink how they view themselves in organizational contexts. Our interviews in a healthcare organization highlight how individuals’ work-related identities and their coping strategies are impacted during and after stressful organizational change. We contribute to theory by presenting a more fine-grained understanding of the importance of identity and coping strategies in experiencing stressful organizational change and by developing a model that emerged from our analysis of the interview data

    Studi Tentang Wirausaha Baru Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat Di Sulawesi Utara

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    . This research aims to identify the conditions and problems confronting the new entrepreneurs in managing the business. This research uses descriptive analysis with the total sample as much of the 265 respondents. Data collected by use questioner and interview technique base on criteria that have been determined. The research found that the business of trading as the main type of business, the mayority of high school educated respondents, initial capital came from businessmen themselves, generally they have not followed entrepreneurial training. This new entrepreneurial expects the government provides access to capital and training to support their efforts. This research has limited because only identify new entrepreneurial activity and knowing perception them about government role of entrepreneurs beginners. This research early to tell further research and information for strategic decision makers in the micro and small enterprises

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Berbelanja Pada PT Jumbo Swalayan Manado

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    . This study aimed to determine the effect of marketing mix on consumer shopping decisions on PT Jumbo Supermarket in Manado. Marketing mix consists of product, price, promotion and place as the independent variable and the consumer's decision to shop as the dependent variable. In this research using correlation and regression analyzes with the total sample of 45 customers. Partial results showed all the hypotheses of the elements of the marketing mix significantly influence the consumer's decision to shop, but the biggest influence is the element of the place. Likewise, simultaneous marketing mix significantly influence consumer shopping decisions. Impikasi of this study, expected jumbo self-management should continue to integrate the elements of the marketing mix to enable the powerful synergy for maximum business performance. For further research, researchers can develop other variables that consumer shopping decisions can be assessed from different elements

    Alternative splicing in lung cancer

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    Abstract: Alterations in alternative splicing affect essential biologic processes and are the basis for a number of pathologic conditions, including cancer. In this review we will summarize the evidence supporting the relevance of alternative splicing in lung cancer. An example that illustrates this relevance is the altered balance between Bcl-xL and Bcl-xS, two splice variants of the apoptosis regulator Bcl-x. Splice modifications in cancer-related genes can be associated with modifications either in cis-acting splicing regulatory sequences or in trans-acting splicing factors. In fact, lung tumors show abnormal expression of splicing regulators such as ASF/SF2 or some members of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein family. The potential significance of alternative splicing as a target for lung cancer diagnosis or treatment will also be discussed

    Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai Kantor Pertanahan Kota Manado

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    Organizational climate becomes very important because it is a place everyone to run its activities. It is undeniable that modern humans became a member of various organizations, all of which are intended to facilitate the achievement of objectives, interests and personal needs are becoming increasingly complex, especially physical needs. In an attempt to fulfill the needs of a physical nature, humans make a living through the efforts of an employee in something specific organizations, both within the government and among private. This study examines the influence of organizational climate and organizational culture on employee satisfaction, this research is located in the Office of Manado City, this is because the land office clerk in the city of Manado utilize organizational climate is not so disciplined and cause its impact on service to the community. This study uses a quantitative method used to test the theory

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pt.bank Sulut Go (Studi pada Bank Sulut-go Cabang Kawangkoan)

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    Bank SulutGo is the Regional Bank of North Sulawesi which has a very influential impacton the sustainability of the economy in North Sulawesi, especially in the Government andInstitutional or Community Institutions of Bank SulutGo\u27s vision is \u27To become aprofessional banking services company and grow in a healthy way\u27.Transformational leadership is the process by which people engage with others, and createrelationships that enhance motivation and morality in leaders and followers. This type ofleader has an interest in the needs and motivation of followers, and tries to help followersachieve their best potential.Collection data is done by spreading the research instrument, the questionnaire thatcontains questions to measure Transformational Leadership and Employee Performance.The collected data is further processed by using simple linear regression analysisBased on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study is \u27\u27 to know the effect oftransformational leadership on employee performance on the bank Sulut Go KawangkoanBranch \u27\u27Results of data processing shows that there is a significant positive effect given byTransformational Leadership on Employee Performance PT.Bank SulutGo KawangkoanBranch. Thus the higher the Transformational Leadership of PT Bank Sulut GoKawangkoan Branch hence the higher level of Employee Performance in the company.Statistically proved that Transformational Leadership positively influence on EmployeePerformance so that hypothesis accepted.From the results of this study indicates Transformational Leadership is neededsomeone to stimulate employees to work better and make employees as the most valuableasset in the company. For employees, having a leader who is able to transform inleadership leads employees to be motivated and keans to work well for the company\u27sprogress.this shows the hypothesis of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance ispositiv
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