376 research outputs found

    Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pimenta N.M., Cortez-Pinto H., Melo X., Silva-Nunes J., Sardinha L.B. & Santa-Clara H. (2017) Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients. J Hum Nutr Diet. 30, 185–192, which has been published in final form atdoi: 10.1111/jhn.12410. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Background: Waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) has been reported as a prefer-able risk related body fat (BF) marker, although no standardised waistcircumference measurement protocol (WCmp) has been proposed. Thepresent study aimed to investigate whether the use of a different WCmpaffects the strength of relationship between WHtR and both whole andcentral BF in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients.Methods: BF was assessed with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in28 NAFLD patients [19 males, mean (SD) 51 (13) years and nine females,47 (13) years]. All subjects also underwent anthropometric evaluationincluding height and waist circumference (WC) measurement using fourdifferent WCmp (WC1, minimal waist; WC2, iliac crest; WC3, mid-distancebetween iliac crest and lowest rib; WC4, at the umbilicus) and WHtR wascalculated using each WC measurements (WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 andWHtR4, respectively). Partial correlations were conducted to assess the rela-tion of WHtR and DXA assessed BF.Results: All WHtR were particularly correlated with central BF, includingabdominal BF (r = 0.80, r = 0.84, r = 0.84 and r = 0.78, respectively, forWHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 and WHtR4) and central abdominal BF (r = 0.72,r = 0.77, r = 0.76 and r = 0.71, respectively, for WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3and WHtR4), after controlling for age, sex and body mass index. There wereno differences between the correlation coefficients obtained between allstudied WHtR and each whole and central BF variable.Conclusions: Waist-to-height ratio was found a suitable BF marker in thepresent sample of NAFLD patients and the strength of the relationshipbetween WHtR and both whole and central BF was not altered by usingdifferent WCmp in the present sample of NAFLD patients.FUNDING SOURCES The first author of this paper was supported by a research grant (PhD scholarship) from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal (grant: SFRH/ BD/ 70515/ 2010). The present study was funded by: the Centre for the Study of Human Performance, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The acute effect of maximal exercise on central and peripheral arterial stiffness indices and hemodynamics in children and adults

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    Xavier Melo is supported by a research grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal (grant: SFRH/ BD/ 70515/ 2010). Nuno M. Pimenta is cofinanced by national funds through the Programa Operacional do Alentejo 2007-2013 (ALENT-07-0262- FEDER-001883)This study compared the effects of a bout of maximal running exercise on arterial stiffness in children and adults. Right carotid blood pressure and artery stiffness indices measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV), compliance and distensibility coefficients, stiffness index α and β (echo-tracking), contralateral carotid blood pressure, and upper and lower limb and central/aortic PWV (applanation tonometry) were taken at rest and 10 min after a bout of maximal treadmill running in 34 children (7.38 ± 0.38 years) and 45 young adults (25.22 ± 0.91 years) having similar aerobic potential. Two-by-two repeated measures analysis of variance and analysis of covariance were used to detect differences with exercise between groups. Carotid pulse pressure (PP; η(2) = 0.394) increased more in adults after exercise (p < 0.05). Compliance (η(2) = 0.385) decreased in particular in adults and in those with high changes in distending pressure, similarly to stiffness index α and β. Carotid PWV increased more in adults and was related to local changes in PP but not mean arterial pressure (MAP). Stiffness in the lower limbs decreased (η(2) = 0.115) but apparently only in those with small MAP changes (η(2) = 0.111). No significant exercise or group interaction effects were found when variables were adjusted to height. An acute bout of maximal exercise can alter arterial stiffness and hemodynamics in the carotid artery and within the active muscle beds. Arterial stiffness and hemodynamic response to metabolic demands during exercise in children simply reflect their smaller body size and may not indicate a particular physiological difference compared with adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Waist circumference in Liver Disease

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    Background Central fat accumulation is important in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) etiology. It is unknown weather any commonly used waist circumference (WC) measurement protocol (mp), as whole and central fat accumulation marker, is preferable for patients with NAFLD. The present study sought to find a preferable WC mp to be used in patients with NAFLD, based on three-fold criterion. Material and methods Body fat (BF) was assessed through Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in 28 patients with NAFLD (19 males, 51 + 13 yrs, and 9 females, 47 + 13 yrs). WC was measured using four different WC mp (WC1-narrowest torso, WC2- just above iliac crest, WC3- mid-distance between iliac crest and last rib and WC4- at the umbilicus). Results All WC measurements were highly correlated particularly with central BF depots, including trunk BF (r=0.78; r=0.82; r=0.82; r=0.84; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4) abdominal BF (r=0.78; r=0.78; r=0.80; r=0.72; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4) and central abdominal BF (r=0.76; r=0.77; r=0.78; r=0.68; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4), controlling for age, sex and body mass index. There were no differences between the correlation coefficients obtained between all studied WC measurements and each whole and central analyzed BF variable. Conclusion All studied WC mp seem suitable for use in patients with NAFLD, particularly as central BF clinical assessment tool, though not interchangeably. Hence biological and precision criteria alone did not sanction the superiority of any WC mp. Practical criteria may endorse WC measured at the iliac crest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Waist-to-Hip Ratio is Related to Body Fat Content and Distribution Regardless of the Waist Circumference Measurement Protocol, in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients

