613 research outputs found

    Coping with the crisis: people with severe mental disorders acting for social change through sustainable energy.

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    Background: The aim of the study was to examine the efficacy of a vocational training program on renewable energy sources in reducing disabilities of people with chronic psychosis (CP). The innovative element was that the project could produce major advantages regarding the economic needs of the whole area involved. Methods: Experimental Cohort, 26 subjects with CP (EC); Control Cohort1, 130 subjects with CP following pharmacotherapy plus other rehabilitation activities (CIC); Control Cohort2, 101 subjects with CP following the usual treatment (pharmacotherapy) (CUC). Study tool: Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS). Assessment made at the start of the study (T0) and after three months (T1). Statistical analysis made by MANOVA. Results: Improvement in HoNOS total score in both groups (F=7.574, p=0.000) with non-significant differences between groups over time (F=1.336, p=0.252) was found comparing EC vs. CIC. Greater improvement in EC vs. CIC was shown in the HoNOS "impairment" scale (F=4.910, p=0.028). EC vs. CUC: both groups improved in HoNOS total score (F=9.440, p=0.000) but the improvement was greater in EC (F = 2.273, P=0.048). Conclusions: Work inclusion, as well as other rehabilitation treatments, reduces the social needs of people with chronic psychosis. Work inclusion in a project with real relevance for the area where these people live, produces more improvement of cognitive, physical and somatic disabilities, probably related to a better outcome in self-efficacy

    Analisi numerica dell’efficacia dei muri sacrificali per la riduzione degli spostamenti indotti da scavi profondi

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    In questa nota si presentano i principali risultati di uno studio parametrico finalizzato al confronto dell’efficacia di diversi tipi di pareti sacrificali, cross-wall (CW) e buttress-wall (BW), nel ridurre il campo di spostamenti indotto da scavi profondi. Nelle analisi sono stati presi in considerazione diversi interassi e diverse geometrie di pareti sacrificali. Il profilo del terreno è costituito da un potente deposito di terreno argilloso sovrastato da uno strato di terreno a grana grossa, e può essere considerato tipico della zona centrale di Roma. Il comportamento del terreno è stato modellato con una legame costitutivo elastico-plastico incrudente. Sia il diaframma sia le pareti sacrificali sono state modellate con elementi solidi, così come gli elementi all’interfaccia terreno-parete e parete-parete. I risultati ottenuti dalle analisi numeriche consentono di mettere in relazione il valore di riduzione dello spostamento con i principali parametri geometrici dei muri sacrificali

    Biomimetic sulfide oxidation by the means of immobilized Fe(III)-5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphin under mild experimental conditions

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    This paper describes the oxidation of inorganic sulfide to sulfate, minimizing the formation of elemental sulfur. The described catalytic reaction uses dilute hydrogen peroxide at nearly neutral pH values in the presence of a bioinspired, heterogenized, and commercial ferriporphin. A substantial increase of the percentage of sulfide converted to sulfate is obtained in comparison with the yields obtained when working with hydrogen peroxide alone. The biomimetic catalyst also proved to be a much more efficient catalyst than horseradish peroxidase. Accordingly, it could be suitable for large-scale applications. Further studies are in progress to drive sulfate yields up to nearly quantitative

    A follow-up on psychiatric symptoms and post-traumatic stress disorders in Tuareg refugees in Burkina Faso

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to carry out a 2-year follow-up of refugees in a camp in Burkina Faso who had been interviewed previously. We also aimed to verify whether the general conditions in which they lived (e.g., protection by international organizations and the conclusion of negotiations and new hope of returning to Mali and reunification with surviving family members) would affect their mental health state. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study repeated over time on a cohort of refugees. People living in the Subgandé camp who had participated in the first survey in 2012 were identified using informational chains and approached for follow-up. Those who agreed were interviewed using the Short Screening Scale for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the K6 scale, French versions, to measure general psychopathology and the level of impairment. Results: The second survey shows a dramatic decrease in psychopathological symptoms (positivity at K6 scale). Improvement was also conspicuous in the frequency of people with stress symptoms (positivity at Short Screening Scale for PTSD and simultaneous positivity to K6 scale). The frequency of people screened positive at the Short Screening Scale for PTSD had also decreased, but the level of improvement was not pronounced. Conclusion: Our findings confirm that when physical conditions improve, psychological symptoms can also improve. Although in the studied sample psychological factors, such as the hope of returning to their own land and thus the possibility of maintaining ethnic cohesion, may have played a role, future research carried out with a proper methodology and sufficient resources to identify protective factors is needed

