5 research outputs found

    Self-motivational Beliefs that Enhance Self- regulation of Students in Virtual Courses

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    The present research exposes the way in which eight students selected from virtual environments of a Peruvian institute of higher education perceive their self-regulation processes in the planning stage. The approach is qualitative with a phenomenological interpretative design. Based on the interview of eight students enrolled in the distance learning modality. The main finding is that students have their own beliefs about themselves that help motivate them permanently in the assignments they must complete. Determined by both external and internalfactors, these help academic tasks to be valued in a positive way, so that their completion gives them satisfaction

    Presentaci贸n de la asignatura: Habilidades comunicativas

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    Representaciones de masculinidades y feminidades en la novela No una, sino muchas muertes de Enrique Congrains Martin.

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    Esta investigaci贸n tiene como finalidad realizar un acercamiento entre el campo literario y los estudios de g茅nero. Asimismo, pretende sostener que la Literatura puede brindar nuevos panoramas para explorar las relaciones de g茅nero y los cambios y permanencias que pueden producirse en ella. Para dicho prop贸sito, abordamos el estudio de la novela No una, sino muchas muertes desde la perspectiva bajtiniana de la Literatura. Bajo estos conceptos se pudo fijar el v铆nculo que sostiene la novela con la sociedad. Luego pasamos a analizar las representaciones de masculinidades y feminidades que en el texto se configuran. Para ello hemos escogido cinco personajes que nos permiten a trav茅s de sus discursos y conductas establecer estas representaciones y la din谩mica que en el interior de estas existe. Por otra parte, nuestro estudio se concentr贸 especialmente en el personaje protag贸nico de Maruja, pues es ella quien nos permiti贸 relacionar su discurso y conducta a la categor铆a de la mascarada como t谩ctica femenina para insertarse en el sistema masculino. De este modo, este personaje refracta una nueva representaci贸n femenina que se erige en las mujeres migrantes de las barriadas de Lima de los a帽os cincuenta.Tesi

    Presentaci贸n de la asignatura: Habilidades Comunicativas

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    Self-regulation in academic work of distance education students

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    This study describes the perception of self-regulation for the planning of academic work in distance education students. Its approach is qualitative with a phenomenological interpretive design because it analyzes the phenomenon of student self-regulation to start and finish academic work in virtual environments. 8 students from a higher education institute were interviewed. It was evidenced that students plan their activities according to the level of difficulty, which increases their self-efficacy and responsibility in decision-making in this modality. In addition, they have identified the development of self-regulation of their learning and valued the teaching presence in their learning environment