4 research outputs found

    Análise a partir da abordagem Soft Systems: Uma visão de mundo da comunidade acadêmica no ensino superior virtual

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    This scientific research article makes an outline from a systemic approach of the worldview of the academic community on what virtual higher education should be. To achieve this, a novel integration has been made between systems thinking and bibliometric analysis techniques; From these techniques, it was possible to transform the key words of the reported academic literature into human activity systems that account for the systems suggested in the field of study. This sketch of systems obtained presents an approach to the minimum human activities required, which gives rise to a Higher Education Institution interested in the virtual modality. The results obtained can be used in future works to enrich the reported outline and to encourage the academic community to use the methodological integration proposed here or a similar one in their research, where traditional analysis techniques can subsequently be expressed through the construct of human activity systems, providing an additional basis for academic discussion and understanding of the social application of conceptual interpretations.Este artículo científico de investigación hace un bosquejo desde un enfoque sistémico de la cosmovisión de la comunidad académica sobre el deber ser de la educación superior virtual. Para ello, se ha hecho una integración novedosa entre pensamiento de sistemas y técnicas de análisis bibliométrico; a partir de estas técnicas, se lograron transformar las palabras claves de la literatura académica reportada en sistemas de actividad humana que dan cuenta de los sistemas sugeridos en el campo de estudio. Este bosquejo de sistemas obtenido presenta una aproximación a las actividades humanas mínimas requeridas, que dan razón de una Institución de Educación Superior interesada en la modalidad virtual. Los resultados obtenidos pueden ser usados en trabajos futuros para enriquecer el bosquejo reportado y para incentivar a la comunidad académica a usar la integración metodológica aquí planteada o una similar en sus investigaciones, en donde las técnicas de análisis tradicionales puedan ser posteriormente expresadas mediante el constructo de sistemas de actividad humana, dando una base adicional para la discusión académica y la comprensión de la aplicación social de las interpretaciones conceptuales.Este artigo de pesquisa científica traça um esboço a partir de uma abordagem sistêmica da visão de mundo da comunidade acadêmica sobre o que deveria ser o ensino superior virtual. Para conseguir isso, foi feita uma nova integração entre o pensamento sistêmico e as técnicas de análise bibliométrica; A partir dessas técnicas foi possível transformar as palavras-chave da literatura acadêmica relatada em sistemas de atividades humanas que dão conta dos sistemas sugeridos no campo de estudo. Este esboço de sistemas obtidos apresenta uma abordagem às atividades humanas mínimas exigidas, o que dá origem a uma Instituição de Ensino Superior interessada na modalidade virtual. Os resultados obtidos poderão ser utilizados em trabalhos futuros para enriquecer o esboço relatado e incentivar a comunidade acadêmica a utilizar a integração metodológica aqui proposta ou semelhante em suas pesquisas, onde as técnicas tradicionais de análise possam posteriormente ser expressas através da construção de sistemas de atividade humana , fornecendo uma base adicional para discussão acadêmica e compreensão da aplicação social de interpretações conceituais

    Toxic Determination of Cry11 Mutated Proteins Obtained Using Rational Design and Its Computational Analysis

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    Cry11 proteins are toxic to Aedes aegypti, the vector of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses. Cry11Aa and Cry11Bb are protoxins, which when activated present their active-toxin form in two fragments between 30 and 35 kDa respectively. Previous studies conducted with Cry11Aa and Cry11Bb genes using DNA shuffling generated variant 8, which presented a deletion in the first 73 amino acids and one at position 572 and 9 substitutions including L553F and L556W. In this study, variant 8 mutants were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in conversion of phenylalanine (F) and tryptophan (W) to leucine (L) at positions 553 and 556, respectively, producing the mutants 8F553L, 8W556L, and 8F553L/8W556L. Additionally, two mutants, A92D and C157R, derived from Cry11Bb were also generated. The proteins were expressed in the non-crystal strain BMB171 of Bacillus thuringiensis and subjected to median-lethal concentration (LC 50) tests on first-instar larvae of A. aegypti. LC 50 analysis showed that the 8F553L, 8W556L, 8F553L/8W556L, and C157R variants lost their toxic activity (&gt;500 ng·mL -1), whereas the A92D protein presented a loss of toxicity of 11.4 times that of Cry11Bb. Cytotoxicity assays performed using variant 8, 8W556L and the controls Cry11Aa, Cry11Bb, and Cry-negative BMB171 on the colorectal cancer cell line SW480 reported 30-50% of cellular viability except for BMB171. Molecular dynamic simulations performed to identify whether the mutations at positions 553 and 556 were related to the stability and rigidity of the functional tertiary structure (domain III) of the Cry11Aa protein and variant 8 showed the importance of these mutations in specific regions for the toxic activity of Cry11 against A. aegypti. This generates pertinent knowledge for the design of Cry11 proteins and their biotechnological applications in vector-borne disease control and cancer cell lines. </p


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    Formulation of a culture medium for the production of δ-endotoxines of Bacillus thuringiensis

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    Objetivo: Formular un medio de cultivo para la producción de proteínas parasporales de Bt.Método: Se evaluaron 5 medios de cultivo, contrastando su formulación con la producción de biomasa. Se extrajo la proteína total de cada uno de los cultivos y se cuantificó por espectrofotometría.Resultados: Se encontró que el caldo glucosado modificado con proporciones 2,4:1 de fuentes de nitrógeno orgánicas (extracto de levadura) e inorgánicas ((NH4)2SO4) mejoró hasta en 70 veces la producción de proteína con concentraciones entre 19,38 y 154,41 mg/mL.Conclusión: Este estudio contribuye a la afirmación de que la proporción entre Nitrógeno Orgánico e Inorgánico tiene efectos importantes sobre la fase III del crecimiento de Bt, contrastando con la producción de endosporas y en consecuencia proteínas totales en las cuales  e incluyen el aumento de las δ-endotoxinas.Objective: To perform the formulation of a culture medium for the production of parasporal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis.Methods: Five culture media were evaluated, contrasting their formulation with the production of biomass.Results: The total protein was extracted from each of the cultures and quantified by spectrophotometry.Conclusion: It was found that the glycoside broth modified with 2.4:1 proportions of organic (yeast extract) and inorganic ((NH4) 2SO4) nitrogen sources improves up to 70 times the production of protein with concentrations between 19.38 and 154, 41 mg / mL. This study contributes to the affirmation that the ratio between Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen have important effects on the phase III of the growth of Bacillus thuringiensis, contrasting with the production of endospores and consequently total proteins in which the increase in δ-endotoxins are included