    MicroRNAs in Cardiac Hypertrophy

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    Like other organs, the heart undergoes normal adaptive remodeling, such as cardiac hypertrophy, with age. This remodeling, however, is intensified under stress and pathological conditions. Cardiac remodeling could be beneficial for a short period of time, to maintain a normal cardiac output in times of need; however, chronic cardiac hypertrophy may lead to heart failure and death. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to have a role in the regulation of cardiac hypertrophy. This paper reviews recent advances in the field of miRNAs and cardiac hypertrophy, highlighting the latest findings for targeted genes and involved signaling pathways. By targeting pro-hypertrophic genes and signaling pathways, some of these miRNAs alleviate cardiac hypertrophy, while others enhance it. Therefore, miRNAs represent very promising potential pharmacotherapeutic targets for the management and treatment of cardiac hypertrophy. - 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A structural spproach to the strength evaluation of linear chalcogen bonds

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    The experimental structural features of chalcogen bonding (ChB) interactions in over 34,000 linear fragments R–Ch⋯A (Ch = S, Se, Te; R = C, N, O, S, Se, Te; A = N, O, S, Se, Te, F, Cl, Br, I) were analyzed. The bond distances dR–Ch and the interaction distances dCh⋯A were investigated, and the functions δR–Ch and δCh⋯A were introduced to compare the structural data of R–Ch⋯A fragments involving different Ch atoms. The functions δR−Ch and δCh⋯A were calculated by normalizing the differences between the relevant bond dR–Ch and ChB interaction dCh⋯A distances with respect to the sum of the relevant covalent (rcovR + rcovCh) and the van der Waals (vdW) radii (rvdWCh + rvdWA), respectively. A systematic comparison is presented, highlighting the role of the chalcogen involved, the role of the R atoms covalently bonded to the Ch, and the role of the A species playing the role of chalcogen bond acceptor. Based on the results obtained, an innovative approach is proposed for the evaluation and categorization of the ChB strength based on structural data

    Fatty acid metabolism and derived-mediators distinctive of ppar-α activation in obese subjects post bariatric surgery

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    Bariatric surger (BS) is characterized by lipid metabolic changes as a response to the massive release of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) from adipose depots. The study aimed at evaluating changes in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) metabolism and biosynthesis of the lipid mediators N-acylethanolamines (NAE), as indices of nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)α activation. The observational study was performed on 35 subjects (27 female, 8 male) with obesity, undergoing bariatric surgery. We assessed plasma FA and NAE profiles by LC-MS/MS, clinical parameters and anthropometric measures before and 1 and 6 months after bariatric surgery. One month after bariatric surgery, as body weight and clinical parameters improved significantly, we found higher plasma levels of N-oleoylethanolamine, arachidonic and a 22:6-n3/20:5-n3 ratio as evidence of PPAR-α activation. These changes corresponded to higher circulating levels of NEFA and a steep reduction of the fat mass. After 6 months 22:6-n3/20:5-n3 remained elevated and fat mass was further reduced. Our data suggest that the massive release of NEFA from adipose tissue at 1-Post, possibly by inducing PPAR-α, may enhance FA metabolism contributing to fat depot reduction and improved metabolic parameters in the early stage. However, PUFA metabolic changes favor n6 PUFA biosynthesis, requiring a nutritional strategy aimed at reducing the n6/n3 PUFA ratio

    A Sub-Picojoule per Bit Integrated Magneto-Optic Modulator on Silicon: Modeling and Experimental Demonstration

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    Integrated magneto-optic (MO) modulators are an attractive but not fully explored alternative to electro-optic (EO) modulators. They are current driven, structurally simple, and could potentially achieve high efficiency in cryogenic and room temperature environments where fJ bit−1 optical interfaces are needed. In this paper, the performance and energy efficiency of a novel MO modulator at room temperature are for the first time assessed. First, a model of the micro-ring-based modulator is implemented to investigate the design parameters and their influence on the performance. Then, a fabricated device is experimentally characterized to assess its performance in terms of bit rate and energy efficiency. The model shows efficient operation at 1.2 Gbps using a 16 mA drive current, consuming only 155 fJ bit−1. The experimental results show that the MO effect is suitable for modulation, achieving error-free operation above 16 mA with a power consumption of 258 fJ bit−1 at a transient limited data rate of 1.2 Gbps
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