17 research outputs found

    The association between the functional incapacity of the older adult and the family caregiver's burden

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify the association between the older adult's functional capacity and the caregiver's burden. METHOD: a cross-sectional, quantitative study, undertaken in a municipality in the north of the Brazilian state of Paraná, with 178 older adults with functional incapacity, and their caregivers. The Functional Independence Measure was used for evaluating the older adults' functional capacity, and the Zarit Burden Interview was used for evaluating the caregiver burden, with the results being analyzed quantitatively. The majority of the older adults were females, widowed, with a mean age of 79.9 years old, and needing assistance for up to 50% of the daily living tasks. The majority of the caregivers were females, daughters, married, and had a mean age of 56.7 years old. RESULT: the majority of the caregivers reported moderate burden; the men presented higher probabilities of lower burden than the women; and the more independent the older adult was, the higher the probabilities of the caregiver having low burden. CONCLUSION: encouraging actions directed at the promotion of active and healthy ageing centered on the maintenance of functional capacity and the older adult's autonomy, and implanting strategies for the organizing of care in the home which include the caregiver's health, can contribute to minimizing the effects of burden and improve quality of life

    Orientação sexual para adolescentes: relato de experiência Orientación sexual para adolescentes: relato de experiencia Sexual orientation for adolescents: report of experience

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    Os autores apresentam aspectos teóricos e práticos que envolvem o Projeto de Extensão Universitária "Corporalidade e Saúde" da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. O desenvolvimento ocorre no campo da Promoção da Saúde, com ênfase nas questões do corpo e sexualidade, saúde mental e violência; visando catalisar discussões e reflexões críticas sobre esse universo. Tem como principal finalidade articular ações nos campos do ensino, assistência e pesquisa. Seu conjunto de ações está direcionado a adolescentes e jovens que freqüentam escolas de ensino fundamental e médio. É uma atividade que se apóia nas orientações do Programa de Saúde do Adolescente (PROSAD), nas ementas do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) e na Declaração dos Direitos Sexuais da World Association for Sexology, alem dos pressupostos da Psicologia Social e Psicanálise. Trata-se de uma prática libertária em que a sexualidade, quando compreendida e adequadamente canalizada, se traduz em amor, criatividade, potência geradora de progresso e de desenvolvimento.<br>Los autores presentan aspectos teóricos y prácticos que envuelven el Proyecto de Extensión Universitaria "Corporalidad y Salud" de la Universidad Federal de São Paulo. El desarrollo ocurre en el campo de la Promoción de la Salud, con énfasis en las cuestiones del cuerpo y sexualidad, salud mental y violencia; visando catalisar discuciones y reflexiones críticas sobre ese universo. Tiene como principal finalidad articular acciones en los campos del enseñanza, asistencia y investigación. Su conjunto de acciones está direccionado la adolescentes y jóvenes que frecuentan escuelas de enseñanza fundamental y medio. Es una atividad que se apoya en las orientaciones del Programa de Salud del Adolescente (PROSAD) en los temarios del Estatuto del Niño y del Adolescente (ECA) y en la Declaración de los Derechos Sexuales de la World Association for Sexology, alem de las presuposiciónones de la Psicología Social y Psicoanálisis. Se trata de una práctica libertaria en que la sexualidad, cuando compreendida y adecuadamiente canalizada, se traduce en amor, criatividad, potencia generadora de adelanto y de desarrollo.<br>The authors tried to present theoretical and practical framework of the project "Corporeal and Health", developed as an extension activity at the Federal University of São Paulo city, Brazil. The project is developed within the Health Promotion area and emphasizes the questions related to the body and sexuality, mental health, and violence, in order to catalyze discussions and critical thinking on this universe. The main purpose of this project is to articulate nursing teaching, caring and researching actions and its activities are directed to teenagers and young adults from fundamental and high school. All activities are based upon the orientations of the Adolescent Health Program (PROSAD) from the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the Brazilian Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) and the Declaration of Sexual Rights, from the World Association for Sexology, along with principles from Social Psychology and Psycho Analysis. It is a liberating practice in which sexuality, when is well understood and properly canalized, can be translated into love, creativity, a force that lead to progress and self development

    Transtornos mentais comuns em médicos e seu cotidiano de trabalho Common mental disorders among physicians and their everyday practice

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar o cotidiano de trabalho e a prevalência dos transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) dos médicos que exerciam suas atividades profissionais no serviço de emergência com os da UTI e enfermarias de um hospital geral da rede estadual em Recife, em 2004. MÉTODOS:Estudo de prevalência tendo utilizado como instrumentos um questionário sobre o Cotidiano de Trabalho Médico e o Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), para identificar os TMC. Foram descritas características demográficas, socioeconômicas e do cotidiano de trabalho dos médicos do hospital. Calculou-se a prevalência global dos TMC e por setor de trabalho. RESULTADOS: Comparando os médicos da emergência com os da UTI e enfermarias, aqueles tinham vínculo empregatício com o Estado (p < 0,0001), múltiplos empregos (p = 0,004), maior carga horária semanal de trabalho (> 71 horas) (p = 0,007), maior sensação de sobrecarga de trabalho (95,74%, p = 0,015) e recebiam no hospital até 5 salários mínimos (p < 0,0001). Embora a diferença não tenha sido estatisticamente significante, a prevalência de TMC foi maior nos médicos da emergência (32,00%), comparando-se aos da UTI (17,65%) e enfermarias (17,54%). CONCLUSÃO: Identificou-se a emergência como setor de maior prevalência de TMC e com médicos vivenciando piores condições de trabalho.<br>OBJECTIVE: To compare the day-to-day workload and prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD) among physicians that exercise their professional activities in the emergency service with those of the ICU and infirmaries of a state-run general emergency hospital in the city of Recife in 2004. METHODS: Cross-sectional study which used a questionnaire elaborated to obtain information on the Physician’s Day-to-day Workload and the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), to identify CMD. Demographic, socio-economic and day-to-day workload characteristics of the physicians of the hospital were described. The global prevalence of CMD and stratified by working sector was calculated. RESULTS: Comparing the physicians of the emergency service with those of the ICU and infirmaries, the formers worked for the state (p < 0.0001), had multiple jobs (p = 0.004), had a greater weekly workload (> 71 hours) (p = 0.007), presented a greater sensation of being overworked (95.74%, p = 0.015) and received up to 5 times the minimum salary at the hospital (p < 0.0001). Although the difference was not statistically significant, the prevalence of CMD was higher among those physicians in the emergency service (32.00%) in comparison to those of the ICU (17.65%) and the infirmaries (17.54%). CONCLUSION: The emergency service was identified as the sector with the highest prevalence of CMD and with physicians experiencing the worst day-to-day working conditions