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    Central accumulation and distribution of body fat (BF) is an important cardiometabolic risk factor. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), commonly elevated in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients, has been endorsed as a risk related marker of central BF content and distribution, but no standardized waist circumference measurement protocol (WCmp) has been proposed. We aimed to investigate whether using different WCmp affects the strength of association between WHR and BF content and distribution in NAFLD patients. BF was assessed with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in 28 NAFLD patients (19 males, 51 ± 13 yrs, and 9 females, 47 ± 13 yrs). Waist circumference (WC) was measured using four different WCmp (WC1: minimal waist; WC2: iliac crest; WC3: mid-distance between iliac crest and lowest rib; WC4: at the umbilicus) and WHR was calculated accordingly (WHR1, WHR2, WHR3 and WHR4, respectively). High WHR was found in up to 84.6% of subjects, depending on the WHR considered. With the exception of WHR1, all WHR correlated well with abdominal BF (r=0.47 for WHR1; r=0.59 for WHR2 and WHR3; r=0.58 for WHR4) and BF distribution (r=0.45 for WHR1; r=0.56 for WHR2 and WHR3; r=0.51 for WHR4), controlling for age, sex and body mass index (BMI). WHR2 and WHR3 diagnosed exactly the same prevalence of high WHR (76.9%). The present study confirms the strong relation between WHR and central BF, regardless of WCmp used, in NAFLD patients. WHR2 and WHR3 seemed preferable for use in clinical practice, interchangeably, for the diagnosis of high WHR in NAFLD patients.co-financed by national funds through the Programa Operacional do Alentejo (ALENT-07-0262-FEDER-001883)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Notas alrededor del sistema centro-periferia

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    Sulfassalazine use in Treatment of Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria – Experience of an Outpatient Immunoallergy Clinic

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    Os autores apresentam seis casos clínicos de doentes com urticária crónica idiopática (UCI) que não respondiam à terapêutica anti-histamínica convencional, necessitando de corticoterapia sistémica frequente para controlar as queixas. Após várias tentativas com outras terapêuticas, foram medicados com sulfassalazina. Efectuou-se uma análise deste grupo de doentes, procurando estabelecer uma avaliação do risco-benefício para a utilização da sulfassalazina na UCI, concluindo-se favoravelmente da sua utilização. Apresenta-se uma breve revisão dos mecanismos de acção, efeitos adversos e cuidados na utilização da sulfassalazina

    Atividade Física e Exercício Físico: Especificidades no Doente Cardíaco

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    A atividade física é atualmente um comportamento de grande importância para a promoção de um estilo de vida saudável, contudo vários estudos têm demonstrado elevada prevalência de inatividade e comportamentos sedentários nas pessoas com doença cardiovascular. Uma prática regular de atividade física e de exercício físico em níveis adequados assegura diversos benefícios para a pessoa com doença cardiovascular. Programas de reabilitação cardíaca e de prevenção secundária têm como um dos principais objetivos o incentivo à adoção de estilos de vida mais ativos. Neste artigo de revisão, os conceitos e recomendações sobre a atividade física e o exercício físico estruturado em pessoas com doença cardiovascular, vão ser abordados

    Atopic Eczema/Dermatitis Syndrome in Portugal – Sensitization Pattern

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    A dermatite atópica é uma doença inflamatória crónica da pele, tendo por base diversos mecanismos etiopatogénicos. Considerando a sua heterogeneidade, foi, recentemente, introduzida outra designação para esta patologia - Síndroma Eczema / Dermatite Atópica (SEDA). A associação com alergia alimentar ou respiratória parece ser variável entre as diferentes populações. Objectivo: Analisar um grupo de doentes referenciados à Consulta de Imunoalergologia com o diagnóstico de SEDA, com o intuito de avaliar a associação desta síndrome com a alergia alimentar e doença respiratória nesta população. Métodos: Do número total de primeiras consultas do nosso Serviço durante os anos 2000-01 (n = 3436) foram seleccionados todos os doentes com história de SEDA. A população foi analisada quanto a idade, sexo, existência de alergia alimentar, doença respiratória e resultados de testes cutâneos (TC) por picada. Resultados: Foram encontrados 193 doentes com uma idade média de 7,5 anos de idade (1 -54 anos) e relação F/M = 1 / 1,5. Eram 68 (35,8%) os doentes com SEDA isolada. SEDA associada a doença respiratória foi identificada em 113 (58,5%) e a alergia alimentar em 19 (9,8%) - na maioria dos casos manifestando-se por urticária / angioedema. Os TC revelaram-se positivos para aeroalergénios em 74% e para alergénios alimentares em 18% da amostra. Os TC foram positivos em 58,9% dos doentes com SEDA isolada, 84,2% dos doentes com alergia alimentar e 92% com doença respiratória. Conclusão: Em contraste com outras séries, foi encontrada uma baixa prevalência de alergia alimentar, na maioria dos casos manifestada por reacções imediatas. Mais de metade dos doentes estudados apresentava doença respiratória alérgica associada a uma elevada prevalência de sensibilização a aeroalergénios. Estes resultados reflectem a heterogeneidade das populações com SEDA e a importância dos aeroalergénios na nossa população